Ariel and Justin walked into her room and closed the door. Justin gently pulled Ariel close to him. His lips hovered over her lips, his excitement evident.

"I'm going to make you feel like you're flying." Justin said his eyes flashing

Then his lips connected with hers. At first it was just a brush of his lips over hers, then his kisses became more ardent. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, and she responded immediately, her own tongue searching his mouth. Slowly, he broke the kiss and began placing kissed on her face....from her nose, her eyelids and chin, but ignoring her lips.

"Justin....kiss me." Ariel demanded

"I am kissing you." Justin answered and continued his assault on her face, moving lower to her neck

Driven by pure frustration and passion, she grabbed his face and brought it to hers, her lips crushing his in a fiery kiss. Justin's hands cupped her bottom, bringing her closer to him. Their lips never breaking contact, the couple laid down on the bed.

"I think you have too much clothing on." Justin said

"I think you're guilty of the same crime." Ariel said

Justin carefully took off her shirt and unhooked her bra, and got rid of his own shirt. He stared at her. Ariel became embarrassed and tried to cover herself, but Justin held her hands over her head.

"My Ariel, you are so beautiful." He returned his attention to her newly revealed body. His lips went to her collar bone, kissing it along it's length. Then he focused on her breasts. He rubbed her nipples, with his thumb until they sprang to life, hardening at his touch. Then he took one of them in his mouth and suckled on it until he brought her to the brink. Ariel arched her back, offering herself to him, begging for release.

"Not yet little one." Justin said

Then he removed her pants and panties. Her ivory skin was sensitized by his touch, feeling as if it was on fire. Ariel's hands remained over her head where Justin had put them earlier.

"Touch me Ariel. I want to feel your hands all over me." Justin said as he brought her hands to his bare chest

Ariel's touch, hesitant at first, lit a fire inside Justin. The couple moved so that Ariel was on top of Justin, and in control. She began massaging his chest, loving the feel of his muscles beneath her hands. Then she moved to his nipples. Slowly, she let her tongue circle them until they peaked as hers already had. Feeling more empowered, her hands slipped to Justin's zipper. She make quick disposal of his pants and boxers. Then she moved her body up and down his, both of them moving precariously close to the edge.

"Oh God, oh God Ariel. Wait...."

Justin reached down and grabbed the foil package from his jeans pocket, and swiftly put it on. Then he spread Ariel's legs and thrust himself into her. They moved faster and faster together, until they both reached the brink of ecstasy, calling out eachothers names. Justin lay back, completely exhausted, but infinitely satisfied. Ariel snuggled up next to him, completely content.

* * * * *