"Ariel. Ariel. Wake up honey. We should go back to our rooms before the others wake up." Justin whispered

"Huh?" Ariel lifted her sleepy head off of Justin's chest

"I said we should go back to our rooms before everyone else gets...."

"Goodmorning all." Chris said as he walked into the room interrupting Justin

"....up." Justin finished

Ariel shot up off of Justin like a rocket. She quickly distanced herself from him, but she knew she wasn't fooling anybody.

"Morning Chris." Justin said through gritted teeth

"Hi Chris, how about some breakfast?" Ariel offered, obviously still flustered from being discovered in Justin's arms

"That would be great, thanks."

"How about some pancakes?"

"Sound good." Chris said with a smile

Ariel got up off of the couch and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Chris took Ariel's seat on the couch, wasted no time and immediately began interrogating Justin on what had happened between him and Ariel. "Bounce, what happened with you two?"

"Nothing. We just couldn't sleep so we talked.....she needed some comfort, so I offered to hold her....we fell asleep. End of story."

"Is she ok?"

"Yeah, I think so. She went through some really tough times, though." Justin said as he shoved a hand through his unruly hair

"Do you want to be with her?" Chris asked him

"I don't know....I think so....I'm not sure....oh sh*t. Look Chris I gotta go deal with my fro, make myself presentable. Why don't you go bother someone else?" Justin got up and stalked away

"Whoa looks like you struck a nerve," Joey said as he walked in, "Justin went off huffin and puffin."

"He's just confused."

"Morning Joey," Ariel said as she walked into the room, "you want some pancakes?"

"Oh yeah!" Joey exclaimed

The two boys followed Ariel into the kitchen.

"Here, enjoy them. I can make more if you need them. I'm gonna go take care of Eric."


Ariel smiled to herself as she made her way to Eric's room. She could hear him babbling his nonsense words to no one in particular, or so she thought. She walked into the room and stopped stunned at the doorway. There was Justin, changing Eric's diaper and putting clothes on him while he sang a song for him. A warm feeling spread through Ariel as she watched the scene in front of her, but before she could slip away discreetly, her adorable son gave her away. "MOMMY!!!" Eric shrieked, pointing a chubby finger at the doorway

Justin stopped singing and whipped his head around.

"Hi my big boy. Is Justin taking care of you for Mommy?" Ariel said to Eric as she made her way over to the pair

"Hi Ariel. Hope you don't mind.....I heard this lil guy on my way back to my room and I knew you were making pancakes so I just thought...." Justin rambled

"Justin, that's fine. I appreciate the help. It certainly looked like you knew what you were doing."

"Oh, I have two little brothers at home so ya know...."

"Yeah....thanks Justin. Eric, can you say thank you to Justin for changing your diaper?" Ariel prodded her son

"Tank oo Wustin." Eric gave Justin a drooly grin

Justin felt a soft tug at his heart from the toddler's words. "You're welcome, buckaroo." Justin gave Eric's head a soft pat and smiled at Ariel "I'm gonna go take a shower, if that's OK."

"Sure. There are towels in the closet across from the bathroom."

"Thanks Ariel."

As Justin walked past her he placed a small kiss on her forehead. Once he was out of the room Ariel smiled.

"Justin is one special guy." Ariel confided in her two year old son

* * * * *