CHAPTER 3 - This is My Revenge

Three months later-

"Hey, Sophie, are you done?" Lisa yelled from downstairs at Sophie’s house. Sophie was changing from coming back from a party with her parents.

"Yeah, yeah. Hang on. Almost done!" Sophie yelled from upstairs, and she was because right after she said that, she came jumping down the stairs.

"What’s my surprise Lisa? What’s my surprise?" Sophie asked excitedly while jumping around Lisa.

"Okay, you ready?" Lisa asked grinning from ear to ear.


"Well, remember that night when we came back from the BSB concert and you said that I could make you do anything?" Lisa asked while her smile was growing wider and wider.

"Umm...yeah. I guess," Sophie replied uneasily while shifting from foot to foot.

"Well, here they are," Lisa said while handing Sophie a *NSYNC concert ticket and a backstage pass.

"WHAT?" Sophie screamed unhappily.

"What? You said you would do anything remember?" Lisa said sneakily.

"Yeah, but did it have to be these damn BSB wannabes?" Sophie whined.

" Yes it did!" Lisa said sharply.

"Okay..." Sophie suddenly agreed because she was thinking I don’t have to go, I can just tell her I went! Lisa was surprised by the sudden answer but knew that was unlike Sophie to suddenly agree after she was disagreeing. Suddenly, she knew what Sophie was thinking and said,

" No Sophie, you aren’t gonna pretend that you went while you stay home. That’s why I’m giving you this camera. You better have *NSYNC while they’re in concert and backstage. That’ll be proof to me that you went." Lisa said calmly.

"AHH! No! You can’t do this to me! Fine I’ll go only cause you’re my best friend. I thought that was creepy how you read my mind, but since we’re best friends we know each other which probably means that I have no choice anyway right?" Sophie said sighing with defeat in her voice.

"Yes, thank you, and you better leave now if you want to be in time for the concert." Lisa said smiling.

"Fine, bye." Sophie said grumpily. Once Lisa left, Sophie had an idea. Lisa said all she had to do was take pictures but she didn’t say that I had to watch them the whole time... Sophie thought sneakily. Before she left, she grabbed her homework assignment for that night and a flashlight so she could see without the flashing lights interrupting.


"Okay, guys, are you ready for this concert?" Johnny Wright, producer, asked the boys of *NSYNC. They all nodded and then they did a group hug and a silent prayer and left for the stage, each plastering a smile on their faces before exiting backstage and onto the stage itself.


God, what are wrong with these kids? Can they scream any louder? How the hell did Lisa get me 3rd row tickets? Damn, she’s good. Oh god, here they come, man they are BSB wannabes so bad! Oh well, might as well take the pictures now before going through any more torture. Sophie thought sighing. She used up half the row and decided that she would use the last half for backstage. After she finished she took out her homework, sat down, and began doing her homework.


"Tearing up my heat and soul, we’re apart I feel it too..." *NSYNC sang their last song while dancing around the stage. All noticing the girl who wasn’t watching them, but using a flashlight while writing something.

What’s up with that girl? We want all our audience’s attention. Justin thought unhappily.

What is that girl writing? Lance thought when he glanced at her.

Why is that girl doing work? Why isn’t she paying attention and actually using her ticket? JC thought.

Man, that girl is hot! I just wish I could get a better look at her face! Joey was thinking when he came and sang around her section.

Why does she give us hate looks when she looks at us? Chris wondered with amusement.


Sophie looked up from her only half-finished homework and noticed the lights had come up and that everyone was starting to get up from their seats. I can’t believe I only did half of my homework, I would’ve been finished by now if I was at home. If only they weren’t trying to make everyone scream louder! I guess I should go backstage now. Sophie sighed unhappily. She pulled her shoulder length brown hair into a ponytail before gathering up all her things and heading backstage.

After 15 minutes, Sophie still hadn’t found backstage. This sucks. They could at least put up a sign or something! She thought while continuing to look around until she saw a janitor nearby.

"Hey!" Sophie yelled to get his attention. He looked up, so Sophie continued,

"Umm... I’ve sort have gotten lost and I cannot find the backstage area where *NSYNC are. Can you help me?" Sophie asked politely as she could and tried not to spit out the band’s name.

The janitor smiled and said, "Of course. Go straight down this hall and exit through the doors. There, there will be a maroon bus with security guards guarding it. Tell them you are Bob’s kid. They’ll understand and let you in." The janitor finished smiling for he had tricked Sophie into going into *NSYNC’s tour bus and pretend she was the driver’s daughter.

Sophie thought this all sounded logical except her telling the guards she was Bob’s kid. Bob’s kid? Who’s Bob? Why do I have to say that? Oh I know, maybe it’s a password or something. She sighed once more and started following the directions that the janitor had given her.

Once she got outside she saw the bus and the guards. She walked up to one of them and said, "Hi, I’m Bob’s kid." Sophie said repeating the words very carefully.

What? How does she know that David (the driver)’s nickname we gave him as Bob? He did mention he had a kid now that I think about it. Maybe she is his kid, just like him to run off to the bathroom when his kid comes looking for him. The security guard looked thoughtfully at her and noticed a resemblance with her and Bob (fortunately for Sophie’s sake), the brown hair, and the green eyes so they said, "Okay, you can go in, Bob will be back in a short while, and some other boys might come on, they’re a group called *NSYNC." The security guard said warning her. Why is he telling me this? Shouldn’t I know that *NSYNC is here? I mean, this is backstage or somewhere where they make it backstage, but who’s Bob? Sophie wondered while she stepped onto the bus.

It was totally quiet, Shouldn’t they be here? Where are the fans? Sophie wondered while being very confused. She made her way through; she passed some bunks and a bathroom, a little kitchen until she got to the very back where it seemed to be a small living room like spot. What a weird backstage! It figures, *NSYNC think they’ll actually be better than the BSB! Ha! Don’t even have enough fans buying their stuff to have a decent backstage! She sat down and waited until someone came. It took a long time so she decided to call her parents to tell her that she was going to be staying at Lisa’s house. They agreed since she spent a lot of nights at Lisa’s so it wasn’t very surprising news. After she hung up with her parents, Sophie called Lisa and told her to pick her up at the concert stadium, but before she could finish, Lisa told her that her car was in the garage getting repaired, and asked Sophie where she would stay. Sophie said that there was a hotel nearby and she would stay there.

"Have you met them backstage yet?" Lisa asked curiously.

"No, they like aren’t here. But the guards said they would be back..." Sophie said tiredly.

"Concert wore you out huh?" Lisa asked happily.

"Yeah," No, the homework was extra hard since I couldn’t concentrate! Sophie said thinking a different thought at the same time saying yes on the phone.

"Okay, I’ll pick you up at the hotel tomorrow after I get my car. I’ll be around at 10:00 AM. Okay?" Lisa asked.

"Sure," Sophie said before hanging up and yawning. Suddenly she heard a lot of footsteps and loud talking and yelling belonging to voices she wasn’t familiar too. I guess that’s them, finally! What took them so long? Anyway, all I want are 15 pictures and that’s it. Then I can go to the hotel, Sophie thought to herself while standing up and brushing down her wrinkled clothes and continued hearing the voices getting closer and closer,

"Hey, I wasn’t the one who practically tripped on his butt, Lance!"

"Stop making fun of him Justin, he made a mistake, it’s not like you didn’t make one either!"

"Hey did you guys all-" one of the members said before stopping in mid-sentence for when he opened the door to the lounge, there they all saw the girl at the concert who didn’t watch them the whole time.

Sophie stood up and said, "Hi, I’m Sophie, can I take some pictures of you?" Sophie asked politely trying not to glare at each of them.

"Sure, but uh, why are you in our bus and how did you get here?" Chris asked politely.

"Umm...isn’t this backstage?" Sophie asked more confused then ever. All the guys cracked up laughing after she said it except Lance who looked at Sophie carefully.

"No, this is our tour bus, backstage was in the concert stadium. We just got back from there. How’d you get here? Who let you on?" Lance asked in amazement. Sophie didn’t want to talk to these guys since these were the guys she hated for being BSB wannabes, but since the one with the spiky hair asked so politely, she said,

"I didn’t know where backstage was so a janitor told me that I should go on the bus and say I was Bob’s kid, and the guards let me in, and here I am. Who’s Bob, and why did the janitor trick me?" Sophie asked practically yelling from rage at how the janitor might’ve tricked her.

"Umm...I think that janitor dude might’ve tricked you, sorry, but you do look like Bob, our bus driver." Justin said trying hard not to laugh at the situation.

"Oh, well I have to get to my hotel so, can I have some pictures to prove to my friend I saw you and didn’t run off and skip the whole thing? Can we hurry, please?" Sophie added irritated.

"Sure," the guys all said and posed for 15 pictures.

"By the way, why did you say you had to prove you didn’t run off? Don’t you like us? You came to our concert!" JC asked confused.

"Oh, that’s cause I don’t like you guys, oops, I wasn’t supposed to say that was I?" Sophie said looking at each of them trying to read their faces.

"Oh, well, hey beautiful, you can get a hotel room right next to us." Joey said winking and putting himself into flirting mode. The other guys were still wondering why she came to their concert alone and not liking them.

"Umm... guys, I don’t feel very comfortable here, so can we get out and just check in, please?" Sophie asked practically begging.

"Listen, I’ll tell you guys all about it later, but I really need my beauty sleep!" Sophie added.

"I guess, I mean we’re all so tired anyway, you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to." Lance added nicely.

So they all got out and checked into their hotel rooms with Sophie across the hall. Sophie got into her room and flopped down on her bed and lay there thinking they’re okay, not as stuck up as I thought they would be. But hey, that was only like 30 minutes with them, oh well, Sophie yawned and began thinking again, I wonder if I’ll ever get that homework done...did I lock door? Sophie didn’t finish her thought because that’s when dreamland finally caught up with her.


Meanwhile, *NSYNC were gathered in Lance and JC’s room talking about Sophie.

"What do you guys think of her?" JC asked.

"She’s okay,"

"She’s pretty cool,"

"She’s nice,"

"She’s hot!"

"Well, should we try to be friends with her?" Lance asked.

"Why? It’s not like we’ll ever see her again," Justin added.

"Yeah, it was like a coincidence that she was found on our tour bus and is now staying in the hotel." JC said. The other guys all turned to look at him.

"What? Okay fine, maybe it wasn’t a coincidence, but we’ll definitely not see her again." JC said as if it was a fact. The others agreed for it seemed impossible that they would meet her again, even if she was very interesting but they couldn’t and they didn’t have a problem with that either. Since this was all the path they chose to take themselves and had to make sacrifices even if it meant giving up on a might have been new friend. No one thought about Sophie again after that and soon they all somehow fell asleep and became part of the darkness.

CHAPTER 4 - The Unexpected Marriage

Three months later-

"Okay, so we all agree with doing this tour?" Johnny Wright asked *NSYNC, they were at a meeting where they were promoting their new tour. Everyone was excited especially the group, everyone forgot about Sophie a month after she showed up in their bus. "Wait, Johnny, what about my, like, education?" Justin asked. "Justin, since you’re doing so well and it was in the contract, Mr. Haylen is coming on tour with you." Johnny said happily. "YES! This is awesome you guys! Maybe he can teach ," Justin said smiling. "Excuse me? Man, I seriously think that new bleach has gone to your brain, Curly!" Lance said smirking. "Fine, but-" Justin was beginning to say, but Johnny cut in, "That’s it, thanks guys, see you in two weeks for the tour!" Johnny shouted while the group all gave each other high five’s and started dancing their own moves around the room.


"Umm...Sophie, how am I supposed to tell you this..." Mr. Haylen nervously fidgeted around and finally stood up and started walking around the room.

"What is it, Mr. Haylen?" Sophie asked concerned for her tutor’s abnormal behavior. "Well, see, my other student has a chance to travel all around the country and I have to go with him." Mr. Haylen said finishing as fast as he could. Sophie thought he was talking too fast, but she still understood what he had said. "What, what about me? It’s the middle of the school year! You can’t just leave me here!" Sophie cried out. "Oh, no, I would never leave you, see it was in the contract that wherever I had to go for a very long time that wasn’t part of your vacation schedule, I would take you with me." Mr. Haylen said carefully choosing his words cautiously. "Oh, well, then I guess it’s okay. It’ actually kind of cool now that I think about it. Traveling across the country, but what about my parents? Are they okay with this?" Sophie asked suddenly starting to worry. "Don’t worry, you’re parents said it would be a great way to see the country and you would still be getting your education too." Mr. Haylen said getting excited himself. "So, when do we leave?" Sophie asked. "Umm...tomorrow actually." Mr. Haylen said scared of what Sophie’s sudden outburst might be like.

"WHAT? HOW ON EARTH DO YOU THINK I’M GONNA GET READY? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SOONER? I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU! WHAT, WHAT, WHAT-" Sophie ran out of excuses so she sighed and calmed down. "I guess, it is kind of cool now that I think about it. I’ll call Lisa and we can spend today together. Thank you for class today Mr. Haylen. I’ll see you tomorrow on the bus." Sophie said trying to think of the bright side of things, how she got to travel and explore the country. "You’re welcome, but umm... I’m not going to be staying on the same bus as you and the guys. I’ll be traveling with the band *NSYNC. See, my student’s Justin Timberlake." Mr. Haylen said slowly for he might as have well have turned his stereo volume to 60 (maximum volume) and made himself deaf instead of listening to Sophie’s screaming.

"WHAT? OKAY LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT! YOU FIRST TELL ME THAT I WILL BE TRAVELING THE COUNTRY FOR THE LAST HALF OF SCHOOL WITH THE BAND THAT’S NUMBER ONE ON MY HATE LIST! NOW, YOU’RE SAYING THAT I HAVE TO STAY ALONE ON THE SAME BUS AS THEM FOR 3 MONTHS? 3 MONTHS?" Sophie said, every word staying at the same maximum volume since her voice was used to screaming so much since everyone usually got on her nerves. "Umm...yes?" Mr. Haylen answered meekly.

"Okay, fine, can we just end this lesson from here since I wanna spend my last few hours with my friends and family, please?" Sophie asked quietly since she remembered that this was the teacher that was going to teach her for 3 months on the road and she didn’t want to throw that away. "Okay, thank you for agreeing, good-bye for now. The bus will come here tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM. Got that?" Mr. Haylen said thankful that Sophie had calmed down. Sophie didn’t answer because she was already upstairs inviting Lisa over. Mr. Haylen sighed to himself and wrote a small note and put it on the table with all of Sophie’s old homework and left. "Hey, Lisa, guess what?" Sophie asked grumpily. "I know. You’re leaving. I was just coming over though. See you in a few," Lisa said sighing and hanging up. The girls spent the day together doing everything, shopping, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, and more. Later that night, "I’m gonna miss you so much Lisa!" Sophie said trying to hold back her tears. "Yeah, but you are going to call everyday though okay?" Lisa said her voice full of mystery. "What do you mean? I can’t talk to you everyday unless I steal one of the guy’s cell," Sophie said jokingly. "Okay, bring ‘em in." Lisa shouted. Then Sophie’s parents came through the door with two presents. "Oh honey, we’re going to miss you so much! But this is a very good traveling experience for you and you’ll still be able to go through school. "This present’s from us, and this present is from Lisa." Her parents said pointing at the presents. "Oh my god! It’s a cell! Thank you so much! Okay Lisa, let’s see what you got me-oh my god! It’s a beeper" Sophie screamed full of happiness. "Thank you everyone" Sophie said starting to cry. They all hugged and talked for a few more hours until Mr. and Mrs. Macmillan said hinting that Lisa should go home since Sophie had to leave early tomorrow morning.

The next morning-

Sophie woke up with 5 faces staring down at her. The five bright smiling faces of *NSYNC. "Ugh, what are you guys doing here?" Sophie asked trying to fall back to sleep. "Well, it’s 9:00 and this is what time we were supposed to pick you up," Chris said trying not to laugh at Sophie’s hair. "Oh damn! I haven’t even packed yet!" Sophie said scrambling out of bed and kicking the boys out and rushing around throwing things into her bag without even looking. Then she rushed to the bathroom, took a shower and slipped on some clothes that were on the floor that she had missed throwing into the bag. "Okay, ready," Sophie said skipping the stairs two at a time. "Wow! First we’re surprised that you actually are coming on tour with us and now you get ready in 30 minutes flat doing everything! Ladies and gentleman! We have a new world record!" Joey said jokingly. "Yeah, yeah, let’s get on the bus." Sophie said also giving a small smile before climbing on. When they all got on, Sophie pulled JC aside and asked, "What’s bugging Justin? He’s been glaring at me all morning!" Sophie asked uneasily. "I really don’t know. We’re all trying to find out what it is. He’s been on the edge ever since he heard you were Mr. Haylee’s other student and were coming on tour with us." JC replied also confused. "Oh, okay, I guess, by the way it’s Mr. Haylen," She corrected and went to the TV room where everyone else was. Later that day, Justin still kept ignoring Sophie, but she didn’t understand why. It’s because Mr. Haylen pays so much more attention to her because she’s smarter and has a "bright" future. Isn’t my future bright enough for him? Guess not. Justin kept thinking grumpily throughout the day. Sophie was really confused, but when they stopped at a gas station since they were heading for Georgia, Sophie and Justin were to get off and get on the band’s bus since it wasn’t as full since Sophie had class right after Justin, she would have to go and sit through his lesson which made Justin despise her more. She’s probably going to brag in front of my face on how smart she is. Justin thought while walking over to the other bus. Sophie was wondering what was bothering him so before he could get on, she stopped him and asked him straightforward,

"Why are you ignoring me and why do you send hate glares my way?" Sophie asked indignantly. Justin scoffed and said, " Because you think you’re Miss Smart and Perfect so Mr. Haylen always pays more attention to you. But he probably does that since he pities you since you don’t have as much money as I do, but only because you hold such a "bright" future that your parents try to scrape through their taxes to pay him so he gives you extra attention and leaves me in the cold." Justin practically screamed in front of her face. After he said it, he immediately regretted it since it was unlike him at all to say anything or scream in front of a perfectly innocent stranger. He hung his head and was about to say sorry before she finally talked after he made that speech since she was in complete shock of anyone that could be so mean, "Well, I guess you don’t understand, my parents may not be as rich, but they support me and try to do everything they can to help me. Also, maybe Mr. Haylen doesn’t pay attention to you since he knows the snob and bastard that you are. Also I never liked you guys! I always liked the Backstreet Boys. My friend just made me go to your stupid concert!" Sophie said screaming her head off. "Are you saying that my parents don’t support me?" Justin asked unsure if he was surprised to hear the biggest lie on earth or angry cause it was said to him. "What if I am?" Sophie asked challengingly. The two glared at each other and Justin was about to speak when Mr. Haylen popped out from behind the doors and said, "Come on you two, I have a surprise assignment I want to give you two." He said cheerfully, almost too cheerfully since he noticed the hate passing between each other. The two climbed in the bus totally ignoring the other until Mr. Haylen brought them into the same room with a table and some papers on it.

"Umm...Mr. Haylen, isn’t this supposed to be Justin’s class? I have the class after him, not with him," Sophie spat out the word with as if it could set on fire itself. She gave Justin a death glare and Justin glared back. "That’s my surprise. See, since both of my students which are you two, are going to spend 3 months together, why not make it worthwhile? I am assigning you two a project to do together." Mr. Haylen explained calmly not noticing the shocked looks on their faces, which quickly turned in glares again. "But, shouldn’t we do separate work because..."Sophie said trying not to scream but she couldn’t come up with a good excuse. "Because, umm..."Justin echoed her also having a nervous glance at the papers but then saw Sophie snickering at him and turned back to glaring and slumping back into the corner to listen to the project idea.

"So, what’s the project we’re going to be doing together Mr. Haylen?" Sophie asked crossing her arms across her chest wincing as she said the word together as did Justin. "Well," Mr. Haylen smiled brightly as if he had just discovered a new planet, "You two are going to be married."

* * * * *

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