Ariel unlocked her car door and belted herself into the seat. Then she turned the key. The car didn't respond. She tried again with the same unsuccessful result.

"Oh sh*t," Ariel swore forcefully, "what the f*ck am I supposed to do now?"

Then Ariel, with resignation, realized that the guys were her only hope. She got out of her car and ran over to the bus. She pounded on the door.

"Ariel, what's going on?" JC asked as he opened the door and invited her inside

"My f*cking car won't start. Can you give me a jump?" Ariel asked

"I would be more than happy to give you a jump." Justin said grinning as he walked over to Ariel.

She gave him a peeved look that said don't waste my time, and turned to JC. "Do you have some jumper cables?" she begged

"I don't think so..but even if we did, I would have no clue where to find them." JC said sympathetically

"We can give you a lift home, Ariel." Lance offered as he walked up to the front of the bus "I'd really appreciate that guys, thanks."

"Anytime Ariel." JC said with a smile

The bus started up and headed in the direction of Ariel's house. With Ariel navigating the guys made it to her house in half an hour. But within those thirty minutes the snowfall went from a few flurries to a full-blown blizzard.

"Guys, I think we're gonna have to hang here for a while. I can hardly see two feet in front of me." JC said as they pulled up Ariel's driveway

Ariel knew that they guys were expecting her to invite them in. As much as she wanted to, she was worried about what they might think of her when they find out her secret. But once again, she was too weak to refuse these guys.

"Why don't you guys stay at my house until the storm lessens some?" Ariel asked reluctantly

"Ok thanks. Are you sure that's not too much of an inconvenience?" JC asked

"No, it's fine." she smiled at the guys

While the rest of the guys packed up some stuff they might need, Justin walked over to Ariel.

"I'm sorry I was so insensitive earlier." He said apologetically

"No, it's ok Justin. I was just really late and needed to get home. My car breaking down was just too much."

"Yeah, no worries though, we're here now."

"Yeah, no worries."

* * * * *