After some serious medicating and sleep, Justin was able to attend all of their scheduled events that week. Jessica and Ariel didn't get to spend much time with the guys so they had fun checking out Orlando. Today the guys had their last photoshoot, and then they were on a two week hiatus. They boys could hardly contain their excitement and relief.

"Smile guys.....come on, I know you're tired, but after we finish this role we'll end this session." The photographer said, immediately motivating the guys who put on their sexiest smiles for the camera

"I can't much more of this." Justin muttered through gritted teeth, as he kept his smile in place

"Just a few more...." JC reassured the group

"OK guys, that's a wrap."

"We're free!" Chris yelled

"Yeah, for what, like three seconds, then back to work." Justin grumbled

"Shut up dude." Joey growled

"Let's get back to the hotel, I can't wait to see Jess." Lance exclaimed

"We have to decide what's going on for our vacation. Are we splitting up or what?" JC asked as the group piled into the limo waiting outside the studio

"We should talk to Ariel and Jess, see what they want to do, because I'm not letting them go home just yet. Since we've been so busy this week, I've hardly seen Ariel or Eric at all!" Justin complained

"Yeah, I was hoping that Jess would want to come home with me."

"Home? I don't wanna go to your bumble town!" Justin exclaimed

"Why would you have to go to Lance's?" Joey asked

"Because, if he brings Jess, then Ariel will go too....and if Ariel goes, I go."

"Well, how bout we both make lil stops off at both our homes then head off to some kick*ss place from some fun?" Lance proposed

"Sounds like the sh*t to me. Now we just gotta ask the chicas." Justin said


"Oh Lance, that sounds wonderful!" Jess exclaimed as she leaped into Lance's arms at the suggestion of spending two more weeks with him

"Umm, I don't know if I can take two more weeks off. Besides working at the diner I was planning on taking some college courses at the community college this summer so I can get a real job." Ariel said

"Oh but Ariel, you have to come." Justin said, practically begging

"Justin, I just don't think I can...." "Well, at least think about it."

"Sure Curly, I'll think about it."


That night Ariel as Ariel was about to slip under her covers there was a knock on her door.

"Jess, what's up?" Ariel asked as she let her sister inside

"I've been thinking."

"About what?"

"About the guys' offer."

"Yeah I have been too."

"You have? Oh please tell me you'll go Ariel, please! I couldn't possibly pass up the chance to spend two whole weeks with Lance."

"Then, you'll get to be with Lance for two whole weeks." Ariel said

"We're going! Alright! Wohooo!" Jessica got up and started doing her lil happy dance

"No, Jess, you're going. I'm taking Eric home."

Jessica stopped dancing and her jaw dropped in shock.

"What? You've got to be kidding!"

"No, I'm not kidding. I'm leaving tomorrow. Our flight leaves at noon tomorrow."

"Oh Ariel, how can you do this?"

"Jess, I have to get back. I have too many responsibilities at home."

"Then, I'm going home too." Jess said with a dejected sigh

"No you're not! You have been my rock for the past couple of should have been the other way around. You gave up your teenage years for me, Jess. The least I could do is give you a two week vacation."

"Ariel, are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Oh God Ariel, you don't know how much this means to me."

"I think I have an idea. Now go tell Lance the good news."

Jessica nodded and ran out of the room and across the hall to where Lance was staying.

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