"Home sweet home."

Ariel said as she unlocked the door and pushed it open. The sight of Justin in her home again, sitting on her couch, caused all of her memories of her time with Justin to bombard her all at once. Eric was squirming in her arms so she released him. He ran over to Justin and grabbed his pantleg.

"What's going on, buddy?" Justin asked as he crouched down to be at eye-level with Eric

"Pease come swing wiff me."

"Sure, where are the swings?" Justin asked Ariel as he stood up, Eric in his arms

"At the park, just a block up the road. You can practically see it from here."

"Wanna go to the park with us?"

"Actually Justin, I'm feeling kinda tired, would you mind taking Eric yourself?"

"No....but I thought we were gonna spend time together."

"We are Justin, I promise, but I really feel like crap and on the whole plane ride home I was dreaming about my bed."

"I was too." Justin thought

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I think I just caught that flu you had before." Ariel said sighing

"Poor baby. Go lay down and get some rest. After Eric and I do some swinging, I'll come back here and take care of you."

"I really appreciate it, Justin." "Anything for you, my Ariel."

Justin kissed her gently on her forehead before heading out the door, Eric in tow.


"Did you have fun, Eric?" Justin asked as they neared Ariel's house after a strenuous swinging session

"Yes, thanks Wustin."

"Sure, anytime. Ok, we gotta be quiet inside the house cause mommy's sleeping."

"Ok, I quiet."

"Good boy. How about I hook you up with some juice and a video while I check on your mommy?"

"K Wustin."

After settling Eric in front of the TV with some juice, Justin made his way to Ariel's room. She lay on her bed, completely clothed with one arm flung over her eyes. Her body was hot and her breathing shallow. Justin was immediately concerned. Without thinking about the consequences, he decided he needed to get her out of her clothes and into something more comfortable. He went over to her dresser and pulled out the top drawer only to find some sheer negligees. Justin groaned and quickly slammed it shut. He moved on to the second drawer and found a T-shirt for her to wear. Then he made his way over to Ariel. She looked almost lifeless and was completely unresponsive when he removed her shoes and socks. Then, Justin slowly, as not to wake her, unzipped Ariel's pants and slid them down her legs. Only then to she make a move to protest.

"Justin, what are you doing?" Ariel asked weakly as she looked at him with glazed eyes

"I'm taking care of you," was his simple answer.

Ariel didn't resist him, even when he unbuttoned her shirt and pushed it off her shoulders. Then Justin undid the clasp on her bra. Justin had to bite his lip to keep himself from gasping at her beauty. He quickly threw her clothes aside and put the T-shirt on her. Then he pulled the heavy comforters to the bottom of the bed and covered her with a light sheet. He kissed her forehead, took her hand and began his bedside vigil.

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