***Two Days Later***

" So," Justin said to Sarah " Are you gonna stick around?" He asked.

" I don't think I should." Sarah said. They were in the hotel lounge, and it was well past two in the morning. " Hey it's getting late. You should go now. Don't you have an early sound check in the morning?" Sarah said trying to subtly tell Justin that she wanted to be alone.

" Yeah I should." Justin said. " Hey, think about it. We need you to be there." Justin pouted. "It wouldn't be the same without you." He said, and got up off the table and left her.Sarah sighed, and walked up from her table. She saw the grand piano in the corner of the room, and walked over. She sat on the piano bench, and began to play random chords. She began playing a soft melody, and sang along. She got so wrapped up in the music that she didn't notice JC walk in. He sat down, and ordered cup of coffee. Insomnia had hit him. He thought he was hallucinating when he heard faint music. But JC looked up and saw a figure playing the piano. He couldn't make out who it was until he heard the voice. JC picked up his coffee, and moved to a table closer to the piano. He became entranced by the soft music, and closed his eyes to listen to the words. Sarah sang softly to the accompaniment of the piano. Thoughts of her and JC danced in her mind, and tears began rolling down her cheeks.

You've got a way with me
Somehow you got me to believe
In everything that I could be
I've gotta say-you really got a way
You've got a way it seems
You gave me faith to find my dreams
You'll never know just what that means
Can't you see... you got a way with me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
You've got a way with words
You get me smiling even when it hurts
There's no way to measure what your love is worth
I can't believe the way you get through to me
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
Oh, how I adore youLike no one before you
I love you just the way you are
It's in the way you want me
It's in the way you hold me
The way you show me just what love's made of
It's in the way we make love
It's just the way you are
You've got a Way ~ Shania Twain

Sarah finished the song, and looked around the lounge. She heard a small amount of applause from the few people that were there. Then her eyes became fixed on a table that was about ten feet away. She tried to adjust her eyes to the person sitting at the table. When she could see clearly, she noticed it was JC. He had a cup of coffee sitting in front of him, and he was staring straight at Sarah. She got off the piano, and walked up to the table.

" Hey, this seat taken?" She said as she pulled out the chair across from JC.

" No," JC said as he looked at Sarah's tear stained face. " I can't remember the last time I heard you sing. You're amazing."

Sarah slightly blushed at the comment made. " Last Christmas." She said after a moment. JC looked up from his cup. He gave her a confused look. " Last Christmas you made me sing O Holy Night with you at Justin's house." She said.

JC took a moment to think back, and smiled when he remembered. "That's right." He said. "Justin had too much egg nog…"

" And he wanted to go for a swim. The only problem was…" Sarah said smiling.

" He jumped in the pool fully clothed." JC said. He heard Sarah laugh, and he laughed with her. He looked at the way she laughed. She put her entire body into it. She would closed her eyes, and wrinkle her nose up. He shoulders would move up and down, and she always put her hand on her chest. Her smile could out shine a million light bulbs, and she threw her head back. JC was amused at how someone can put so much into a small thing.

Sarah's laugh was one thing, of the many, that made JC fall for her." Oh, the memories." Sarah said and sighed. She motioned for the waitress, and she came up to her.

" Can I get you something?" the lady said.

" Could I get a coke with lemon." She said to the waitress. The lady nodded, and left the table.

" You still drink those." JC said looking at Sarah.

" Uh huh." Sarah said. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

" What are you doing?" JC said looking at Sarah.

"Shhh." She said. " I'm making a memory." Sarah said, and opened her eyes to a coke sitting in front of her. She took the lemon and pushed it to the bottom of her glass. JC smiled at the girl sitting in front of him, he watched her movements, and studied her eyes. Her eyes. He looked into the deep brown of her eyes. Every feeling, every thought, and every memory were in Sarah's eyes. They said so much aout her. They were a window to her soul, a window to her heart.

" A memory?" JC asked.

" Yeah, I want to be able to remember this." She said softly. A lock of hair fell, covering her eyes. She pushed it back behind her ear, and took a sip of her drink.

" What do you want to remember?" JC asked he was curious to see what she was going to say.

" Well, I want to remember this place. The look on everyone's faces. Like, look at that man in the corner. I wonder what he's thinking? And that lady at the bar."

JC looked over to see the lady. " What could she be thinking?

"And I want to remember the way this place looks. The candles on the tables. The way they bounce little rays of light on everyone's faces. I want to remember how this place smells." She took a breath in when she said this. " I want to make a memory. See? I smell the faint scent of the candles. I smell the lemon in my drink, the food on that table. I smell your cologne. I can smell the night air coming from the open window." While she was talking, JC was looking at her. He never took his eyes off of Sarah. He wondered how one person could have so much emotion, so many thoughts, and so much strength. " I want to make a memory of it all." She finished.


" I love New York." Sarah said as she looked at JC. She looked up to the sky and let the snowflakes fall on her face.

" It's great isn't it?" JC said as he watched his girlfriend spinning in the snow. " Try catching one." He said and stuck out his tongue.

" I got one." Sarah said sticking her tongue out. She closed her eyes, and JC pushed her onto the snow. " Hey." She said. " What was that for?" Sarah said, and pulled JC's leg so he would lose his balance. He fell onto the snow beside her, and smiled at Sarah.

" It's in your hair." He said stroking Sarah's hair.

" Now," Sarah said taking a handful of snow in her hand. " It's in your hair." She said and put the snow on JC's head. She burst out laughing, and said, " My little snowman."

" Oh really," He said tackling her, and tickling her at the same time. She looked up, and saw that his face was only an inch away. They smiled, and JC put his lips on hers. Sarah felt his lips were cold, but after a moment they were as warm as they were usually. They closed their eyes, and he put his arm under her head. She brought her arms around his neck, and they shared a passionate kiss lying on a bed of thick snow. When it broke, Sarah kept her eyes closed.

" What are you doing?" JC whispered.

" Making a memory." Sarah whispered back, and JC touched his lips to hers once again.

End Flashback

" What are you thinking about?" Sarah said as she saw JC staring off.

" Oh, nothing." He said smiling because he remembered the time they were in New York.

" Hmm? I know you better than that Josh, and that's not a 'Oh Nothing' look." She said. " What is it?" Sarah said as JC was staring at her.

" I was thinking about that winter in New York. Remember?" JC asked.

" Yeah, I do. You know, everytime it snows, I go outside, and try to catch the snowflakes on my tongue. Remember that?" Sarah said closing her eyes. " My little snowman." She whispered hoping that JC wouldn't hear, but he did.

" Could you do me a favor?" Sarah asked JC.

" Depends." He said smiling. " Sure."

" Play something?" She asked. " Please." Sarah said.

" Any requests?" He said getting up from the table.

" Surprise me." She said. Sarah moved to where JC was sitting, and sipped her coke.

Why do I feel this way again? JC asked himself as he walked to the piano. What am I feeling right now? He thought. Whatever it is, it feels so right. I shouldn't do this.

Sarah thought. It's making it too hard, but it feels so right. She said to herself.

JC sat in front of the piano, and thought about which song to play. He tried to remember what song Sarah really loved, and he remembered one. He set his hands on the piano, and began playing. The soft music escaped from the piano, and became entangled in Sarah's mind. She closed her eyes, and listened intently.

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless worldLike this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many
Moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun
When I give my heart
I give it completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you
When I fall in love ~ Nat King Cole

Sarah sang softly along with JC. I love this song. How did he remember? Sarah asked herself. She watched him sing with all his heart. She loved how he put all his energy into singing. He sang with his soul. He would close his eyes, and wrinkle his forehead. He put his entire body, mind, and emotion into a song. That was one, of the many, reasons why Sarah had fallen deeply in love with him. His amazing talent and the way he could transform a song from notes to a page to a beautiful living thing.JC looked at Sarah periodically, and saw that she was smiling. He loved her smile. It was so genuine. He looked into her dark brown eyes, and saw a glimmer of happiness. He was glad that he had given it to her, and no one else did. The candle on the table shone a pale yellow light onto her tan skin. He tried to concentrate on the music, but became entranced by the way Sarah looked. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

When JC went back to the table, Sarah softly applauded him. "You were great." She said.

" Thank you." He said sitting again. " I aim to please."

" I love that song." She said looking at JC. His eyes looked tired, and she could tell he was stressed out. She wished that she could make him feel better. It's not your place to do that anymore. Her mind said. I know. She thought.

" That was the first song we danced to." JC said taking the last gulp of coffee from his mug.

" It was at your birthday. I remember." Sarah smiled. Why is he bringing all this up? She thought. She glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost four in the morning. " Hey, thank you for this…" She looked at her watch again. "…morning." She said and smiled. "I need to go get some rest. I have a long drive tomorrow." She whispered to JC, and got up from the table.

" Wait you're not coming?" JC said surprised.Sarah nodded her head.

" You have to." He said. " Please Sarah." He pleaded.

" I don't know." She said hesitantly.

" Please. I'm begging you. It won't be the same without you. You have to." He said quietly.

" Why?" Sarah asked.

" We'll all miss you too much." I'll miss you too much. JC thought. "Please, we're so used to you being there, it's going to be horrible if you don't go."

" I'll think about it." She whispered. " Goodnight JC." She said brushing a soft kiss on his cheek. A warm feeling ran through JC's body.

"You'll think?" He asked. Sarah nodded her head. " Okay, but remember…it won't be the same." He said to her. He gave Sarah a light kiss on her forehead. " Good morning Sarah." He said smiling.

The two parted ways, and walked to their rooms. Sarah looked back as JC was leaving, and he kept walking. JC turned to look at Sarah and saw her walking away. He shrugged, and sighed.

I love you Josh. I love you so much. Those words played over and over in JC's mind during his sleep. I love you Josh. JC turned in his bed and thought of Sarah the whole night. I love you Sarah. His heart said. Now and Forever Let's Get 'N Fanfiction