Two days later, Ariel was feeling immensely better, and was able to resume her life. Ariel was getting dressed in her room when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

Justin walked in with Eric in his arms. Justin deposited Eric onto Ariel's bed where he immediately began bouncing on it.

"Hey babe, you ready for a day of fun?"

"Sorry, Justin, but I gotta go to work today."

"What! Are you serious?"

"Justin, I told you the reason that I came home was that I had responsibilities here. Work is one of them. I have already taken off more days than I can afford. I have to go in."

"There's nothing I could do that could persuade you to stay?"

Not waiting for her answer Justin wrapped one arm around her waist and drew her to him, pressing himself to her back. Then, with the other hand, he lifted the veil of hair covering her neck and proceeded to place light kisses up and down her nape.

"Justin......," Ariel hissed with pleasure

"Yes?" Justin asked huskily

".....I've gotta go." Ariel reluctantly stepped out of Justin's arms. Then she left her room and went to the front door to collect her keys. Justin picked Eric up from the bed and quickly followed Ariel.

"Can I have a kiss good-bye?" Ariel asked Eric

"Sure." Justin replied, misinterpreting Ariel's question on purpose

Justin put Eric on the floor, leaned in and lightly brushed his lips against hers. Once. Twice. Three times, then he claimed it as his own. His tongue lavished her lips until they parted and allowed his tongue the entrance he desired. Ariel moaned against his lips and wound her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Justin let his hands roam her back, caressing her, loving her. Suddenly a crash startled the two of them back to reality and they broke apart. Ariel looked over to Eric and saw that he had dumped his entire toy bin onto the floor. Justin met Ariel's eyes, still glazed from the passionate moment they had shared.

"Have a good day at the office, honey." Justin said with a grin

"Don't get smart with me, Curly. Thanks for watching Eric, I'll be home around ten."

"Ok. Don't forget me while you're gone."

"Forget you?" Ariel asked with disbelief. She raised a finger to her lips, swollen from Justin's kisses. "Knowing that I have you to come home to is the only thing that makes me believe I can survive today. I really don't want to go back to that place." Ariel said as she sighed

"You don't have to, Ariel. You can leave this town. Come on the road with me. You and I both know that the group won't last forever. After it's run we can settle down together. You can take those college courses you wanted to, you could get a job that you liked.....everything could be perfect."

"But Justin, I can't uproot Eric like that. Besides, I'd have to discuss it with Jess, before I made a major decision like that. This is our house, the house we were brought up in, the only thing our parents left to us. I just don't know."

"Baby, I'm not trying to pressure you into anything, I'm just giving you the options that you have. Please, don't worry about it today. Go to work, get your job done, and come home to me. I've got some plans for us tonight."

"Justin," Ariel said in a warning tone, "I got a little carried away with that kiss a moment ago, but I really meant it when I said I wanted to take it slow."

"Ariel did I say that sex had anything to do with our plans tonight?"

"Well, no but..." Ariel blushed

"You're cute when you blush." Justin said as he kissed her nose

"Uhgg. You really know how to piss me off, don't you?"

"Oh yeah baby, I know all the right buttons to push."

"You certainly do." Ariel thought. "Good-bye Eric, be good for Justin for me."

"Bye Mommy." Eric said as he toddled toward her and blew her a kiss

"Bye Justin."

Ariel waved at her boys and walked out the door. Once it had closed behind her, Justin looked down at Eric.

"So....what do you want to do?"

* * * * *

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