"Dude, I am so freakin hungry! Who's idea was it to go through this bumble town?" Justin said as his stomach growled for the umpteenth time that day

"We're all hungry, Justin." Chris said in an impatient tone

"Look guys! A diner!" Joey exclaimed "Wahoo! Sustenance at last!" JC cried

"Lemme out of here!" Justin cried. The five ravenous boys jumped from the bus and made a beeline for the diner. Inside Ariel, the waitress was closing up.

"Oh no, oh God no. Please don't tell me you're closing!" Lance begged when the five came inside

"Sorry boys. We'll be open at 9 tomorrow for breakfast." Ariel said

"Please umm, umm," Justin looked at Ariel's nametag and continued, "Ariel, we've been on the road all day and this is the first place to eat we've see in hours."

"I'm really sorry guys, but I have to go."

"Please Ariel, we'd be forever in you debt. Just a hamburger or something." Joey asked giving her his puppy dog eye look

Ariel sighed. She promised Jessica she'd be home by 10 so that she could go out. She was late as it was. But one look those pitiful faces and she knew she was too much of a softy to say no.

"Ok guys. What'll it be?" Ariel asked with resignation

"Oh I love you!" Justin jumped up and gave her hug. Ariel gave him a strange look before focusing on the rest of the strangers.

"Sorry about him, when he's hungry he gets a little strange. I'm JC, the weird curly one is Justin, that's Lance, Joey and the one with the dreds is Chris."

"That's ok. Nice to meet you guys, but I'm kinda in a hurry, so tell me what you want so we can all be on our way."

"I think we'll all just have burgers and fries to make it simple for you." Lance said

"Alright. I'll be back out in a minute." Ariel went into the kitchen. Since the cook had already left her to close, she was gonna have to cook their food herself. She sighed again.

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