Chapter 3

We got to the deserted beach around 930 and we took off our shoes and layed down the big beach blanket we had brought with us.

“this is more like it!” I said as I ran to feel the temperature of the water. I slowed down just at the water’s edge and let the small waves come to where I was standing. The water was relatively cool and I was glad I hadn’t run all the way in. Just as I was about to turn around JC came and lifted me up, putting me over his shoulder.

“JC no!!! no don’t!!!!” I squealed as he ran into the water. He stopped and threw me off his shoulder and into the water.

“JC!!!!!!!!!! I cant believe you did that!!” I cried as I came up for air.

He just grinned and pushed my wet hair out of my face. “I love the way you look when you get mad.”

I swam around JC noticing he was still halfway dry. I hopped onto his back and pushed as hard as I could, trying to make him go under the waves.

“looks like someone isnt as strong as they thought they were huh?” JC said laughing.

“that’s not fair!!” I cried, mad that I couldn’t get him back. I began splashing him with water and we began a water war. After 15 minutes we were both soaked and laughing at each other.

“well im ready to dry off now,” I said, working my way back to the beach.

“me too.” JC agreed.

We went back to our blanket and wrapped ourselves in the towels we brought. When we had dried off, JC suggested we go on a walk along the water and I followed him.

“JC, what am I going to do about my parents wanting me to go to FSU?? If I go to college, theres never going to be anytime for us to hang out or do anything! The only way I can stay near you is if I buy a house of my own which is totally out of the question since I have zero money!” I said, afraid I would start crying.

“baby, I told you everything is going to work out. You just need to relax and not think about it. When we get back to orlando tomorrow morning, things will be better ok?” JC said with a reasurring look on his face.

“ok” I said trusting that he knew what he was talking about.

We walked along the beach for an hour and decided to go back around 1230. We met up with the rest of the guys, Gwen and Johnny at the hotel. They were waiting for us in Gwen and Justins room.

“everyone ready to go home?” Johnny asked us as we sat down on the couch.

“yes!” everyone cried at the same time. We all laughed and Johnny told us that we were to be on the bus at 11 that night and that we’d be back in Orlando the next morning. The rest of the day was ours to do whatever we wanted.

Joey and Lance decided to go to the movies, while Chris and Johnny talked about a song Chris had been thinking about. They all left to do their plans, leaving Justin, Gwen, JC and I alone in the room.

“are we going to do something together today or seperatley?” Justin asked.

“I think we could all do something together like shopping! Gwen and I have been together for the past 4 and a half months but we haven’t had any time to go shopping with you two!” I said.

“And I bet you could use some help!” Gwen added laughing.

Justin and JC agreed and me and JC went back to our room to shower and change. I put on my only outfit left in my nightbag, a pair of jean shorts and a pink t-shirt. I put my hair half up half down and put on my sneakers. We met in the lobby half and hour later and took JC’s car to the shopping center down the road. Lonnie sent two guards with us in case we were attacked by fans.

The first store we went into was abercrombie and fitch. The guys picked out a few shirts and we picked out a few for them. While they were trying things on, Gwen and I talked.

“Ali, what are we going to do about this whole college thing?? I cant buy a house, I just don’t have that kind of money!” Gwen said with a shaky voice.

“I know, but JC said that everythings going to work out and I believe him. I just hope hes right” I said as the dressing room doors opened. Justin came out in a green t-shirt which Gwen and I loved, but JC came out in a huge grey t-shirt which was way too big for him. We all laughed.

“JC you could fit another person in that t-shirt!” Justin said pointing at him.

They tried on a few more things and bought a few shirts. We looked around the mall for another hour and a half and Gwen bought a pretty light blue sundress and I bought a similar one in pink. We went back to the hotel around 230. When we got back, Joey and Lance were already back from their movie.

“how was it?” Gwen asked them.

“horrible!!” Lance said, “not only was it boring and had terrible acting, but there was a group of girls who recognized us and had us surrounded until we agreed to sign autographs for each and every one of them!”

We all laughed. “You may think its funny now, but boy am I glad we got outta there!” Joey said agreeing with Lance.

“so what do we do now?” I asked, looking at my watch which read 315. We still had about 8 hours to kill.

“I don’t know. How about we just watch some movies here?” Lance suggested. We figured there was nothing better to do and after we ordered Pretty Woman, it started to pour outside.

“good thing we went to the beach early, huh Ali?” JC whispered to me. I nodded my head, singing along with the opening song.

When the movie was over, it was about 530 and we decided to go get room service for dinner. Chris joined us and after we finished our food, we decided to kill some more time buy watching another movie. After fighting over Top Gun and While You were Sleeping, we chose While You Were Sleeping. Chris and Joey groaned that they had to watch it, but by the end they were both really into it.

At 830, Chris, Joey, and Lance went back to their rooms and JC and I did too. We sat on the bed and watched some tv until it was 1045. We got our bags and double-checked that we had everything. When we were sure we did, we went down to the lobby to wait for everyone else. The bus was already there, so we got on it and put our stuff in the back and sat down near the tv on the couches. Lance was the next on the bus. He put his bags away and sat in the back with us.

“im so glad we get to go home,” he said looking really tired. “First thing im going to do is go home and sleep, sleep and sleep some more.”

By 11:15, everyone was on the bus and ready to go. We watched David Letterman and fell asleep when we hit some traffic on the highway. Chris, Joey, Gwen and Lance had all gone to their bunks while JC, me and Justin layed down in the back. I woke up to my stomach rumbling and went to the front of the bus to get a snack. I got out some pretzels and a Coke and sat down at the small table. I glanced at the clock. It was 3am and we still werent in orlando yet. I didn’t want to think about what was going to happen when we got back, so I put the pretzels away and went to my bunk and fell asleep. Let's Get 'N Fanfiction