CHAPTER 1 - Surprise Tickets

"Honey, we don’t know what to do. It’s all up to you," Mr. and Mrs. Macmillan said sighing from frustration. Over the past 15 years of their daughter’s school education, Sophie Macmillan always came home with an A plus from each of her teachers, she never got a lower grade. This was because Sophie Macmillan was born smarter than the average student was. They were all happy except Sophie herself; she thought that Orlando’s public schools were too easy for her and weren’t challenging enough. So for the past 4 years, the Macmillan’s sent their daughter to private school, which again turned out to easy for her. So they just finished discussing how it was up to Sophie how to complete her education. Sophie didn’t want to skip because she found it uncomfortable studying with older students.

What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to go back to public school where they treat me with special respect as if I had 2 brains. I definitely don’t want to go back to private school where all the teachers helped the ones that weren’t smart enough and everyone there was mean to me because I’m smarter than they are. Sophie sighed thinking there was no way out of her problem until she remembered her counselor from her private school saying that if she didn’t think private school was her speed she could always have a private tutor.

"Mom! Dad! I got it! How ‘bout a tutor?" Sophie talked excitedly and explained to them the details of having a tutor. The Macmillan’s all thought that was a great idea so they called Sophie’s past private school to recommend the most suitable tutor for Sophie.

2 months later...

"Sophie! Pay attention!" barked Mr. Haylen who was usually very nice but was impatient with Sophie since she had always been drifting into dreamland that day he began to get impatient with her. "Yes, Mr. Haylen," Sophie said while sighing reluctantly. She couldn’t wait until class was over. Then she could give her best friend Lisa a very surprised gift. Ever since the private school had recommended Mr. Haylen as the perfect tutor for Sophie, Sophie had been very satisfied with herself since Mr. Haylen was very challenging. Although he was very tired once he finished teaching Sophie for the day since he taught another student before Sophie. Jake or something.... Sophie referred the student as. Today was a surprising day for Mr. Haylen since Sophie never ignored her studies but he had caught her 3 times slowly crawling away from her studies. Wonder what’s gotten into her, Mr. Haylen thought. Must be something big to lose her concentration! Mr. Haylen smiled to himself. She deserves whatever she’s dreaming of. She’s a very hard working student. "Ok Sophie, that’s our lesson for today. Since this is Friday, I’ll give you twice as hard homework than you usually get." Mr. Haylen said smiling for he knew that somehow Sophie always overcame the problems he gave her, but she loved them anyways. With that, Mr. Haylen left Sophie to finish dreaming. Once Sophie heard the door click, she immediately rushed to her room and called Lisa’s number. "Hey Sophie, lesson over already?" Lisa answered quickly when her caller ID box told her that Sophie was on the line. Lisa went to the public school that was a few blocks down from her house. Sophie and her lived across the street from each other actually. "Hey Lis! You have to come over and dress casually!" Sophie said and quickly hung up before her friend could have doubts on her plan. Sophie began picking out her best ensemble to wear out side and after she finished dressing, the doorbell rang. Sophie rushed downstairs and opened it. "Umm, Sophie? Why are you so excited? What’s going on?" Lisa asked curiously. "I got Basckstreet Boys tickets! Can you believe it? I love them so much and you have to come with me!" Sophie screamed in front of her friend. "What? No way am I coming with you! You know I hate boy bands of any kind, whether it’s the Backstreet Boys or not!" Laura argued angrily. "Please?" "No," "Please? Pretty Please" "Why do you want me to come?" "Because my parents trust you and they say that you have to come or else I’m not allowed to go! Please?" "No way! In your dreams!" "Please, you’re my best friend!" "...Alright, fine, since I’m your best friend and everything," "Oh thank you so much Lisa!" Sophie screamed hugging Lisa. After that "tough" persuasion, the two friends set out to the concert. "As long as you love..." the Backstreet Boys sang over the crowd of teenyboppers that were screaming and crying.

After the concert...

"Whew! I cannot believe I got Nick Carter’s autograph! Man, he’s so hot!" Sophie was gabbing away happily to Lisa who decided to spend the night at Sophie’s house due to the traffic jams coming home, they got back at around 1:00 AM. "Girl, you owe me big time..." Lisa warned her friend. "I know, I’ll do anything you want to pay back for tonight, the best night of my life! Thank you so much! Even though you despised it!" Sophie said, tiredly, yawned, and fell asleep instantly. Hmm...anything...that’s fair...when the right time comes, Lisa sighed thinking to herself watching her best friend get caught by the sandman and slowly let herself get wrapped up into the sandman’s blanket.

CHAPTER 2 - It’s Gonna Be Big!

"And so that’s when the French Revolution ended, how’s that Mr. Haylen?" 16 year old Justin Timberlake asked his private tutor.

"Excellent, Justin! Very well done!" Mr. Haylen congratulated his student. Beep, beep, Mr. Haylen’s pager went off and the noise bounced off the walls.

"Hmm..who could that be? Oh my, it’s my other student, Sophie. Well Mr. Timberlake, we’ll continue this later, shall we?" Mr. Haylen asked his student giving him a wink and his homework assignment. "Of course Mr. Haylen, after all you are my favorite teacher, good bye!" Justin exclaimed brightly for what he said was true, all his other tutors were too easy for him, but Mr. Haylen was actually challenging. After Mr. Haylen left, Justin raced to the sound recording room where he and his member band, *NSYNC were doing a sound check. "Hey Justin! How’s it going? Aren’t you out a little early?" JC one of his best friends and fellow group member asked Justin. "Yeah, you didn’t give us enough time to hide all the food, no wait, that’s Joey," Chris said smirking. "Hey! Don’t make fun of my appetite!" Joey said happily since he knew Chris was kidding. "Yeah, well Mr. Haylen had to go to his other smarter student’s house or something, anyway, why does he have to interrupt our session for her? Just because she’s smarter?" Justin shot back angrily. "Woah, Justin, calm down. You have something against her?" Lance asked worried about his friend. "Yeah, it’s okay, I just don’t like all the attention she’s getting from Mr. Haylen," Justin said sighing and then bending down putting his hands over his face. "Hey, look who’s talking Mr. Timberlake, you are one of the most popular men known on the face of the earth! Who wouldn’t know you? Isn’t that a little attention too?" Chris added jokingly but still there was a bit of seriousness in his voice. "Yeah I guess, anyway, how’s thew new album coming? I can’t wait, we’re finally home and now America can finally see what we’re made of!" Justin said excitedly. "Well, we were juts doing a sound check before you came and now, let’s start recording." JC said walking to the door. The others followed and soon the headphones were on and the wheels were rolling. "You’re all I ever wanted...." Justin sang thinking, This album is gonna be big, now they’ll finally know what *NSYNC is made of! Watch out Backstreet Boys, here we come!

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