While Ariel was in the kitchen, the guys sat down at a table.

"That was really sweet of her to stay late on account of us." Lance said as he draped his jacket on the back of his chair

"No joke." Chris said

"I think she's kinda cute." Joey said elbowing Justin

"I do too....but it's not like we'll ever see her again. She's serves us, we eat, we all go. End of story." Justin said

"You're right, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy her while she's around." Joey said

"Don't be a perv, Joe. She deserves some respect." Justin said

"Since when do you preach about giving girls respect? Isn't your philosophy to live by love 'em and leave 'em?"

"I don't know she's.....different."

"Oohhhhh, Justin has a crush." Chris taunted

"Oh yeah? Oh who?" asked Ariel as she walked in carrying their food.

"Umm, nobody. The guys were just playin." Justin said as he grabbed his burger and began devouring it. The rest of the guys followed in suit.

"You guys are acting like you haven't eaten in a week!" Ariel exclaimed

"More like 5 hours...but, we're growing boys who need their food." JC said as he liked some ketchup off his fingers

"Whatever. I'm gonna finish cleaning the kitchen. Let me know when you guys are finished so I can clear your table and we can get out of here." Ariel said as she turned around and headed back to the kitchen

The guys finished their meals very quickly. Chris was about to holler for Ariel when Justin stopped him.

"Guys, don't you think we could clear the table ourselves. It's the least we could do for her." Justin said as gathered his silverware and plate

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Curly." Lance said as he picked up his glass

"Dude, he must really like this girl if he's offering to clean." Chris whispered into Joey's ear

The group trooped into the kitchen with their plates and glasses. They saw Ariel struggling to reach some dishwasher soap from a cabinet over the sink. Justin seized the opportunity and rushed over.

"Here, lemme help you with that." Justin reached up and grabbed the soap with ease. His firm chest lightly brushed against her arm.

"Umm, thanks Justin." she said, trying to keep her composure

"Thanks for the burgers. They were delicious." Joey said trying to ease the sudden tension that had appeared in the room

"Sure Joey," Ariel gave Joey small smile, "why don't I ring you up so you guys can leave."

"Would you like some help in here? We're not in any rush." Justin offered. JC gave him a look.

"Oh no. That's alright. I can manage. It would be too much of a bother." Ariel said

"No, no. I insist." Justin said as he began to fill the sink with their dirty dishes.

"Ok then Justin. You wash I'll dry. If the rest of you want to help, you could collect the menus and restock the napkins and straws." Ariel said as she turned back to the sink

The rest of the guys looked at eachother for a moment in disbelief. JC shrugged and nodded and the guys walked out of the kitchen.

* * * * *