"Eric, what are you doing up so late?" Ariel asked her son

Eric just gave her a drooly smile in response. He was a beautiful child. Sandy brown hair, huge hazel eyes, and the cutest nose. He looked just like his father. But unlike his father he had a heart of gold. Ariel loved him with all her heart...she just wished she hadn't been so young when he came into her life.

"Ariel, I, I had no idea." Justin stammered

"Why would you?" Ariel asked

"I don't's just umm." Justin continued

"Ariel. He's beautiful. Can we meet him?" JC asked attempting to give Justin an opportunity to redeem himself.

"I guess," Ariel turned Eric around so that he faced the boys, "Eric, honey, these are my friends, Lance, Joey, Justin, JC and Chris. They are here to say hi. Can you say hi to them?"

"Hi hi!" Eric babbled.

Eric padded over to where the boys were sitting. He went right to Justin and placed his chubby hands on Justin's knees. Justin took the hint and swung Eric up into his lap. Eric giggled and clapped his hands. Ariel watched them play and she saw the undeniable connection the two had. She knew she was in trouble.


After another hour or so of talking the guys decided it was time to get some rest. The room assignments were made. Chris, Joey and JC would share the guest room, Justin and Lance would sleep in Jessica's room and Ariel and Jessica in Ariel's room. The guys had rushed out to the bus to get any essentials and had changed. Soon everyone had crashed into their respective rooms. Ariel decided to take a few minutes for herself. She took a nice hot shower then changed into her favorite silk nightgown and went into the kitchen to pour herself some hot milk.

"Hi Ariel." Justin said as he timidly made his way toward her

He was in his pajamas as well. They consisted of a wifebeater and a pair of UNC boxers. Ariel admitted to herself that he looked damn good.

"Hi Justin, what are you doing up?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about you and Eric.....I'm sorry I was such a nerd. It was just so unexpected."

"Oh Justin, your reaction was tame compared to others I've gotten."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Justin asked as he put a hand on her shoulder

"There isn't much to say."

"I think there's a lot to say. Tell me about it." Justin said

* * * * *

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