Justin and Ariel went to the couch and sat down just inches apart from eachother. Ariel took a deep breath and began her story.

"I was young, vulnerable and stupid. That just about sums it up."

"You're not stupid, Ariel." Justin quickly reassured her

"Thanks Justin, but I really was clueless. It all started 3 years ago when my parents were killed in a car accident. I was 18 and my sister 15, so I was old enough to live on our own. Our lives went on as normally as possible, considering what had happened, until Austin came into my life. He was gorgeous and kind and seemed to genuinely care about me. I told him all my secrets and how I was feeling about my parents. Then, one night while my sister was out, Austin came over uninvited. Of course I let him in....but that was the action that changed my life forever."

Ariel paused then to compose herself.

"I'm here." Justin said reassuringly

Ariel smiled and continued. "He walked in like he owned the place. It wasn't the same guy I had been with for the past month. He was completely plastered, he could hardly walk straight. We'd kissed before but that was about it. But it was obvious that that night a kiss wouldn't satisfy him. He held me down on the couch and raped me. Oh God, how long I've had to work to come to terms with that, but he raped me. I was crying, begging him to stop, but he wouldn't. When it was over I asked him why. He answered that I owed him after all of the crap he had to listen to for the past month. Then he just zipped up his pants and walked out of the door. I haven't seen him since."

"Oh Ariel, I'm so sorry."

Ariel began to cry softly, so Justin pulled her close to him. She rested her head against his chest and was calmed by the beating of his heart and his slow caresses on her back. Then she sat up, wiped the tears from her eyes and gave him a weak smile.

"I found out a few months later that I was pregnant, and I had Eric. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me. But having him really tapped out the money supply that our parents left to us. Now I have to work at that diner to support the family while Jessica finishes high school. It's just so hard overwhelming. But the worst thing was the way that people stared at me or gave me disapproving looks. In this town everyone knows everyone else's business. There was no way I could have kept my pregnancy a secret. All I got from this town was feigned courtesy and pity....I could tell they thought this was my fault. Jessica was the only thing that I could count on, she pulled me through it. I owe her more than I could ever repay....she gave up her teenage years for me....I don't know if I could have done that." Ariel sighed and once again went into Justin's gentle embrace. "It feels good to let it out once in a while and to be held. Thanks for listening, Justin."

"I'm glad I was here." He smiled at her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

The two savored the moment of peace together. Then Justin laid back on the couch and Ariel hesitantly laid on top of him. They laid there together, not for sexual gratification, but for emotional comfort. Justin's hand stroke Ariel's back in a constant, slow rhythm, lulling her to sleep. Justin smiled and closed his eyes as well.

* * * * *
