"Ariel, where the hell were you? I was so worried you got stuck in the storm." Jessica yelled at her sister from the living room at the sound of the door

"Sorry, some last minute customers came in and the car wouldn't start. Sorry you didn't get to go out." Ariel said she held the door open for the guys to come in

"Screw going out. You should have called...." Jessica trailed off

"Jess, honey, close your mouth. This is Lance, Joey, Justin, JC and Chris. AKA *N SYNC. They're the reason I was late. Guys, this is my younger sister Jessica."

"Hi Jessica." The guys chorused

"Oh all is forgiven honey. I am forever in your debt." Jessica immediately focused her attention on Lance

"Down girlie. Would you guys like some coffee or hot chocolate to warm you up?" Ariel offered the guys

"No thanks. I just wanna sit down and chill until this storm lets up." Justin said.

The rest of the guys nodded their heads in agreement. They wearily made their way to the couch and sat down. Ariel and Jessica went into the kitchen to talk in private.

"I can't believe those beautiful men are in our house!" Jessica whispered excitedly into Ariel's ear

"I know. It's cool. They were so sweet to me.....especially Justin."

"Alright sis! Got a thing for the young one. I hear ya. Personally, I'm going after that sexy Mississippi albino."

"I don't have a thing for Justin...I can't."

"Do they know?"

"No. I and I hope that they never find out. The storm is just gonna clear up and then they're gonna leave without ever knowing."

"Why are you so adamant about them not knowing."

"Because as soon as people know....they start judging. I don't need that right now. Come on, let's go enjoy their company. You better hurry Jess, if you wanna score with Lance."

"Oh yeah!" Jessica hurried out of the room and took the spot on the couch next to Lance.

Ariel followed behind and switched on the TV on her way in. She turned on the weather channel, and to her dismay a meteorologist announced that this blizzard would not be short-lived, and not to expect to do any traveling any time soon.

"Looks like we'll be hanging here for longer than we thought." Joey said with a sheepish shrug

"Yeah. Looks like it." Ariel said with a sigh

Suddenly Ariel heard the telltale sound of footsteps and she knew her secret wouldn't be safe any longer. Just as she expected a toddler ran into the room and straight into her arms.

"Mommy! Home! Mommy!" he buried his face in her shoulder and Ariel pulled him into a tight embrace, fully aware of the five pairs of eyes staring holes right through her.

* * * * *