"Ali??..... sweetie wake up.. its almost 5.. we're goign to miss it if you don't wake up soon" JC said shaking my shoulder as i tossed around in the hotel bed. I could never understand how anyone could get up that early. even JC agrees that sleeping is a wonderful thing.

I grumbled as i got out of the warm bed and sleepily walked to my nightbag. I found my khaki drawstring shorts and a green tank top and shuffled into the bathroom. I took a shower to wake me up and got dressed, tossing my blonde hair into a loose ponytail at the top of my head. I knew this morning was going to be special for me and JC. Since my best friend and i were on travelling with the guys on their tour, we hardly had time to spend with each other. But this morning he had planned for us to hike to a beautiful place to watch the sun rise together and I was happy we'd be able to be alone and together finally.

I stepped out of the bathroom refreshed and looked around for JC, but I didnt see him in the room. I felt a cool breeze around me and noticed that the balcony doors were open and i saw him leaning on the railing. I walked outside and stood next to him.

"Look whose finally awake," he said as he saw me shivering next to him.

"Morning baby" i said through a smile as he gave me a good morning kiss.

"Poor thing, your shivering," he said noticing the goose bumps on my bare arms that were folded against me.

"Ya well i thought georgia was supposed to be warmer than this!"

"Well, we'll just have to bundle you up before we go, thats all," he said rubbing my arms to help me warm up. we turned around and walked back into the hotel room, closing the doors to the balcony. JC handed me his black fleece pullover and i put it on while he zipped up his backpack.


"Yup! lets go before we miss it!" i said as we hurried out the door. we tiptoed down the hallway, making sure we wouldn't wake anyone else and got into the elevator. on the ride down, i put my head against JC's shoulder and closed my eyes as he put his arm around me. i was so lucky to have him. i opened my eyes as we reached the lobby floor. it felt so good not to have to run through the lobby making sure no one saw JC. no little girls would be up at 530 am. we both stood outside while his car was being brought to us.

"I love you," he softly whispered as he took my hand into his.

I looked up into his blue eyes and smiled. "i love you too"


I closed my eyes as JC drove the black explorer to our watching place. I dozed off but only for a little while. I was woken up when the car jerked, then smoothed out, then jerked again until it finally stopped.

"Whats going on??" i asked worried something was wrong.

JC laughed. "We've run out of gas i think"

I frowned. "this was supposed to be our day together! it was supposed to be perfect... now what are we going to do?" i said totally disappointed.

"Who says it cant still be perfect? we've got a wonderful view of the sunrise right here. and we're here together right?" JC said cheering me up.

"Your right," i said smiling. i took off my seatbelt and opened the car door.

"Where are you going?" JC asked confused.

"Im not planning on watching a beautiful sunrise from inside your car sweetie! even if it is freezing out here!"

JC smiled and got out of the car too. he took out a small blanket and climbed onto the hood of the explorer, laying the blanket on the roof.

"Be careful!" i said, worried he would loose his balance. he reached for my hand and pulled me up onto the car. i sat in his lap while he wrapped his arms around me and we waited for the sun to come up. the sky started turning heavenly colors of pink and orange.

"JC, its beautiful..." i said amazed at how peaceful it was. i had never been awake to see the sunrise and this was my first experiance.

"I'm glad you think so, because i dont want to leave anytime soon" JC said pulling me closer to him. i rested my head against his chest as he kissed the top of my head. Promises Let's Get 'N Fanfiction