"Oh my God, Justin are you ok?" Ariel cried as she ran across the room to him

Justin staggered across the room, in nothing but a towel, hanging loosely around his hips. He held a bloodstained towel to his forehead.

"Oh, just had a little run in with the sink. Would you mind bandaging it up for me? I'm feeling a little woozy."

"Sure Justin, let's go back to the bathroom." Ariel led the obviously shaken Justin back to the bathroom. Ariel sat Justin down on the top of the toilet seat and looked around for bandages and medicine. Once she found it she gingerly pulled the towel off of Justin's forehead. The gash wasn't very deep or long, but it was obvious that there would be a bruise there long after the wound healed. With the utmost care, she began cleaning the cut. Once it was clean, she squeezed some medicine from the tube and placed it on his cut. He visibly winced from the contact.

"I'm sorry Justin, we wouldn't want a scar to ruin your sex-symbol status." She said with a grin as she continued tending to his cut

"Oh I read some where that women find scars sexy." Justin said

Ariel smiled in response as she unwrapped a Band-Aid and put in on over his cut. Then she gave his forehead a kiss. Justin looked at her with questions in his eyes. "...for being a brave boy." She explained

Her eyes skimmed over Justin's still damp body. It was hard not to look this barely clad beautiful man. Ariel felt something stir inside of her that she had never experienced before. Ariel hastily got up and began putting the medical supplies away. Justin watched her. Had he seen what he thought he'd seen.....had she been checking him out? Oh God he hoped so. Summoning up all his courage he slowly stood up.

"Thank you, my Ariel. I am forever in your debt because of your healing touch. Your wish, is my command."

"Remove that towel." Ariel's mind screamed. She was shocked at her need for this man.

"Oh, no need to be dramatic. I was just playing nurse."

Ariel was about to walk out the door when Justin stopped her. He closed the door and she leaned against it as Justin's face came inches from hers. "If you ever want to play nurse again, I am available to be your patient. Or better yet, I could be your doctor." Justin said huskily

"Justin..." she moaned as Justin crushed his mouth against hers

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