Justin's hands began to massage her shoulders, rubbing away the hours worth of stress she had accumulated.

"So, how do you and Eric spend the day?" Ariel asked

"We were feeling tired from all of yesterday's excitement, so we spent the day building with Legos, watching Blue's Clues and taking a nice long nap."

"Sounds like fun stuff."

"It was. Seriously Ariel, I had a good time. I don't mind taking care of him. I just wish we could have more time together."

"Well, I'm working the next few days, but I have Saturday off. We'll spend the whole day together."

"Sounds like a plan, sweets."

Justin continued massaging, increasing hand pressure when he found a large knot at the base of her neck.

"Oohhhhh. That feels good." Ariel groaned

"I'm glad."

Justin let his hands travel up and down her back, squeezing, rubbing, caressing her, until both of them were thoroughly aroused. Justin took a risk and let his palms graze the curve of her breasts. Ariel turned around to look at Justin. She reached her arms out and wrapped them around his neck and pulled him close to her. Her kiss was sweet, yet demanding. Justin responded immediately, adding pressure and passion to the kiss. Ariel let her hands wander along Justin's neck, playing with the wisps of hair she found there. Justin gently broke of the kiss. Ariel looked at him in confusion. Justin gave her a smile and grabbed a white fluffy towel from the rack and held it out for her. Ariel stepped from the tub, no longer bashful about her body and walked into the towel, which he wrapped around her. Then Justin whisked her off her feet and carried her into her bedroom. He put her down and began to dry her body, using the towel as a tool of seduction, touching her everywhere his hands and lips wanted to be. Finally, she stood before him, begging for him, but Justin knew it wasn't the right time. He grabbed silk nightgown from her drawer, and put it on her. Ariel had a bewildered look on her face.


"Yes, my Ariel?"

"Why are you doing this, don't you want me anymore?"

"Oh God yes, I want you, but I want to take it slow this time around. Last time we were together, things were rushed, I want to enjoy this. Let the passion grow...."

"That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. But...."

"But what?"

"I need to be close to you tonight."

"Your wish is my command."

Without another word, Justin stripped to his boxers and crawled into her bed. Ariel got in next to him and laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

"Goodnight, my darling." Justin whispered

* * * * *

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