Six months had passed since those fateful days when four lives crossed and had everlasting consequences. As they had promised eachother, Lance and Jessica kept communicating. In fact, Lance had juggled his severely overbooked schedule to take Jessica to her senior prom. Ariel and Justin had also kept in touch, but not nearly as much as Jessica and Lance. Ariel felt that she and Justin slipped into more of a comfortable friendship, rather than a passionate relationship. Now that it was summer Jessica decided to visit Lance while *N SYNC was in Orlando. After much convincing, Ariel agreed that she and Eric would come with her to see the boys. The three boarded a plane together, Jessica talking a mile a minute.****

"Oh Ariel I'm so excited!" Jessica exclaimed as she gripped Ariel's hand.

"I'm sure Lance can't wait to see you." Ariel said

"Oh I hope so! Six months is a long time....I hope he still feels about me the way I feel about him."

"I'd bet my life on it, considering the fact that you saw him a month ago for prom and he couldn't keep his eyes, or hands, off of you!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. What about you and Justin?"

"I'm not sure. I mean I still think he's a wonderful man, but I don't feel the passion for him that I did you said, six months is a long time."

"Well, according to Lance, Justin is extremely excited about us visiting....."

"Jess, I can see the wheels turning in your head. No matchmaking. Justin and I need to deal with this on our own. Got it?"

"Sure sis. Yo matchmaking." Jessica said with a grin

"Why don't I believe you?" Ariel grumbled as she snuggled into her airplane seat

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