Justin was by Ariel's side as much as he could be that night. He fed Eric, bathed him and put him to bed as well. At nine o'clock he gently woke Ariel from her deep slumber to give her more medicine and attempt to force some soup into her.

"My Ariel. Wake up, I have something that will make you feel better."

"Hrrrumph." came her muffled reply

"Come on, baby. Please open your beautiful eyes for me."

"Justin, don't try to charm me now. I feel like sh*t."

"I know, but this is the worst. After tonight you'll start to feel loads better."

"Whatever....gimme the drugs and leave me alone."

"How about some soup too?" Justin insisted

"I'm not hungry."

"Just a small bowl. It will help."

"Fine. Whatever it takes to get you to leave me alone."

"Thanks hon." Justin zipped to the kitchen and gobbled down a sandwich as he prepared her soup. When he returned to the bedroom he found her fast asleep. "Ariel, wake up. Soup's on."

"OK." Ariel said, too weak to argue

"Just a spoonful at a time."

Justin took the spoon, filled it soup and gently blew on it to cool. Then he brought it too Ariel's lips. She sipped it slowly.

"How's Eric?" Ariel asked between spoonfuls

"He's fine. After swinging we did a lil Barney, a lil mac n cheese for dinner, bath time, then he went right down for me. I think he was pretty beat from the trip home."

"Yeah. Thanks for taking care of him Justin." Ariel said quietly

"Sure baby. I want to be able to take care of you and Eric all the time."

"Yeah, you want to, but you can't. You're hardly ever around."

"Maybe so, but I'm here with you now, and I'm gonna make sure that we make every second we have together count."

"OK Justin. I'll give it a try, but it's hard to be optimistic about having a romantic relationship with someone when I feel, and probably look, like roadkill."

"Well, for starters you don't look like roadkill. You look like someone who is sick and needs someone to take care of her....and I'll be that someone. Now swallow these and lay down."

Ariel took the pills from his hand, swallowed them, then relaxed against her comforter.

"So, I guess this means that you're playing nurse." Ariel said coyly as her eyes began to close

"Yeah, I guess it does.....or you could just call me Dr. Timberlake."

"And what, pray tell, do you specialize in, Dr. Timberlake?"

"Love and tenderness, baby." Justin said smoothly

"Justin, that is so corny." Ariel giggled softly

"Yeah, but it made you laugh. Go to sleep, little girl. I'll see you in the morning." Justin leaned down and brushed a sweet kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.

* * * * *