While Justin was taking a shower, Ariel brought Eric in to the kitchen for his breakfast. Eventually JC, Jessica and finally Lance filed into the kitchen for their food. Lance went over to the fridge to get some orange juice. Jessica followed him over there and put her arms around his waist so that he was facing her. She leaned in for a good morning kiss, but Lance broke out of their embrace, closed the fridge and sat down at the table. Jessica stood their in shock. Her shock quickly turned to rage.

"Lance, could you come with me and get some pancake mix in the pantry, it's too high up for me to reach." Jessica said as she glared at Lance

"Uhhh, sure." Lance reluctantly got out of his seat and followed Jessica to their pantry. Once inside, Jessica slammed the door shut.

"What the hell?" Lance exclaimed

"Don't give me that! What's wrong with you? Are you going to pretend last night didn't happen....that we almost made love! You treated me like crap in there. Are you embarrassed of me? Of what we did?" Jessica seethed at him

"No, God no. Last night was very special to me, but I'm thinking maybe we should keep this our little secret."


"Because, we're only gonna be here for a little while longer and frankly I've never gotten this involved with a girl this fast. I'm worried what the guys will say. Besides, I'm afraid if I spend anymore time with you, I won't be able to stop myself from ravishing you senseless."

"That's a bullsh*t answer, pal. I wanna be with you....and I want the whole world to know it."

"Is that what will make you happy?" Lance asked

"Yes. I want you and me to be together, but I won't be your lil playmate. I want to be more than that."

"I want to be with you too," Lance sighed and pulled Jessica into his arms, "sorry, I was such an insensitive assh*le."

"You're forgiven on one condition."

"What's that baby?"

"That you 'ravish me senseless'." Jessica said huskily with a sultry grin

"Oh I promise you I will, but the pantry isn't the prime location for what I have in mind."

"Well, until then I will settle for a kiss."

Jessica snaked her arms around him and pulled him into her. The two shared a passionate kiss before leaving the pantry holding hands. They walked back into the kitchen together giggling.

"So guys, where's the pancake mix?" Chris asked eyeing the pair inquisitively

"Ummm...oh, I forgot it in there. Lance wanna come back to the pantry with me?" Jessica asked him sweetly

"Oh, sure Jess."

The two ran off together to the pantry and resumed making out.

"I think those two hooked up last night." Joey said to no one in particular

"No sh*t sherlock." Chris said smacking Joey upside

"Wow, Jessica works fast!" Ariel thought to herself as she continued to wash the sticky maple syrup from Eric's face, "I wonder ...."


Justin let the water cascade down his body, massaging his muscles. He leaned his head against the wall, closed his eyes and thought of Ariel. It was obvious he cared about her......but did she like him as more than a friend or confidant? Justin sighed, he wished he had time to take it slow with Ariel, but he knew that if he wanted to be with her, time was of the essence. He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower with determination. He promptly slipped on the wet bathroom floor and hit his head on the corner of the sink.

* * * * *