While Ariel and Justin were in the living room, Jessica was unable to sleep as well. She got up to go to the bathroom and met up with Lance in the hallway.

"Oh, hi Lance." Jessica said self-consciously as she quickly smoothed her hair

"Hi Jess. You can use the bathroom first." Lance offered

"I really don't need to go. I can't sleep."

"Me neither."

"Wanna go talk in the living room?" Jessica asked


The two walked together into the living room, but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Justin and Ariel. Jessica looked at Lance in shock.

"Well, I guess we won't be talking in here. Let's go talk in my room."


With one last glance at the sleeping pair, they walked back to Jessica's room.

"I totally can't believe what I just saw. Ariel never opens up to anyone. Justin must be a pretty special guy." Jessica sat down on her bed and motioned Lance to sit next to her

"Yeah, he's pretty cool. I could tell that he had feelings for her as soon as we walked into that diner. He was like a changed man."

An awkward silence followed. Lance's eyes traveled around the room, and for the first time he noticed the large number of *N SYNC posters on the walls. It was a little unnerving.

"I guess you like us." Lance said motioning to the posters on the walls

"What? Oh the posters. Yeah, your music is awesome....and um, you're all just such cuties," Jessica blushed,"I'm so embarrassed why the hell did I just say that?" Jessica shook her head at her stupidity

"Don't worry. It's kinda funny, I don't remember taking a lot of these pictures."

"You don't?"

"No. I mean we have photo shoots all the time. They get kinda monotonous after a while."

"Well, if getting you picture taken once in a while gets you bored, how do you stay focused on performing the same songs over and over again?"

"I love music. Plain and simple. There's nothing I'd rather be doing. Besides, it's a different group of people out there every time I sing.......I have a passion for making sure everyone who comes to concert has a great time and feels special. I mean honestly, if I didn't like performing, why would I be in a band?"

"You have a point. I love music too. Not for a career or anything. But I love choir, every time I walk into that class I get happy. It's kinda like a de-stressor, you know?"

"I feel the same way. Music just makes me feel good. How long have you been singing?"

"Oh since 8th grade. I took private voice lessons, but I quit after like three months, they just weren't for me. She wanted me to be a soloist. I wanted to focus on the harmonies and singing with the choir. Our differences made those lessons brutal. Besides, they were way too expensive after....." Jessica trailed "After what?" Lance asked, his curiosity piqued

"After my parents died. They were killed in a car accident. Then Ariel got pregnant. I had to let what I wanted slide for a while. I needed to be strong."

"Well, things are better now, aren't they?"

"Oh yeah. But I still miss out on a lot of things. Take tonite for instance. I was supposed to go out with some friends, but I had to baby-sit. Sometimes I feel like it was me who had the baby, not Ariel."

"Have you ever told her how you feel?"

"No way. She doesn't need anything else to worry about. Besides, I'll be fine." Jessica gave him a weak smile and looked away.

Lance felt the undeniable urge to hold and comfort Jessica. So he gently pulled her into his warm embrace. Jessica immediately leaned into it, and took a deep breath in, inhaling Lance's masculine scent.

"Feel better now?" Lance whispered into her ear

"Much better. Do you have to go?" Jessica whispered

"Do you want me to stay?" Lance asked turning Jessica around to face him

Jessica looked deep into Lance's eyes, "More than anything."

Jessica slowly leaned in and gently brushed his lips with hers.

* * * * *