***The Concert***

Sarah watched the entire concert from the wings. She danced along to the upbeat songs, and swayed to the music when the group sang a slow song. One song in particular made Sarah well up with tears. Her eyes widened to the soft melodies coming from the stage. Wait…that isn’t what I think it is. She thought when the guitar started playing. Oh my gosh. It is…it’s our song. Sarah swallowed the lump in her throat. She tried to hold back the tears that were stinging her eyes. She couldn’t help it, and they began spilling out when she heard JC talk.

“This next song,” JC said sitting in a stool. The other four were sitting on stools on either side of him. JC had an acoustic guitar in his hands, and began playing the soft tune. “ …is dedicated to that special someone in our lives. This is a song to remind them that we will be there for them no matter what. Now and Forever.” He said, and played the intro to the familiar song. He closed his eyes, and started to sing the words to a song that he had sung so many times.

Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head
You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread
I lose my way but still you seem to understand
Now and forever I will be your man.
Sometimes I just hold you
Too caught up in me to see
I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me
I'll try to show you each and every way I can
Now and forever I will be your man
Now I can rest my worries and always be sure
That I won't be alone anymore
If I'd only known you were there all the time
All this time
Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand
Now and forever I will be your man
Now and forever I will be your man
Now and Forever -Richard Marx

When the song ended, Sarah had felt like a weight had been lifted up from her chest. JC looked out to the side, and caught Sarah’s eyes. They stared at each other for a moment until JC saw a small smile grace Sarah’s face. That was for you, Sarah. He thought. She applauded him, and the smile on her face widened with pride for him. Thank you. Sarah thought, as the lights in the house dimmed. The group filed off the stage to change for the next set. Sarah waited impatiently for JC to walk past her. When he did, she grabbed his hand, and he stopped to look at her.

“ Wait for me after the concert.” JC whispered. “ I want to talk to you.” He said. Sarah nodded her head, and squeezed JC’s hand tighter.

“ Thank you JC.” She said truthfully. He smiled, and reluctantly slipped his hand from hers.

“ No problem. I gotta go, but wait for me?” He asked.

“ Yes.” Was all Sarah could say.

***After the Concert***

Sarah sat in the dressing room. She gave up on pacing the floor when she saw she was wearing a trail in the carpet. I hope he wants to talk to me about what I want him to talk to me about. Sarah thought. Okay, now I’m confusing myself. She laughed at herself, and her fingers nervously fiddled with one another in her lap. As soon as she heard laughter coming from outside the door, her eyes widened. The door cracked open slightly, and then five guys came in through the room. Sarah smiled at the first one.

“ Hey Sarah!” Chris said, as he stepped in the room.

“Hi!” Sarah excitedly replied. Soon after greeting the other three, Sarah came face to face with her true love, and she felt butterflies in her stomach start to form. She sighed and smiled at JC. He smiled back at her, and took her hand in his own. She felt a warm tingle run through her body as he held her hand.

“Let’s walk.” He whispered and she nodded at him. The two disappeared from the room, but not without Justin seeing them. He smiled slightly, and shook his head. Finally. Justin thought. After a few moments of silence, they ended up talking at the same time.

“Josh-“ Sarah started.“ Bug-“ JC began. They laughed it off, and JC took both of her hands in his own.

“ You go.” He whispered. His words soothed the anxiousness that was building up inside her, and she took a deep breath.

“ Okay.” She smiled. “ Well, tonight, when you sang Now and Forever…” She said, and paused. She carefully chose her next words. “ I felt all of it coming back to me. Every bit I tried so hard to push aside, I felt it all when you sang.” She said, and waited for his response.

“ Sarah,” He said. She bit her bottom lip, and leaned forward in hopes to hurry his words. She looks so cute when she does that. JC said to himself. “ I felt the same way. I mean, I knew it was our song, and when the guys suggested we sing it, I was really hesitant. I was trembling the entire time, Sarah. Every moment of the song, I was thinking about what could be going on through your head.” JC wrinkled his forehead, and Sarah put her hand up to it. She smoothed the wrinkles out with her thumb, and JC leaned towards her hand. He could feel the familiar warm touch of her hand, and he sighed.

“ Josh, I want to be with you.” Sarah whispered as he leaned his head on her shoulder. She stroked the back of his neck, and he blinked back the tears forming in his eyes. “ I never gave up on us, Josh. I was so scared that you had, though.” She said with her voice trembling.

“ No, Sarah. I thought I had, but deep inside I was holding on to us. I never gave up.” JC reassured her.“ I miss you.” Sarah sighed.

“ I miss you too. More than I’ve ever missed anyone. I don’t care if I can’t be with you every minute. But I know, I have to be with you. If I could only have you for a split second, I would be happy.” JC said, and breathed in her scent. He lifted up his head, and looked her in the eye. Both had tears streaming down their cheeks, but JC thought Sarah had never looked so beautiful. Sarah brought both her hands up to JC’s face, and brushed away the small drops of emotion running down his cheeks. He closed his eyes and savored the touch of her hands. She laid her forehead gently against his, and closed her eyes. I love him so much. She thought. She could feel the warmth of his skin just centimeters away from her own, and smiled. JC wrapped his arms around Sarah’s waist, and pulled her closer to him. He felt her hands slide up his arms, and rest themselves on the back of his neck. I love her. He thought. Wait…I love her? He asked himself. Of course I lover her! I’ve always loved her. He told himself. She pulled him close, and laid her head on his shoulder. He rested his cheek on her hair, and took a breath of her sweet smelling shampoo. He could feel her sobbing into his chest, and he gently stroked her back with both hands.

“I love you, Josh. I know you can’t say it back, but I love you more than I’ve loved anyone before.” She said to him.

“ I love you too.” He whispered.

“ I mean, I want to work this out because I can’t live without you. It’s to hard Josh, and it kills when I can’t hold you…wait what did you say?” Sarah said, and lifted her head. She looked into his azure eyes, and with her own eyes pleaded for him to repeat what he said.

“ I love you too.” He said again. Sarah felt a smile form on her tear streaked face, and he smiled back.

“ You love me?” She asked making sure she heard right.

“ Is the sky blue?” He asked. Sarah nodded, and chuckled lightly. “ Then yes, I love you.” JC looked into Sarah’s eyes, and saw that she truly loved him too.

“ Oh, Josh.” She whispered, and they embraced each other again. “ I love you too.” He pulled Sarah towards him, and pressed his lips against hers. It was an old yet a new feeling. Their kiss deepened and grew more passionate. When it ended, both were left speechless. JC smiled at his love, and she returned a smile of her own. He gazed into her chocolate brown eyes again, and spoke.

“ Now…” He started.

“ And forever.” She finished.

Now and Forever
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction