After a day full of videos and just pure laziness, the group gathered together for a huge dinner. Ariel, with Joey and JC's help, prepared a massive Italian feast, complete with spaghetti and garlic bread. The group sat around the table and enjoyed the meal together.

"I am so dumb," Ariel sighed as she looked at her spaghetti clad son, " why do I keep making spaghetti when I know he ends up being orange! You are gonna need a serious bath, bugaboo."

Eric just stuffed another handful of spaghetti near his mouth, only half of it actually going in.

After another twenty minutes or so of eating, the group finished and went their separate ways. JC, Chris and Joey went into their room to watch more TV. Lance and Jessica offered to clear the table and clean the kitchen. Ariel took Eric out of his booster seat and headed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Would you like some help with him?" Justin asked Ariel

"Sure, why not. But just as a warning, he likes to splash."

"That's ok...the wetter the better, I always say." Justin said in a low voice as he caressed her cheek

Ariel gasped and blushed at Justin's obvious double implication of his comment. The two made their way to the bathroom. Ariel plopped Eric in the tub of warm water and began to scrub his dirty face. As Ariel had predicted, Eric grew restless and began splashing water everywhere, eventually completely drenching Ariel, her T-shirt sticking to her every curve. Justin's eyes wandered to her chest. Ariel could feel his eyes on her and her nipples puckered in response.

"Ok bugaboo, let's get you dried and in your jams." Ariel said unsteadily as she wrapped her son in a towel

"Mommy all wet." Eric said, clapping his hands with glee

"Yes, mommy is all wet."

After drying Eric, and putting him in his pj's, she placed him in his bed. She bent down and kissed his forehead. Justin ruffled his hair lightly and followed Ariel out of the room. Once in the hallway the two stood, staring at eachother in silence. The sexual tension between them was almost tangilble.


Lance and Jessica had made quick work of the kitchen and had settled down on the couch in the living room.

"So, Mr. Bass, what do you want to do?" Jessica asked innocently as she played with Lance's ear

"Oh, I have a few ideas in mind," he growled

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Jessica provoked, knowing exactly what he meant

"Like taking you up on that offer to 'ravish you senseless', for one."

"I like the way you think. Are you prepared this time?" Jessica asked as she began placing kisses behind the ear she had been fondling

"Yesss....." his voice coming out as a hiss

Without warning he swept Jessica up into his arms and walked towards Jessica's room. He stopped cold when he saw Justin and Ariel in the hallway.

"Oh hi sis." Jessica said sheepishly as she climbed out of Lance's arms

"Hi Jess, no need to freak out. I know what you're going to do, and as long as you are responsible about it, I have no problems. Besides, what could I do about it anyway, you're an adult now." Ariel said giving Lance a glance that clearly said that if he hurt Jessica in anyway there would be hell to pay

Jessica leaned over and gave Ariel a quick hug before taking Lance's hand and leading him to her bedroom

"That should be us." Justin whispered to Ariel

Ariel looked at him with wide eyes. "I don't know if I can......"

"I need you Ariel.....we'll go slow."

A smile curved on Ariel's lips as she whispered her answer, "Yes."

* * * * *