"Justin, I'm home." Ariel said as she entered her home at 10:15 that night

Ariel was completely exhausted. Her illness had drained her strength and a long, stressful day at the diner was not what she needed. She searched the kitchen and living room and couldn't find Justin. Ariel began to get worried.

"Justin? Justin, where are you?" Ariel called as she rushed toward the back of the house

Justin stood in the middle of the hallway, looking exceptionally sexy in cargos and a dark green sweater.

"Looking for me?" Justin asked innocently

"Yes. Why didn't you answer me when I called you?"

"I was busy with your surprise."

"My surprise?"

"Yep. For tonite I am your lowly servant and I must carry out your every desire."

"Ohhh, I'm liking this surprise."

"Ok, first things first....get undressed."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me girlie."

"Justin...what about taking it slow?"

"We are...go into the bathroom and get undressed, you'll understand why once your inside."

"I don't know about this...."

"Please baby, just humor me." Justin pouted

"I thought you were supposed to do what I said."

"I will, but you'll like this, I promise."

"Ok Justin." Ariel sighed much to tired to argue

Ariel stepped into the bathroom and her senses were assaulted by her surroundings. Candles were randomly strewn, casting a sensual glow to the room. The tub was filled with warm water and lavender-scented bubbles. Ariel smiled at Justin's sweetness and complied with his order to undress herself. She pulled her hair into a messy knot on her head, leaving tendrils down the sides and back and slipped into the tub and leaned her head against the cool tile. She could feel the tension from her day melt away from her tired body. Her eyes began to drift shut when a soft knock sounded on the door.

"My Ariel, can I come in?"

"Ummm, I'm not really decent, Justin."

"Honey, I've already seen every inch of your beautiful self before, there's no need to be shy. I just wanna talk to you."

"I suppose."

Justin walked into the bathroom, put down the toilet seat and perched himself on it while Ariel arranged the bubbles so that her body was completely hidden from Justin's eyes.

"So, how was your day?" Justin began conversationally

"Oh just wonderful." Ariel answered sarcastically

"What happened?"

"Well, first of all, because of your little kissing stunt, I was ten minutes late and I got chewed out by my boss. Then, some nasty guy was sitting at the bar and totally eyeing me, and flirting with me, it was so horrible. And then, when I was walking past him with a tray of food to take to a table, he actually pinched my butt!"

"HE WHAT?!? Nobody touches my women's *ss but me!!" Justin exclaimed angrily

"Yeah, well I wouldn't worry about him bothering me anymore."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because, on me second trip to the table I 'accidentally' spilled a chocolate milkshake on him."

"That's my girl." Justin said chuckling

"Oh, it gets worse. He yells at me in front of the entire diner, then he orders my boss to fire me on the spot, saying I did it on purpose."

"Well, did you do it on purpose?"

"Yes....but he deserved it."

"Well, what happened?"

"The other waitresses at the diner backed me up, saying that it was a freak accident, that I slipped on something on the floor, which made me spill the shake. My boss let me off with a warning, but if I have another incident like that tomorrow, I'll be out of a job."

"I'm sorry that you had such a tough day." Justin sympathized

"Me too." Ariel sighed

Justin slowly moved from his position on the toilet and moved to the side of the tub, Ariel only an armslength away.

"Turn around, baby. Let me rub all those worries away."

Ariel obeyed and her insides turned to mush when Justin's hands touched her shoulders. She sighed with contentment.

* * * * *

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