Pure annoyance and frustration pulsed through Justin. Who the hell was calling her at this time of night? His question was answered by her squeal of delight. "Jessica!! Oh my God. How are you? Where are you?"

"Ariel, slow down. Lance and I are doing great. We visited his family for a few days, then he whisked me off to Mexico, that's where I am now....oh damn, I didn't call at a bad time. I didn't even think about timezones."

"Oh, well I was kinda in the middle of something, but no matter."

Ariel pretended not to hear Justin's small noise of protest.

"Something, huh? That something wouldn't have to do with a UNC obsessed blonde, would it?" Jessica prodded

"Shut up Jess." Ariel say good-naturedly

"Sure Ariel." "So, why did you call?"

"Well, I realized that in the past few days, I hadn't even called to see if you were alright. I felt really guilty about practically forcing Justin on you. He just seemed so pitiful....."

"Don't worry." Ariel said, cutting of her sister, "Everything worked out fine."

Jessica began telling a story about her and Lance's beach adventure when Ariel turned to look at Justin. She gave him a small smile of apology, and he returned it. He gestured that he was going to leave the room to give her some privacy, and Ariel blew him a kiss in thanks. Justin pretending to catch it, and place it on his lips. Then he left the room.

".....and it was so hysterical."

As Jessica finished her story, Ariel made no response.

"Ariel? You there, girlie?" Jess asked

"Oh yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something." "What?"

"Well, Justin told me, that if I wanted to, I could leave this place and go on tour with him until the band's run was over."

"Whoa." Jessica breathed, "It's kinda funny though, Lance asked me to do the same thing." "Really? What did you say?"

"That I had to talk with you about it."

"I said the exact same thing." Ariel said with a worried sigh "What's wrong?"

"It's just that, it would be so tempting to leave this life behind and start a new one. Away from this f*cking bumble town. Away from that damn diner. But, if I went with Justin, and things didn't work out, I would be out on my *ss, alone without anything."

"First of all, if you and Justin decided to break it off, there would be no way in hell he'd desert you like that, and if he even tried, I'd kick his *ss. But more importantly, if Justin is willing to make such a huge commitment to you, you know his feelings must be genuine. Has he told you he loved you?"

"Yes,.....actually he did just before you called."

"Sheessh. Sorry about that, I have crappy timing."

"So what do you wanna do?" Ariel asked

"I love Lance, and the thought of spending this much time with him, makes me unbelievably happy. I know what my decision is gonna be. I know I'll miss out on the college thing, and maybe once in a while I'll regret that I didn't try living on my own and being independent, but as of right now, I know I belong wherever Lance is."

"Oh Jess," Ariel sighed brokenly, "I love him so."

"Then go to him. Tell him you love him. Tell him you'll go wherever he goes. Just imagine how wonderful life with him would be. Getting to spend more than a few days with him at a time."

"Oh, that would be heavenly. But what about the teenyboppers?" Ariel asked

"This is my theory about them. Let them gawk and scream at them all they want, so long as when night comes, they're dreaming about them, and we're f*cking them." "Jessica!" Ariel exclaimed

Jessica's laughter was her only reply.

"Go to your man. Tell him. Or better yet.....show him."

"Jessica, you have such a dirty little mind. Go bother Lance."

"Maybe I will. We'll talk tomorrow about getting everything at home squared away." "OK, Jess. Are you sure we're doing the right thing?"

"I've never been more sure about anything in my whole life."

"Will I be happy?" Ariel asked

"I can't answer for sure, Ariel. But I know that Justin cares for and respects you, and you said yourself that he said he loves you. In my mind, only good can come from that." "I'm scared Jess."

"Me too, Ariel. But I think it's worth it."

"Yes,.....it is worth it." Ariel said slowly

"Justin's awaitin'!" Jess said

"Yes. I love you, Jess."

"I love you too. Now, go grab yourself a man."


"Bye." Ariel let the receiver return to the hook. The implications of her decision rushed upon her. She was committing herself to Justin and leaving the life she had always know behind. Suddenly, she felt incredible release and happiness, along with the fierce need to be with the man she loved.

Rekindled Love

Let's Get 'N Fanfiction