As Justin had predicted, *N SYNC's run of success did come to an end a few years later. The group had split up as the best of friends, promising to always be there for eachother. Each of the guys went their own separate way.

Joey's love for performing kept him in the entertainment business. He did a stint on the soap opera "Days Of Our Lives" for about 3 months before coming out to New York to tackle Broadway. While performing in one show in particular, he met a lovely dancer named Laura. The two hit it off right away, and were married only 1 month after meeting. After the show's run was over, the two settled down in a New York high rise apartment. A year later Laura gave birth to their first child, a boy. Now they have four children, another boy and a set of twin girls. After the girls were born, Joey went back to acting and was in several blockbuster films.

JC's talent for music kept him involved in the industry. After the band's end he created a production company of his own in Chicago. One day, a woman named Julia came into JC's office asking for a contract. After hearing her demo, JC decided to represent her. JC fell head over heels in love with Julia, while she was focused on getting her career off the ground. When JC proposed to her, she accepted, hoping that her new status and his connections would help her get signed by a more prominent company. A year later she was offered a deal from a prestigious production company. She accepted the offer and asked JC for a divorce. JC gave it to her. Luckily for him, the two had signed a prenuptial agreement before they married, so Julia couldn't take JC's money from him. But she had already taken something much more valuable, his heart. After the divorce, JC delved into his work and built a wall around himself that only the guys from *N SYNC could breakdown. After another year of healing, JC began dating again. Although he is currently single, he is now seeing a young women named Amanda that he met at a party.

Surprisingly, Chris was the first of the guys to get married, despite the fact that Lance & Jessica and Justin & Ariel were practically engaged. Right after the group ended Chris moved to Chicago. He had always said it was one of favorite cities to play in, and he was able to chill with JC. JC and Chris worked together on some projects, but mostly Chris partied. One night at a dance club he met the woman of his dreams. Her name was Carly, and she claimed she was the biggest *N SYNC fan alive. When they had broken up, she had been completely distraught. That night at the club when Chris asked her to dance, she nearly fainted. But, she got herself together, and found herself being swept off her feet. That night as they left the club, Chris asked her if she wanted to get married. Carly hastily agreed, and the two flew off to Vegas and got married. After a honeymoon in the Bahamas, Chris and Carly returned to Chicago. Needless to say, the guys were shocked, but overjoyed when they found out. Chris and Carly are still together and are madly in love. They have two baby girls, both of which are becoming as crazy as their dad.

Jessica loved being on tour with Lance and the guys. The two of became officially engaged six months before the group broke up, but everyone knew it was bound to happen. Lance and Jessica had a storybook wedding a year after the group broke up. It had been the first time the guys had all been together since *N SYNC had split up. It had been an emotional experience for everyone. The two honeymooned in Paris and conceived their first child on their wedding night. They have one boy and a girl. They moved into a ranch near Lance's home town. Lance had been a smart investor while the group had been big, and now the two of them could live comfortably without a steady income. Currently Jessica is pregnant with their third child.

While on tour with *N SYNC the media had a field day with Ariel and Justin's relationship. They had tried to keep it relatively underwraps, but it had been impossible. The lack of privacy and constant media attention had almost driven Ariel away from Justin. But his love and devotion to her had been strong enough to pull them through. After the group ended the two built a house together in Justin's home town of Memphis. After the house was completed they got married. Afterwards, rather than starting a family, Ariel went back to school to get her degree. She became a successful business woman, eventually becoming the owner of a string of hotels. After a few years of success, Ariel decided to take some time off to start a family. Besides Eric, who was growing up to be quite a handsome young man, the couple had two more boys. During the time she was having the children, she was still involved with her company, so that after her youngest was born, she jumped right back into it. Justin played Mr. Mom and loved every second of it. Everyone in his town liked and respected him, and he couldn't help but notice the admiring looks he got from the moms in his carpool.

Jessica and Ariel are as close as two sisters can be. They talk to eachother quite often on the telephone about those special days during a snowstorm when they met their destiny.


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