The two couples emerged from their rooms the next morning, looking sedate and like they had gotten some serious loving! The group settled in the kitchen while Ariel tended to Eric. Jessica and Lance sat next to eachother at the table, Lance's hand on Jessica's thigh. JC walked over to the window, much like he had done the day before, and peered out into the wintry world.

"Looks like the snow stopped.....we can probably get a move on tonite." JC told the group as they munched on cereal

"Tonite?" Justin asked with disappointment in his voice

"Yeah. We're already behind schedule." JC reasoned

"What's tonite?" Ariel asked as she joined the crowd in the kitchen

"You're getting rid of us tonite." Chris joked

"Oh...." Ariel responded, obviously distressed

"Yeah well, I gotta go update Lou...." JC walked away from the table

"Yeah, I'm gonna pack. Don't you think you should too, Joey?"

Chris nudged the Superman obsessed person sitting next to him. Chris realized the need for these couples to be alone, unfortunately Joey was a little dense.

"What? Dude, we've got all day to pack and I wanna finish my cereal." Joey complained

In exasperation, Chris dragged Joey from the hair, explaining to him in a low tone about what was going on. Joey finally realized his stupidity and yelled an apology in the direction of the kitchen before he and Chris closed the door to their room.


Jessica turned to Lance, tears in her eyes.

"I knew that we weren't going to be together forever....but God, do you have to leave tonite?" Jessica said

"I'm sorry baby, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just as broken up about this as you are...."

"How can you be? You're just leaving a country bumpkin behind to continue your exciting life. You can get a woman anytime you want one. Me....I don't have anything worthwhile in my life."

"Jessica, you've got to understand! I've never gotten in this deep with a woman so quickly in my life. I'm head over heels for you." Lance leaned over and gave her a passionate kiss on the mouth to prove his point

"So what do we do now?"

"I guess we promise to write and call, and maybe during your summer break you can come visit. It'll work has to." Lance ended forcefully


Ariel, Eric and Justin had left the kitchen to give Lance and Jessica some privacy. The three sat down on the sofa, Eric bouncing in Justin's lap. Ariel reached to wipe a tear that had fallen on her cheek, but Justin reached it first. He gently brushed the tear away and kissed that spot with the utmost tenderness.

"It's just how it has to be," Ariel started,"I knew from the beginning that you were famous, and that you wouldn't be around forever.....but this hurts so bad. I finally open up to someone, and they have to leave."

"Ariel I'm going to miss you, and this lil tyke," Justin motioned to Eric, "so much. I feel like I've grown and changed in these past few days with you. I'm not the same Justin Timberlake I was before I went into your diner, and I like that. I don't want to lose you." Justin said in earnest as he grasped her hand in his

"I don't want to lose you either. I suppose we can try the long distance thing...letters and phone calls....but it won't be enough for me."

"Not damn near enough! But we'll make it work."

"Yeah, we'll make it work."

The two met in a kiss to seal the deal.


That night the guys loaded up the bus and prepared to leave Jessica, Ariel and Eric. A round of hugs and promises to call rang throughout the house. From the window of the bus Justin and Lance waved to the women that had changed their lives forever.

"They're our angels you know. They saved us from a snow storm, then gave themselves to us." Justin said

"Yeah, I know." Lance sighed


From the house Jessica and Ariel watched the bus roll down the street. The only evidence of the miracles that had occurred there were the girls memories and the boys footprints in the snow.

...or is it? I smell a sequel!

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