That night, after he put Eric down, Justin began his preparations for Ariel's homecoming. He took a long hot shower and then got into his silk pajamas. He ordered the Chinese food, set the table and lit the candles. Once the food arrived he served in onto the plates. He glanced at his watched and sighed when he realized it only read 9:30.

"Damn, what am I supposed to do with myself for another half hour?" Justin mused outloud.

Then he brought a hand to his mouth to stifle a yawn. Ariel's couch was looking incredibly inviting to him. He eased himself onto the cushions and let his eyes close.

"I'll just chill here until she comes home." he mumbled before he drifted off to sleep****

Ariel eased her key into the lock, and pushed the door open. The first thing she saw was the romantic dinner set up. Her eyes softened and she smiled. She slipped off her shoes and dropped her keys on the table.

"Justin, where are..."

She abruptly stopped speaking when she saw Justin's sleeping figure on her couch. He looked so sweet and innocent. She stared as his face, smiling at his peaceful expression. His lips were lax, and slightly parted. For the first time Ariel noticed how long and sexy his eyelashes were. Ariel couldn't resist the temptation to touch him. She sat beside him on the couch and gently brushed her lips against his. Justin's eyes opened slowly, his body awakening to Ariel's touch.

"Hey girlie, I think we got this fairytale backward. Prince Charming is supposed to wake Sleeping Beauty with his kiss, not the other way around." Justin said sleepily

Ariel began to pull away, but Justin reached and arm out, and tugged her back into him. "Oh no no no. Where do you think you are going?"

"Well, I noticed the dinner you have prepared and I wanted to slip into something more comfortable."

Justin made a sound, similar to a growl and released Ariel.

"I'll reheat the food while you get ready, my Ariel."

"Ok. I hope you made a lot, I'm ravenous."

"So am I." Justin said, "And not just for food." Justin silently added ****

While Ariel changed in her bedroom, Justin waited for her with restless anticipation. He busied his hands with food preparations, when they were begging to touch her.

Justin sighed. "God get yourself together...." he chided himself as he ran a hand through his curls

"Is the food ready?" Ariel asked as she entered the room

Justin turned around and his mouth formed a perfect "O." Instead of a barely there nighty, as he had expected, she stood before him clad in flannel pajamas. Ariel couldn't help giggling at his reaction. She had known what Justin had expected, as she couldn't resist teasing him a little.

"Close your mouth, honey. You're letting flies in."

Justin's lips formed a smile, and tried his best to appear unfazed.

" you like Chinese?"

"Oh, I love it. Thanks for ordering it. I'll pay you back later."

"Oh no you won't." Justin said forcefully, "This is as close as taking you out on a date as I can get, and I want it to be proper."

"Are you living in the dark ages, baby?" Ariel questioned, "Women have been paying for themselves for a while now."

"Yeah, well not my woman." Justin grumbled

"I'm your woman?" Ariel asked as she sat down across from him at the table

"You could be.....if you'll have me as your man." Justin said as he took her hand in his

"Hmmmm. That's a mighty sweet proposition you're making. But, I'm gonna have to think about it." Ariel teased

"Yeah, tease me now. But when I'm finished with you, you'll be begging to be near me, and crying when you're not."

"My, my, my, aren't we ambitious?"

"Not ambitious, but confident, and in love with you." Ariel stared at him. Those sweet words, although they had been shared between them before, still shocked her. "Justin, I....."

The shrill ring of the telephone shattered the spell. Ariel nearly catapulted up from the table and grabbed the receiver.

Rekindled Love

Let's Get 'N Fanfiction