*Attention (disclaimer from author): I don’t KNOW *N Sync or anyone associated with them. This IS a fiction story. It is NOT real.

(Stomping sounds up a flight of stairs)

Stephanie(excited): HILARY!


Stephanie(opening Hilary’ s door): GET DOWNSTAIRS NOW!

Hilary: Why?


Hilary: Ok ,Ok I’m coming.

Hilary’s hand was grabbed by Stephanie and was pulling her downstairs (trying to talk between bumps) : Whu~t is go~ing on! are yoo~uu out uff your mii~nd? (Stephanie whirled Hilary around the corner and smacked her straight into a stranger and Hilary hit the ground)

Hilary (trying to get up): STEPHANIE! GOD DAMMIT! Why’d you do that?

Stranger just staring at Hilary in amazement.

Hilary noticed the stranger and said: What’d I do? It was all her fault. My name is Hil- Heeeeyyyyy aren’t you um? Um? Trust me I know who you are I just can’t think right now. By the way you have a hard head.(rubbing her forehead)

Stephanie: Hilary, I can’t believe you just said that. This is of course, none other than, Justin Timberlake!

Hilary: I knew that. If you hadn’t have thrown me into him I would’ve known quicker.

Justin: Well, she’s right about one thing, I am Justin Timberlake.

Stephanie: SEEEEEEEEEEEE I told you!(sticks her tongue out)

Justin: And I don’t have a hard head.

Hilary: What-ever. So, why are you here, and can Steph get you a towel cause she’s drooling all over your shoes?(Laughs at Stephanie)

Stephanie(turning an odd shade of red): I am so gonna kill you.

Hilary(running out of Stephanie’s reach): AAAAAAAHHHHHH! It’s not my fault that you are so obvious.

Justin: Yo, don’t kill her. I have to talk to her.

Both girls stopped and talked in unison: About what?

Justin: I want you to spend 2 weeks on the road with me. But I can’t tell you why right now.

Hilary: What!?

Justin(pointing to Hilary then himself): I……want………..spend….2 weeks……..on….the….road….with…

Hilary: you….me….spend……weeks….together…..on the road?

Justin(nodding his head): Close enough

Hilary: Why me?

Stephanie: Oh my god Hilary. What are you saying? This is Justin Timberlake.

Hilary: WILL YOU SHUT-UP! I know he’s Justin Timberlake.

Justin: Well, I can’t tell you now. At the end of the 2 weeks I can though.

Hilary (eyeing him): You’re not gonna get to know me and then try to kill me are ya?

Justin and Stephanie in unison: What?!

Hilary: It was just a question. Jeez, lighten up.

Another stranger burst trough the door and knocked Hilary to the ground: Yo J? You ain’t Dead are ya?

Hilary: Ok that’s the second time I’ve had a meeting with the ground and if there is a third, I’m not getting up……..(Getting up) Who are you?

Stephanie: Oh my gosh Hilary. That’s-

Hilary(closing eyes and putting a hand in Stephanie’s face): I know who it is.

The other stranger : I’m sorry. My name is Chris.

Justin: HEY! I told you guys I’d be fine.

Hilary: Whoa ,whoa, whoa…Are all of you here?

Chris: Yep. Well, we don’t know if Joey is here all the way, but physically we’re all here.

Hilary: Well, ain’t that just peachy keen. Chris, why don’t you go get the others and we can discuss this little situation.

Chris(looking excited): COOL! Does this mean we’re gonna have a party?

All in unison: JUST GO!

Hilary: Stephanie?

Stephanie: Yeah?

Hilary: Can you go upstairs so I can talk to Justin for a minute?

Stephanie: But I-(Hilary’ s eyes got bigger)I’m out.

Hilary(looking at Justin): I don’t know what this is all about but I can’t spend 2 weeks with you.

Justin: Why not?

Hilary: I have school and, well, I don’t really know you.

Justin: School is not a problem. And the reason I’m here is to get to know you.

Hilary: Then why can’t you tell me?

Justin: I want to, but you’d probably freak out and never want to talk to me again.

Hilary: Oh, that just helped everything.

Justin: Listen, I’m not gonna kill you, I just want to get to know you. Plus, we have a tutor that can help you with the school issue.

Hilary(eyeing him again): You’re not gonna let me say no are ya?

Justin: Nope

Stephanie(stomping down the stairs with a full suitcase): OK I heard everything and Hilary, there is no way in this lifetime you’re gonna say no that guy.

Hilary: OH…OH…I see you’re not gonna even let me say bye to my mom, family, and friends at school?

Justin: Of course. What kind of guy do you take me for?

Stephanie(slapping a hand over Hilary’ s mouth and mimicking her): A very nice guy that wants to take you on tour with him.

Rest of the Peanut Gallery walks in: Heeeelllllooooo?

Stephanie(jumping up and knocking Hilary on the ground): OHMYGOD it’s you!

Hilary(on the floor): I said it, now I mean it. I’m not getting up.(crossing her arms)

Stephanie: Sorry, but it’s-!

Hilary: Haven’t you figured it out!? I KNOW WHO THEY ARE. And I don’t care cause because of them I’ve met this floor(slapping the floor) …..3 times!

Joey(looking at Hilary like she’s crazy): Did I miss something?

Stephanie and Hilary (in unison looking at him as if he’s from mars)(mumbling):Chris was right.

Joey(insulted): HEY

Justin: Are ya’ll like twins or somethin’?

Stephanie and Hilary(in unison): No, Why?

Justin: You always talk at the same time? Nevermind.

Hilary(shaking her head): Alright, alright. Justin, just give me a day to say goodbye and check and see what Steph packed me. (looking quizzically at Steph).

JC: OK boys lets get back on the bus.

Joey: UGH! man we’ve been on that bus for too long…..(trailing outside)

Justin: Alright then. See ya tomorrow ladies.

* * * * *