Ariel, Eric and Jessica stepped off of the plane and into the bustling airport. After they gathered their baggage they walked toward the front lobby. When they reached it they saw a limo driver holding a sign with their names on it. They quickly made their way toward him, juggling their suitcases, and got into the limo. Jessica was immediately disappointed when she realized Lance wasn't in the car. "Why isn't he here?" Jessica cried

"Honey, he's a famous singer. He'd totally get mobbed if he came to a crowded airport....and besides, everyone would be asking questions if he was meeting a girl here," Ariel said patiently, although she was also disappointed that the guys hadn't come to greet them.

"Yeah, I guess."

The two girls sat in silence as the limo rolled through the streets of Orlando. Finally they arrived at the hotel the boys were staying at. As they had expected, a throng of teenyboppers surrounded the hotel entrance, hoping for a glimpse of the famous fivesome. A bellhop gathered the girls luggage and took them into the lobby.

"Hello, how can I help you?" asked the hotel manager

"Umm, we're staying with *N Sync, could you tell me where to find their rooms?" Ariel asked

"Yeah right, girlies. You can't fool me." The manager snapped

"No really, we're friends of theirs." Jessica insisted.

"I'm sure you are."

"We're supposed to stay with them, and I'll prove it to you." Jessica said

Jessica picked up the phone on the desk and dialed Lance's cell phone number. After two rings, Lance answered.

"Hello?" Lance said

"Hiya baby, it's me." Jessica said

"Jess! Where are you?" Lance asked

"I'm downstairs in the lobby. The hotel manager refuses to let us up. Could you call the circulation desk and talk to her?"

"Sure sweetie. I'll see you in a minute."

The two hung up. As soon as Jessica hung up the phone it promptly rang again and Jessica gave the manager a smug look as she answered it.

"Oh hello Mr. Bass," a slight pause ensued, "I'm very sorry. No, I'll send them right up."

The manager hung up the phone, reached behind her and grabbed two keys.

"Here you go. Your party has rented out the top floor for the week. Your rooms are up there as well. Please enjoy your stay here. I apologize for inconveniencing you." The manager said meekly

"That's alright. We understand you were just doing your job." Ariel said as she took the keys from the managers outstretched palm.

Jessica and Ariel, who was carrying an exhausted Eric, headed toward the elevators. Jessica punched in the floor number and leaned against the side of the cramped compartment.

"Jess, are you OK?" Ariel asked

"Yeah. I'm just a lil bit nervous, ya know. I'm on his turf now.....we're not protected by our bumble town. This is Orlando, the official home of boybands. There's no way that the guys can stay inconspicuous. Which means that we'll be the center of attention too!"

"It'll be fine. If you guys love eachother, which I know you do, then there's nothing to worry about."

"I hate you cause you're so calm." Jessica growled

The elevator dinged as it reached it's destination. The girls took a deep breath and headed out into the hallway. They could here masculine laughter coming from room 503. Ariel's hand was poised to knock on the door when she glanced at her sister.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

* * * * *

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