Justin, still steamed, walked over to JC's room and pounded door. A bed-rumpled JC answered the door. Just seeing JC with his hair sticking up all over the place made Justin calm down a little and he almost laughed......almost.

"What the hell Justin?" JC demanded barely coherent

"JC, are you awake enough to talk?"

"I am now. Come in."

Justin slipped into JC's room. JC closed the door with a sigh, knowing all hopes of a full night of sleep were gone.

"So what the f*ck has you all riled up that you need to wake me up in the middle of the night?"

"First of all it's only 10:30 JC, but the reason that I'm so upset is Ariel."

"What happened?"

"Well, I just went over to her room, with flowers, because I wanted to convince her to come with Lance and I on our lil trip."

"I'm guessing she turned you down."

"Oh yeah. See, Jess is going but Ariel feels she has too many responsibilities to come."

"Sounds reasonable to me, Justin."

"But it's not fair, JC! I love her and it's like she doesn't want to be with me. She's leaving tomorrow with Eric."

"It sounds like she made up her mind. I know you're disappointed that you won't be spending your vacation with her, but you guys can keep in touch like you had been before. It's not like you hate eachother or anything like that." "Well...she's probably pretty pissed at me. I acted like a total jerk."

"You better make it up to her if you want Ariel back in your life. If you let her get on the plane without settling things, you're screwed."


The next morning Ariel awoke to a dreary day. It was cloudy and drizzling outside. The sour weather matched her mood. She went into the bathroom to shower before Eric woke up, and was startled by her ppearance in the mirror. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, her lips cracked and her skin pale. She looked as though she had aged ten years in one night. Besides that, she felt like sh*t. Ariel had an inkling that she had come down with the flu that Justin had suffered from the week before. But there was no way in hell she was gonna let him find out about that. He'd try to use it as an excuse to stay. That was the last thing Ariel wanted. She needed to get away from here, away from the hurt, back to her simple life with Eric. She slipped her nightgown over her head and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water pelt her body.


That morning Justin sprang into action. He knew trying to talk to Ariel now would only make things worse. She needed time, and because of his stupid*ss pride, he had screwed up once again and pushed Ariel away. He needed help to get her back and Justin knew just the person to help him.

"Justin, I don't know about this." Jessica said wearily.

Last night Ariel had come to her door, tears streaming down her face and she had told her what Justin had done and said. Jessica wasn't sure she

could trust Justin not to hurt her sister again.

"Please Jess, you know we're meant for eachother. I just screwed up."

Jessica gave him a look.

"Ok, so I majorly f*cked up. But does that mean I don't deserve a second chance? Just tell me when her plane leaves and the airline and then I'll leave you alone."

"Justin, if I was to give you this information, what exactly would you do?"

"I would find her, grovel at her feet, begging for forgiveness."

"Sounds like a plan. But if Ariel rejects you, you're gonna have one sh*tty vacation."

"I don't plan on her rejecting me. I'll do whatever it takes. I need her in my life. I love her."

"Fine, Justin. I'll tell you what you want to know," Jessica relented, "but if you hurt her again, I'll kill you."

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