CHAPTER 7 - The Mysterious Boy

*NSYNC and Sophie drove to the studio in complete silence. When they finally got there, Sophie gasped because this studio was her favorite back when she was photogenic. Nowadays she isn’t because of her cut a 14-year-old boy gave her on her knee. It was a scar that would stay there forever. "You know this place?" JC asked behind the wheel since mostly everyone heard her. "Yeah, I used to go here until I umm…sort of hurt something." Sophie said fidgeting not trying to remember. "Yeah, I get it." Joey said smiling because he thought he knew what part if was. Trusting Joey, he’s probably think I hurt my breasts. Sophie thought while chuckling at the thought. "Okay, we’re here." Justin said jumping out then racing in.

"Okay, Sophie, we have to go since we’re late. Do you know you’re way around?" Chris asked concerned for once.

"Oh yeah, I practically grew up here as a kid, I think I’ll remember some people here and I definitely know the way around here." Sophie said calmly. "Okay, we’ll umm see you at 1:20 PM for lunch. Meet us at the front desk okay?" JC asked waving while they were going separate ways.

"Yeah! BYE!" Sophie yelled before turning around then taking a history class of her and the studio. I used to love coming here and getting my picture taken. If only that boy hadn’t crashed into me on our bikes. The least he could do was wait and help me, but no… he had to say something then turned and run away. Probably said sorry, then left just like everyone else has done except for my parents, Lisa, and Mr. Haylen. Sophie sighed thinking until she stopped and glanced at the name plaque on one of the doors. "Eva Bennett," Sophie read out loud then recognizing the name as the woman who dressed her up in her own little costumes, Sophie excitedly opened the door. Inside was Mrs. Bennett sitting down at her desk writing something. "Mrs. Bennett? Still have the Cinderella costume?" Sophie asked smiling referring to her favorite costume to which she called the Cinderella costume since Eva Bennett thought she looked like on in the dress. Eva Bennett looked up recognizing the phrase and let out a little surprised squeak before running to hug Sophie. "Oh my dear Sophie, it’s been too long, too long!" Mrs. Bennett replied still hugging. "I know, I know," Sophie said remembering all the wonderful memories of which she and Mrs. Bennett would go to the ice cream parlor around the block. That’s where they talked about everything, family, friends, and life itself. "What are you doing here?" Mrs. Bennett asked Sophie after pulling herself together from the unexpected surprise of her favorite customer and young friend. "Well, I met some guys that go by the name *NSYNC," Sophie said. "Ah, yes, that group has a bright future." Mrs. Bennett replied nodding. Sophie looked at her in disbelief. "Are you serious? I hate them, well they’re nice but I mean I don’t like them. I like BSB better!" Sophie said standing up for her favorite group. "Ah, yes, BSB, that group will run into some problems, yes they will, but still you must give everyone an equal chance in life," Mrs. Bennett said sternly.

"I guess, anyway, can I take some fun shots?" Sophie said sighing knowing she was defeated but then remembering once again the fun she had in this studio. "Oh of course, come to think of it we have a Cinderella dress your size now." Mrs. Bennett said beaming. "My you’ve grown Sophie, I’m so proud of you!" Mrs. Bennett said smiling while gesturing towards the door motioning her into the dressing room. "Yeah, so what outfit should I start with first?" Sophie asked her almost second mother while they were walking down the hall.


"Are you sure she knew her way?" Lance asked while they were sitting on the couches down the hall in the photo room waiting for the photos to be developed. "Yeah, I think so, at least she seemed to know where she was going." JC said with his eyes closed and head leaning back on the couch. "Why do you guys really care where she is? I wouldn't really mind if she got lost, you know," Justin snorted. "Okay, Justin, so she gets more attention, so she gets better grades, so she gets a better job than you in the project you two are doing, so she-" Chris said shutting up when JC glared at him. Joey snickered when he saw Justin glaring at Chris like Chris was Sophie himself. Lance cut in, " know Justin, you've got to give Sophie a chance, I mean, how would you act if suddenly, someone holds a grudge against you that you have no idea what it is?" Lance asked calmly. "Well, I-" Justin didn't know what to say so he sighed and said, "Okay, you're right Lance, but I'll only give her one chance. If she blows it, then it's not my fault on what happens." Justin forced himself saying it.

"Okay, well, I don't wanna sit here, I wanna do something!" Chris whined jumping out of his seat and running around. "You know guys, I really don't think we should have stopped at that candy store and loaded Chris up with 5 pounds of candy this morning," Joey said uncertainly. "Yeah, but remember last time? It took us more than $400 to load Chris up when he was sick and low of sugar. Now we can't take this risk again, can we?" Justin said chuckling at the thought of when Chris could barely even move or jump around because he ran out of sugar. "Hey! That was so not funny you guys! Anyway, let's go see what Sophie is doing, wherever she is!" Chris said racing to the door. "Okay, okay," JC said sighing getting up reluctantly annoyed at being awake. Justin, Joey and Lance just followed slowly having an argument on who could beat whom at Mortal Kombat.


"That’s it Sophie! Give me that smile! Oh yeah! You got it girl!" The photographer said flashing the camera while Sophie was happily posing for the camera in her long strapless dress, which was made of red velvet that reached past her knees. Thank god, now they can’t see my knees. Sophie thought happily then smiling again for the camera. "Okay, that’s great, we have two more costumes we want you to wear. We think you have a chance at becoming a model!" Mrs. Bennett walked up to Sophie and talking to her quietly while the crew was getting everything prepared for the next costume. "Really? Thank you so much Mrs. Bennett!" Sophie said giggling at the thought. "Okay, here’s your next costume. It’s based on a night on the club. Okay?" Mrs. Bennett said handing Sophie her ensemble.

Sophie stopped smiling immediately when she saw the ensemble. "What, what, what, is that, that, that thing?" Sophie asked stuttering. "Well, umm...honey, it’s a tank top and a skirt?" Mrs. Bennett said unsure of what Sophie’s reaction was supposed to mean. "A, a skirt? Well, Mrs. Bennett, see I can’t wear a skirt exactly." Sophie said biting her lip trying to hold back her tears. "Well, why not darling? You looked wonderful in skirts when you were young, why not now?" Mrs. Bennett asked obviously confused. "Well, umm...just look," Sophie said lifting up the dress so it revealed her damaged and scarred knee. "Oh my goodness!" Mrs. Bennett gasped shocked at the bruise. "When did this happen? Who did this?" Mrs. Bennett suddenly began asking all the questions that were piling into her head. "Slow down, Mrs. Bennett! Okay, this happened when I was 14. You’ll notice in the files that that was when I dropped out of the customer list. Secondly, I don’t know who did this, but it doesn’t matter anymore." Sophie said laughing and then shrugging off the question that had also been bothering her for the past 2 years. Who would do this to me? Sophie thought everyday she saw the scar. "Well, do you still want to continue?" Mrs. Bennett asked cautiously. "Okay, but umm...could we make it a long skirt? Or just under the knee?" Sophie asked wincing at the memory of the accident. "Oh, of course dear! Plus, since that accident, we’ll add a special bonus, any scenery you want, any dress you want! It’s on the studio, honey!" Mrs. Bennett winked at her while the two started laughing again and went on to find a little longer skirt for Sophie’s scene.


"Okay Chris, is it me, or have we passed that vending machine like 4 times already?" Justin said trying to hold in his laughter from the confused look on his face. "Yeah, and every time, Joey just has to get some other bag of chips or something!" Lance added bursting out laughing along with JC and Justin. "Well, this is like our first time here! How am I supposed to know where to go?" Chris said helplessly. "It’s okay Chris. I think I know where Sophie is anyway," JC said trying to keep in his laugh from the 4 other shocked faces. "Okay, we give, how’d you know? And how are you sure?" Joey asked with a mouthful of chips in his mouth. "Well, listen carefully," JC smirked as the others finally quieted down to listen.

"Alright Sophie! That’s great! You go! That’s it!" A photographer yelled in the distance. "Follow that clicking!" Chris screamed and began running down the hall. Everyone else groaned and began trudging along, until they suddenly all bumped into Chris. "Wha-?" Justin asked obviously annoyed at how they had to go see Sophie again. Can’t I go a single day without seeing her? Justin thought annoyed at his own answer, no. "Okay, Chris why’d you sto-," Lance asked but when he looked at what Chris was staring at, he stopped too. The three others followed Lance and Chris’s gaze and all stopped jaw dropped. There was Sophie, in a skirt just a little under the knee, in a tank top, and in a dance club scene in the back round smiling her first real smile at the camera since it was obvious that she liked getting taken pictures by someone.

"Wow, is that Sophie?" JC asked still wide -eyed. " least I think it is. It looks like her," Lance said gazing longingly at the soon to be model. "My new goal in life, try to go out with her," Joey said to himself while the others smirked but their eyes were still on Sophie. "Yeah, I thought your goal was to never stick with commitment?" Justin said smirking. He was even impressed with Sophie, but he still stuck to his motto, A girl’s beauty was only skin deep. That totally goes for Sophie. The other guys don’t know how horrible she is! Justin thought bluntly still staring at her.


Sophie looked up since she felt eyes on her to see the five guys of *NSYNC staring at her. She waved cheerfully, I’m too happy to even be annoyed or even have some hard feelings for them! Sophie thought happily. They kept staring, but JC, the Dad, noticed his sons so called manners so he poked Lance who waved, who then poked Chris, who smiled, then poked Joey who waved then poked Justin. It was a chain reaction until it reached Justin. He forced his smile out. Sophie just smirked and then got an idea and rushed to Mrs. Bennet’s side. "Mrs. Bennett, do you think I could try one of Justin’s costumes? I’m almost his height." Sophie rushed excitedly imagining Justin’s face. Mrs. Bennett agreed reluctantly, but gave Sophie the clothes and a hat so to cover her hair.


What is she doing? I wish we could go home. I wish that Mr. Haylen would actually pay attention to me. All of a sudden, she comes along, and now, BOOM! Bye, bye, Justin. Justin thought bitterly from outside. "What’s she doing?" Joey wondered loudly while the others agreed wondering also where Sophie had suddenly ran off to. "Maybe she had to go get something," JC said reasonably. "Maybe she got shy and was embarrassed," Lance said in a quiet tone. "Maybe she went to put more makeup on to look prettier for me!" Joey thought smiling to himself. Everyone looked at him and smirked. "WHAT? It could happen!" Joey said uncomfortably not even if it sounded reasonable to himself. "Maybe she left so now we can finally go home," Justin said loudly trying to get the hint across. It did, but the wrong way. "Okay, Justin we know you want to go home. We do too." JC said calmly. "Really?" Justin asked starting to walk to the door. "BUT, we have to wait for Sophie." Lance finished. Justin sighed and slumped down on the couch nearby.


Man, they’re gonna get a kick outta this! Sophie thought laughing at her own crazy idea. Whoa! How tall is he? Luckily I drank milk when mom told me to. Sophie thought laughing to herself. Okay, now for the finale, the North Carolina, yuck, gross baby blue cap. What an awful color to wear. Funny though. Mrs. Bennett said that he used a red one. Oh well. Sophie thought admiring herself in the mirror. "Not bad Sophie, not bad at all. Hmm...they’re gonna love this!" Sophie said talking to herself. "Sophie! Are you done in there?" Mrs. Bennett called from behind the door. "Yeah, hold on." Sophie said smiling once more then opening the door.


"Man what’s keeping her?" Lance wondered while they were still waiting. It had been 30 minutes later since they last saw of her. "WAIT! What’s that?" Chris shouted pointing at a figure coming out of the dressing room.

CHAPTER 8 - The Comment Out of Nowhere

"I don’t think that’s Sophie, Chris, I think it’s Justin," Joey said craning his neck trying to get a better glimpse of the shadowed stranger. " guys?" Lance said pointing at Justin who was looking at them strangely. "How could I be in two places at once?" Justin asked annoyed. "Well, then, if it isn’t you, who is it?" JC asked also trying to get a better look until all of a sudden, the room turned black and music began coming on. "Hey! This music sounds familiar!" Chris said bobbing his head to the beat. "Duh! That’s our song they’re playing!" Joey said chuckling while he smacked Chris on the back of his head. "HEY! Don’t beat me up!" Chris said rubbing his head painfully. "Wait you guys, shh...listen." Lance whispered quietly which made the others calm down and listen. The background music was "I Want You Back" and then all of a sudden, everyone gasped for then that’s when the lights came on and revealed Justin or at least a look-alike. A very good look-alike. "Whoa! Justin, I think some aliens cloned you while you were asleep or something," JC joked still staring as the figure began dancing some familiar and some familiar dance moves. "Who is that?! Where did they get my outfit?" Justin asked outraged before opening the door and storming inside muttering, "Who do they think they are? Making two Justin Timberlakes?" "Whoa, who do you think would do that though?" Joey asked still shocked at what he saw in the other room. "I don’t know. What I do know is Justin is a little mad," Chris said running after him motioning the others to follow, which they did.


Hey, this is all right! I can live like this. Sophie thought while dancing to her version of what the "I Want You Back" dance moves should be. All she really did was mix BSB and *NSYNC dance moves so that they made what she called "the perfect dance move". She didn’t notice the 5 members until the photographer said, "CUT! Wow that was great! You can go get changed now!" Sophie walked happily back, but was stopped by JC. "Who are you and who do you think you are trying to copy us?" He said obviously mad at her. "JC? It’s me!" Sophie said pulling off her cap revealing her dark brown hair and smiled up at him. JC’s expression changed immediately. "Wow, Sophie? That was amazing. You really looked like Justin up there! He was so mad!" JC said laughing along with Sophie at the thought. They stopped when all of a sudden Chris, Joey, Lance, and Justin ran up out of breath, "Hey JC, we couldn’t find the imitator. Oh hey Sophie, nice clothes. Anyway JC, you’ll never-" Justin said rushing since he was out of breath until he noticed that JC was standing next to Sophie, who was wearing his outfit. "Sophie? You’re the imposter? Well, not imposter, but still, why’d you copy Justin’s look? We were mad because we thought that someone was trying to make another *NSYNC!" Lance said also out of breath. "Nice one!" Chris said smiling giving Sophie a high-five for her "joke" as he thought of it. "Wow, those were some moves you got there, girl!" Joey exclaimed. "Thanks Chris, I guess, anyway guys, I’d rather no explain it to you right now. How about on the bus?" Sophie said yawning since they spent their whole afternoon there. "Sure, good idea. Let’s go," JC said calling the limo service.


Sophie and *NSYNC were driven back to the bus and that’s when they finished the conversation. "Well, see you guys, I just thought it would be fun to dress up, I picked Justin because he’s the closest to my height than any of you other guys, so his clothes would sort of fit me. I got my dance moves from combining some of yours and BSB’s. I forgot your other questions. I’m really tired, I have to finish some of the project tonight so can we wrap it up?" Sophie said yawning again. "Sure, thanks for answering our questions. We understand now. Good luck on your project with Justin, hahaha! Oh, sorry, good night," Chris said to Sophie and then bursting out laughing when he got to Justin’s name. All the others said good night except Justin who mumbled something under his breath. Sophie thought she heard him say, "More attention," but she didn’t understand so she just left it at that.

That night, Justin was doing his homework when a plan formed in his head and he smiled, put his books away and slept with a smile on his face.

The next day-
Sophie woke up, took a shower and got dressed before she went downstairs that day. She again found *NSYNC finishing their breakfasts. "How can you guys wake up at 5 AM?" Sophie asked yawning again as she took out the Cheerios box. "Oh, we’re just used to the schedule, so we have no problems sleeping." JC explained while watching Lance write their schedule. "Hey Sophie," Joey piped up from behind the TV, "can I ask you somethin?" "Sure, shoot Superman," Sophie said giggling at the thought. "Well, how did you know the photo shoot area?" Joey asked while everyone else looked up waiting for her answer since they were curious too. "Well, Joe, let’s just say I had some experience when I was small." Sophie said in tone, which meant she didn’t want to discuss it anymore. "Okay, well, Lance, what’s the schedule?" Chris asked changing the subject since he heard the tone of Sophie’s voice.

"Hmm...we have a autograph signing first thing, then we stop at JC’s place for lunch, then there’s an interview, then a sound check, then our concert," Lance said thoughtfully checking off everything. "Okay, let’s go!" Justin said jumping up so he wouldn’t have to talk to Sophie since she was looking at him strangely that morning.


"I love you Justin!" "Marry me Lance!" "Chris! Over here!" "Joey, I’ll be your wonder woman!" Screams echoed throughout the city streets when *NSYNC stepped off the bus. Sophie was supposed to go through the back since they didn’t want to start any rumors.

My god, what happened to there girls? Well the ones that like Justin at least, damn, he’s such a faker when it comes to smiling at his fans. How on earth do they like him? Eww! Sophie shuddered at the thought while she stood in line to get an autograph since Johnny Wright told her to pretend she was a fan and *NSYNC would pick a fan to go backstage with them, but it was really Sophie, to go into the limo that would pick them up from the store. "Hi," A little girl behind Sophie said looking up at her. Must be at least 7. Sophie thought trying not to laugh at how the little girl had to look up craning her neck to see Sophie. "Well, hello," Sophie said politely since the little girl’s mother was looking at the two. "Do you like Justin?" the little girl curiously asked still staring. "Are you kidding me honey? He’s all yours, if he was mine, which he wouldn’t ever be, I would give him to you in a split second!" Sophie said faking a smile since she didn’t really like talking to someone who was practically half her age.

"Okay, thank you." The girl said turning back to her mom. "Yeah, I would give him to you since he’s such a damn bastard." Sophie said thought. "ESCUSE ME?!?!" Sophie turned around to see the mother of the little girl staring at her angrily and noticed the little girl crying into her mother’s dress. "What’s wrong?" Sophie asked sweetly since she disliked the little girl and her mom very much. Why don’t they go find someone else to bother? Damn, when’s this line ever gonna move? Sophie thought looking at her watch. "Well, let’s see, how about I explain it like this. My daughter doesn’t know what bastard and damn means, but she knows it’s a baad word!" She shouted making everyone in the line turn around and look at them curiously. Damn, don’t these people have anything better to do then look at us fight? Wait, how’d she know I called him a bastard? Sophie stared at the lady in amazement. "You said it loud and clear. You were saying what you were thinking!" the mother said angrily. "Oh, I’m sorry." Sophie said annoyed. "Oh no you’re not! I’m going to report this! You’ll see! I hope other moms have better luck than I did with you!" the woman spat out then turning around and waving her arm out to the side calling, "Officer!" What the hell is she doing? Oh shit, it’s my turn. Sophie thought annoyed. "Well, hello there, and what’s your name?" JC stared hard at Sophie telling her to pretend she was a fan. "Sophie, oh gosh! It’s you! Oh goody?" Sophie said unenthusiastically. "Sophie, pretend!" Chris whispered since he heard her tone since she moved up to him.

"Miss, you have to come with us," Two officers came up behind Sophie taking her arms. "WHAT? What did I do? What is this?" Sophie asked looking at *NSYNC pleading for help in her eyes. "You are to come with us, for calling a member of *NSYNC some improper words and some kids younger than you having heard, you are a bad role model to everyone, now will you please follow us?" the officers replied taking her while walking behind some doors. "WHAT? OH MY GOD YOU ARE NOT DOING THIS TO ME! COME ON! UM...I LOVE *NSYNC! WHY WOULD I SAY ANYTHING BAD TO THEM? CAN’T I AT LEAST TELL THEM SOMETHING?" Sophie asked an idea suddenly lighting up in her head. *NSYNC were watching speechless and frozen except Justin who was trying hard not to laugh. All the fans and parents were watching not moving. "Okay, but you may only tell them from here. You will have to yell, remember, be careful of what you say," the officer said warning her and wagging his finger at her. Oh please! God, who invented security? Sophie thought sighing, then took a deep breath before shouting across the room, "Justin, MARRY ,ME! I LOVE YOU!" Sophie screamed forcing the words out of her mouth. Justin froze when he heard this. What is she doing? She doesn’t love me, why, oh wait! She’s proving she’s a fan, should I save her or not? Hmm... this is a good excuse or my project, okay what the hell? Justin thought smiling then seeing Sophie’s despaired face, turned his face into a serious expression then saying, "Excuse me officers, why are you taking her away? I mean exactly which member did she insult? Why are you laughing?" Justin asked as his serious voice was turning into a confused one. "Well, son, she insulted you, so we have a problem believing what she just said." The officers said still chuckling. Justin was shocked, but didn’t show it. Oh please let him get me free. Sophie thought worried but then she saw Justin looking at her so she mouthed the words, "I’ll do anything for you," Justin understood, smiled, then said, "Well, officers, if you don’t have any proof, then may I please suggest you release her? We will give her some way of transportation back to her home." Justin said seriously. Then the others started compromising with the officers while Sophie was depressed thinking what kind of torture Justin would put her through.

After a long discussion, Sophie was finally brought home, well, rather brought back to the bus, then after having a long talk with *NSYNC about the media and the rumors that would start. Sophie went to sleep uncomfortably thinking of Justin’s smiling face when she said good night to him.

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