Ariel awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes and the sound of childish giggles mixed with masculine laughter. Ariel smiled and rolled out of bed. She pulled a robe around herself and walked into the kitchen, or rather the disaster zone. It was a complete mess, and Justin and Eric stood in the middle of it, enjoying every second. Ariel's eyes focused in on Justin. It was hard to ignore the fact that he was only clad in his boxers. Ariel had to bite back a sigh of contentment. This scene was perfect, Justin looked like he belonged right in the middle of her life, and Ariel knew, that if went away, she would never be able to fill the void he left behind. Pushing her negative thoughts aside she plastered a smile on her face and spoke up.

"Well boys, I hope you're planning on cleaning this mess up."

Justin and Eric froze and turned to face her, both of them looking like naughty little boys who knew they got caught.

"Mommy, we make bekfest."

"Yes, I see that. Why don't you let Mommy take over, ok?"

"K, Mommy."

Justin gave her a sheepish shrug.

"I, uh, sorry about the mess. I guess we got a little carried away."

"That's ok Justin, it's just not gonna be fun for me to clean."

"Why would you clean it? I made the mess, I clean the mess. Now sit down, I intend to finish what I started and cook you breakfast."

"As much as I would love to sample your culinary talents Justin, I really don't have time today. It is my day for the carpool so I gotta get Eric ready for his playgroup then pickup 4 for of his buds, drop them off at the center and pick them up again two hours later. Plus, I've gotta go grocery shopping, make a stop at the bank, do a couple loads of laundry....the list goes on." Ariel said with a sigh

"Well baby have no fear, cause SuperJustin is here to save the day. I'll go to the store for you, pick up the essentials, while you take care of Eric."

"Oh Justin, why? You've already done so much for me."

"Because I want to, and because I love you. Running to the store is no big deal, and if it makes your day easier we both win."

"Why do we both win?"

"Because, when you're happier, I'm happier."

"Whatever Curly, you just wanna get some." Ariel quipped

Justin crossed the room and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her up against him. Their lips were just centimeters apart.

"I could've 'had some' last night and you know it. I want to wait and make it special, but don't think I'll be an angel for forever."

"I'm glad about that." Ariel said huskily then laughed at Justin's shocked expression

"You certainly know how to make it hard for a man to keep his pun intended."

Ariel smacked his behind before brushing her lips to his and then pulling out of his embrace.

"Come on hunny bunny, we've got a lot to do today." Ariel said

Justin shook his head and chuckled at her endearment, then together they wrote up a shopping list, and they went off to accomplish their respective task.


Justin arrived back home only ten minutes before Ariel came back with Eric in tow. Justin was putting away the groceries he had bought, but his thoughts were preoccupied with Ariel.

"Justin, I've got to leave in like five minutes. Whatever you do for dinner is fine."

Ariel said as she walked into the kitchen fumbling with the buttons on the front of her waitress uniform. Justin's breath caught at the sight of her.

"What are you looking at?" Ariel questioned

"I never realized how sexy your lil outfit was." Justin said as he strode purposefully toward her

"Oh no..down boy. No kissing me. You know what happened the last time, you nearly got me fired!"

"Ok, sorry I'll behave. So you'll be back around ten?"

"Yep. You and Eric behave yourselves while I'm gone."

"Yes, Mommy."

Ariel shook her head, grabbed her keys and walked out the door. Justin sighed as he watching her retreating figure. Only one week left until he had to go back to Orlando, it was time to pull out all the stops.

* * * * *

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