At the sound of Ariel rapping her knuckles against the door, it was flung open wide. Jessica dropped her bags in the hallway and ran straight into Lance's arms. She jumped up onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist, then brought her mouth down onto Lance's. Ariel, much more reserved, stuck her head in the door.

"Hi guys. Could one of you help me with the bags? I really want to put Eric down somewhere."

"Sure!" Joey jumped up off of the couch he was laying on and walked over toward Ariel. He bent and kissed her check in greeting before grabbing the bags

"How's the little guy?" JC asked

"He's pretty tuckered out. I'm kinda hesitant about leaving him in my room alone...."

"No prob chica," Chris said, "you can put him in room adjoining this one."

"Thanks." Ariel excused herself to take care of Eric and freshened up. Throughout that entire time, Lance and Jessica had been locked in a fevered embrace. Only after Ariel returned to the room, did the two break for oxygen. Ariel sat down on the couch next to JC and looked around the room. Justin's absence was suddenly very apparent to her.

"So, uh where's Justin?" Ariel asked, hoping she sounded nonchalant

"Oh he's sick. He came down with the flu yesterday. He's trying to sleep it off some. I was actually about to wake him up to make him eat something.....but I'm sure seeing you would do him much more good than chicken noodle soup." JC said

"Ok I guess. What room is he in?"

"504, just across the hall. Here's the spare key." Joey said as he threw the metal object to her

"I'll just go check on him real quick." Ariel said and she got up off of the couch.

"If he wants some food, just call up some room service or something." Chris called to Ariel's back as she closed the door behind her.


When Ariel entered room 504 she was met by the sound of groaning. She dashed to the bedroom to see Justin thrashing in his sheets, sweating from the fever. Ariel went into the bathroom and wet a washcloth under the faucet then brought it back to the bed. She gently caressed Justin's forehead with the cloth. Justin began to calm from the relaxing motion. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Ariel?" Justin questioned

"Yep. Remember Jess, Eric and I came in to visit you guys."

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"That's ok honey. I hear you're feeling pretty crappy."

"Nah, just a lil bug. I'll be better in no time."

"Yeah, we all know you're tough. Hold on let me get you something to drink."

Ariel poured him a glass of ice water which he accepted gratefully. The cool liquid soothed his parched, burning throat. "Thanks."

"Sure. Are you feeling up to eating anything?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I'm ravenous, so would you mind if I went and got some food?" Ariel asked

"Why don't you order up some room service, so that we can have some time together?"

Ariel looked at that hopeful glint in Justin's eyes, and was unable to refuse his small request.

"Sure Curly. I'll be back in a sec."

Justin relaxed against the pillow and smiled in contentment. He had missed Ariel and wanted to recapture what they had experienced six months ago. Of course, being sick, he wasn't really feeling or looking like a Casanova......but maybe he could use his sickness to his advantage, he thought slyly. "I'm back."

Justin gave her a weak grin, playing up his sickness to the hilt. "Could you get another cool cloth for me? That felt really good."

"Sure, honey."

Ariel came back from the bathroom with a fresh, damp cloth and pressed it to his forehead. Justin inhaled her intoxicating scent as she leaned toward him.

"Remember the last time you played nurse, my Ariel?" Justin askedAriel remembered, oh God how she remembered. Him standing there wearing next to nothing as she tended to a wound on his forehead. Then the kiss...him pressing his body, damp from the shower, against her as their tongues met. Ariel almost groaned out loud from the memory.

"It looks like that cut didn't leave a scar." Ariel said, avoiding any mention of their kiss as she moved the cloth downward to caress his neck and collar bone. Justin reached up and touched her cheek. Had he not been ill, he would have pulled her down for a passionate kiss. Suddenly aware of their intimate closeness, Ariel pulled away from his touch. Justin stared at her with question in his eyes.

"Why don't you want me to touch you?" Justin asked bluntly

"Because things have changed in the last six months....I mean we can't just pick up where we left off."

"Why not?"


"Because....." Justin prodded

"I mean it's not like you've been faithful to me or anything. How could you with all of those available girls that surround you 24-7?"

Justin looked as if she had slapped him across the face. "Doesn't my word mean anything to you? Before I left you six months I promised to give this relationship the best shot possible. Why in the hell would I be with another woman when I all I craved was you. You're all I've ever wanted or needed. I could only think about you. I compared every other girl I met to you....and none of them measured up. Don't you understand, I'm still in love with you. But obviously you don't feel the same way, I mean why else wouldn't you trust me?"

"Justin, I do care very deeply about you. But love.....I'm not ready for that. And don't be pissed because I questioned your faithfulness! My run with men hasn't exactly been the best one, and I'm used to disappointments. I haven't seen you in six months and you could have any woman at your beckon call. I just can't seem to believe or understand why you would want me." Ariel shrugged her shoulders and stared at the wall, unable to look in his eyes

"My Ariel, I know you have had bad experiences with other men, but I am not other men. As to why I would want you, there are infinite reasons why: you're beautiful, sweet, caring, intelligent, and a wonderful mother. Need I continue? I can wait for forever for you, but I have to know.....do you think you could you ever love me?"

"Oh God Justin, I don't know. What I do know is that I want you in my life. You make me happy. That's all I can give you right now."

"Well, that's enough for me. At least there's hope for you yet, kid." Justin said as he tried to lessen the tension between them

"Yeah, hope."

Justin brought Ariel's mouth to his and gave her a light kiss. But before Ariel could respond, there was a knock on the door. Ariel got up abruptly to get her room service.

"Yes, Ariel, there is hope for you yet. One day you will come to me with a heart full of love and we'll be together forever. But how the hell am I gonna get you to do that?" Justin whispered.

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