"So Justin, what are you and your buddies doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" Ariel asked him as she reached for the towel

"Well," Justin reached for a plate and plunked it in the sink, "we're on our way to our next show. We're performing in a town about three hours from here and JC decided that we should take the scenic route. We, of course, got lost and we ended up here."

"Performing? You guys a group or something?"

" ever heard of *N SYNC?"

"Ummm, oh yeah, you guys do that song I Want It That Way, right?"

"No.....actually those are the Backstreet Boys. We did I Want You Back, I Drive Myself Crazy......" Justin trailed off

"Oh yeah. Now I know who you sister is crazy about you guys. Sorry about the mix-up."

"Oh, no big deal. It's kinda refreshing having someone not know who you are, rather than throwing themselves at your feet asking you to marry them."

"Your quite the sex symbol I take it."

"Yeah, for people under the age of 15." Justin mumbled

"That's cute." Ariel laughed as she reached for the next plate

"No, you're cute." Justin countered

Ariel's laughing stopped. Justin's eyes stared deep into hers. As he came forward to kiss her, his arm, which had been leaning against the wet sink, slipped and he fell halfway in.

{SPLASH} "What the hell!?!" Justin exclaimed

Ariel burst out laughing again. Justin was completely drenched from the shoulders down.

"Justin, maybe you should get out of that shirt."

"Maybe yeah. Do you have anything I could put on?"

"Yep. Lemme get a T-shirt from the back."

As Ariel left the kitchen, Justin pulled his shirt over his head. Ariel peaked her head back into the room to ask him what size he needed when she saw him. Her jaw dropped at the site of his muscular physique. Justin noticed her staring at him from the doorway and gave her a grin.

"Need something?"

"Just your size." Ariel answered blushing

"Oh just grab me whatever you have. I'll only be wearing it for a little while."

"Ok." Ariel went back to the storage room and came back with the shirt. The two of them finished the dishes without anymore incidents. The rest of the guys had finished their tasks and were sitting at a table waiting for them when the two came out of the kitchen.

"Thanks for your help guys." Ariel said

"You're welcome." The boys chorused

"Let's get outta here." she said

Ariel turned off all of the lights and followed the boys out the door, locking it behind her. She noticed it had started to snow as she made her way to the car as the guys went to the bus (JC was driving on this road trip).

"Bye Ariel, it was nice meeting you." Justin yelled

"Bye Justin." she called back

* * * * *

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