Lance immediately responded to the kiss, deepening it. Their tongues met and teased eachother. Jessica's hands began to roam along Lance's strong torso, while Lance's fingers anchored themselves on Jessica's hips. Lance broke off the kiss slowly and began kissing and nipping her neck and ear. Jessica moaned in pleasure. Her moaning brought Lance back to reality, because he abruptly stopped kissing her.

"Oh my God, what am I doing? I hardly know you." Lance cried

"I know. I wasn't thinking......but I want you to know. I don't regret it."

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I loved the feel of your hands on me, but there is no way we can do this."

"I guess you're right, we can't have sex......but does that mean we can't do anything?" Jessica purred. She was honestly shocked at how forward she was being, but she was in too deep to come back now.

"I suppose a little kissing is ok...but we gotta keep control."

"Yeah, I mean we can be two mature adults simply pleasing eachother, right?" Jessica murmured, the sexual tension mounting

"Right. Like mature adults......." Lance whispered, closing the distance between their lips

Lance hungrily pounced on Jessica's mouth, capturing her bottom lip with his teeth. He gently nipped on it, then licked the outline of her full mouth with his tongue before kissing her again. Jessica positioned herself so that she was sitting in Lance's lap, facing him. This kiss once again became very passionate. Jessica ran her fingers through Lance's hair while Lance's hands gently went up under Jessica's shirt. While Lance was touching her, Jessica could feel him become hard. She began grinding her hips against his growing erection, and finally pushed him back so that she was lying on top of him. Her hips continued to sway, pressed firmly against him. Lance groaned against Jessica's lips. Jessica broke off the kiss and began to kiss his neck. Then she moved lower and began to unbutton his pajama shirt. After every button she undid, she kissed the spot, until she had moist trail leading to his navel. She slid her fingers under the open shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. She threw it on the floor and focused on his chest. Meanwhile, Lance's hands continued their expedition upward, until they reached her breasts. He began to massage them and gently squeeze them. Then he pushed Jessica down on the bed so they switched positions. He whipped her T-shirt over her head and brought his mouth to her breasts. He began to suckle lightly on her right nipple, making it harden in response. Then he did the same to the left nipple. Jessica was beginning to become impatient. She reached for the elastic waistband on his pants when Lance's hand stopped her.

"We can't do this. I don't have protection." he gasped

"Oh God....oh God. I need you to touch me. I need you inside of me." Jessica panted

"We can't..."Lance's willpower was quickly fading

"I know.....but I want you to f*ck me so badly."

"Do you know what you're doing to me?" Lance asked.

In desperation, Lance pushed Jessica off of him and stood up

"Oh yeah. We were in control." she joked, completely out of breath as she, with trembling hands, put her shirt back on

"Oh man, I've never experienced anything so erotic in my entire life...and we didn't even have sex." Lance said as he shoved his hand through his hair, trying to calm himself

"We were pretty damn close." Jessica said as she walked toward him

"No sh*t. Next time I don't know if I'll be able to hold back."

"Who says I want you to hold back?" Jessica asked she toyed with the waistband of his pants

"Oh damn. Girl, you have got to go....if you don't I'm gonna have to f*ck you right now, and we are both gonna regret it."

"Fine, I'll go. But next ready baby."

With that Jessica left the room. Lance exhaled a breath in relief. When the door closed behind her, Jessica leaned against it and took a deep breath. She was in complete disbelief at what she did in there.....but she had no regrets, she just hoped Lance felt the same way.

* * * * *