CHAPTER 5 - The Big Mistake

"WHAT?" Justin and Sophie screamed together totally unsure of what they heard.

"You two aren’t really getting married, but you have to play along. That’s your project, such as paying taxes, going through insurance and that. But it’s the only thing you’ll be working on while on the road, so I expect it to be good." Mr. Haylen said calmly.

My gods if this isn’t hell, then kill me. Sophie thought bitterly. I can’t believe he wants me to work with that bitch! Thought Justin angrily.

"Well, I should, leave you two alone, here are your papers for your house tax, some other things. You should start planning on how to live. You record all the items that you buy and the tax and everything. Here are the jobs that you two have," Mr. Haylen said handing out the papers. "Cool! I’m an artist and I get $500,000 per painting! AWESOME!" Sophie said happily. "Damn, how come I’m a mailman?" Justin asked grumpily. Sophie laughed hysterically at his misfortune but stopped when Mr. Haylen glanced at her telling her to be quiet. The two looked over the papers and then Sophie said, "Well, we need food to eat so I guess I’m going shopping looking for some prices and everything at the next stop. Also, I need some new brushes and paints," Sophie said thoughtfully. "Yeah, well, it seems like I’m going to need a bag to carry my mail in." Justin said sighing. Sophie shook with laughter remembering his job.

"What do you say we go onto the other bus at the next stop and tell everyone about this project?" Sophie asked still in a good mood from laughing. "Sure, oh of course, we will do whatever you say because you’re Ms. Perfect." Justin said scowling looking down at his papers. "How old are you anyway?" Sophie asked full of amusement. "16, why? You’re what 17? 18?"Justin asked still angry. ", I’m 16 too." Sophie said trying not to burst out laughing at the expression on Justin’s face. "I thought you were older. You acted that way." Justin said smirking. "Well, if you want the truth, I thought you were 14 by the way you’re acting although you are rather tall..." Sophie said smiling sweetly back.

"Uh..." Justin said unable to say anything back. The two ignored each other until the next stop busy filling out papers and jotting down notes. "Well, how are the two newly weds doing?" Mr. Haylen came in happily smiling at his two young students. The two scowled at the phrase "newly weds". "We’re doing fine Mr. Haylen. We were just looking into our jobs." Sophie replied not looking up. "Yeah, and I can’t believe I’m a mailman! I’m going to quit!" Justin said frustratingly. "Well, you shouldn’t give up your job if you still want to go on an expensive honeymoon together somewhere." Mr. Haylen replied smiling at his project. "WHAT? HONEYMOON? WHERE?" Both students said at the same time, then glaring at each other and sighing then looking back at Mr. Haylen looking for an answer.

"Well, obviously you two need a honeymoon spot. You are two new newly weds and need somewhere to go for a honeymoon." Mr. Haylen replied as if they were two toddlers just learning to speak. "Oh, so this means that we have to pay to go to Pairs?" Sophie asked confused at what he just said. "Yes, I guess so," Mr. Haylen said stuttering while pushing up his glasses which had fallen down to his nose. "What? Who said we were going to go to Paris? We’re going to North Carolina to watch my boys play some b-ball!" Justin replied as if it was the simplest thing on earth. "What? That isn’t even romantic although I’m not surprised, it’s just so you!" Sophie said as her voice was rising. "What do you mean it’s just so me? My life doesn’t revolve around basketball! Anyway, who ever said we were going to Paris?" Justin said at the same volume that Sophie’s was. "I mean that that is so like you to not think about anything. Fine, we won’t go to Paris, but it’s such a better idea then the stupid North Carolina one!" Sophie screamed getting irritated once again.

"Umm...I hate to break this loving moment, but we’re at another stop. This is where you switch buses again. See you tomorrow you two." Mr. Haylen said trying to break up the fight. Maybe this really wasn’t such a great idea after all, oh no. What have I done? Mr. Haylen said sighing escorting the two that were still screaming at each other.

CHAPTER 6 - Not Anymore It's Not

"Yeah, well at least my job’s not being a slave to other people’s mail. I actually have a chance to express myself!" Sophie screamed at Justin while climbing into the bus still arguing about their new project. "Yeah, well-" Justin was saying angrily until he stopped because Sophie wasn’t looking at him anymore. She was looking ahead. He turned his head to see what she was looking at to find the rest of the members of *NSYNC watching amusingly and stopped embarrassed. JC, Lance, Joey, and Chris were all staring at the two fight not sure of what they were seeing.

"Umm...I think I’m going into my bunk and uh...unpack. Yeah, that’s it..." Sophie said hurriedly. "Woah, is it me or do you two not like each other?" Chris said amusingly. " Hmph," Justin shrugged going into the TV room. "We need to get them to not hate each other or we’re going to become deaf with all that yelling. Plus, Johnny isn’t going to be happy if he finds out that Justin’s being a pig towards Sophie," JC said sighing. "Yeah, but it’s pretty late, I say let’s go to bed first." Lance said yawning. "Yeah, I’ll be able to flirt with her tomorrow," Joey said also yawning.

In Sophie’s bunk, Sophie was still very short of a temper and decided to get revenge on Justin later, but first she needed to make her bunk a little more like home.

The next morning-
Sophie sleepily walked into the kitchen in her Simpson’s pajamas while yawning. Everyone else was at the table all dressed and eating breakfast. "Morning JC, Lance, Joey, Chris...morning Mailman." Sophie said smirking again while she sat down with a bowl of Cheerios. "What did you just call Justin?" Joey said trying to hold back his laughter when he saw Justin’s horrified face when Sophie called him a "mailman". "I called him a mailman. Didn’t you hear? Mr. Haylen’s project for Justin and me are to get married and go through everything a married couple would go through, taxes, insurance, etc. We also get jobs, my job was an artist, and Justin’s was...a mailman," Sophie said smirking once again at the glare that Justin gave everyone because after Sophie finished explaining, everyone bust out into fits of laughter except Justin.

"Damn! That’s funny! Well, since you two are married, you two should find out more about each other, eh?" Lance said chuckling. "Yeah I guess, so Sophie, what’s your favorite color?" JC said chuckling himself. "Well, my favorite color is red. I absolutely hate the color baby blue though, it’s so...yuck!" Sophie said making a face while taking another bite out of her cereal. "Oh? Well, that’s a surprise. I LOVE the color baby blue and I hate the color red!" Justin said in his best-shocked voice. "But Justin, don’t you hate baby blu-" JC was saying confused when Justin interrupted him afraid to let Sophie know that he disliked baby blue and went for red also.

"So, what’s your favorite cereal Sophie?" Justin asked sweetly ignoring the smirks from his band mates. "Umm...actually, Cheerios, who ever had this on the bus? I love this food, but I hate those artificial apple flavor cereals!" Sophie said wondering. "Oh, umm...that was JC. You uh...know how he loves his Cheerios." Justin said trying to cover the uncomfortable feeling he was getting from having to lie. "But Justin, JC hates Cheerios, you’re the only one who loves the cerea-" Chris said trying to hold back his laughter from Justin’s horrified glance at him telling him to be quiet since he didn’t like having things in common with Sophie.

"Not anymore it’s not," Justin muttered before smiling and saying "Oh, Sophie, how unusual. I love cereals that have apple flavors. They are delicious!" Justin spat out the word delicious since he hated the cereal also. "Oh, how funny. We’re married and we have nothing in common," Sophie said funnily, trying to cover up her suspicion since she knew Justin was lying because she found out he was a very bad liar. "Okay, well, we have to go to our photo shoot in 30 minutes, do you want to come?" Lance asked politely. "Oh! Definitely! Maybe I’ll be discovered!" Sophie said winking and laughing then left to get ready. "Why’d you invite her?" Justin shouted at Lance. Chris and Joey held him back from attacking Lance while JC blocked Lance.

"Justin, what’s you’re problem? So you’re a little jealous that she gets attention from Mr. Haylen, so what?" JC asked impatiently. "Well see, I-" Justin was just about to say when Sophie bounded into the room with a red T-shirt and some blue Adidas workout pants.

"Hey guys, how do I look?" Sophie asked, "Can I be discovered?" Sophie added jokingly. Wow, she looks good, for her though. Why is she so damn annoying though? Justin thought sighing in his thoughts. "Wow, you look great, you’ll get discovered, I’ll help ya!" Joey said while they were driving to the studio.

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