So, the next morning Hilary headed home. She didn’t know what to do about her brother. She just wanted her mom. When she got there, she stayed with her mom. Four days later Deanna Woodall past away. Hilary was very sad, but remembered what JC said, ”God has a plan for everyone.” She knew her mother was without agony or pain, but she was still sad her mom was gone.

Hilary (on the phone): Hey, is JC there?

Lance: Yeah. Hold on.(Walks to another part of the bus) Hey man, it’s for you. JC mouthed asking who it was. (Whispering) Hilary(with a sad look on his face)

JC: Hello?

Hilary(sniffling): Hey.

JC: What’s wrong?

Hilary(with a deep sigh): She past away last night.

JC: I’m so sorry. Are you ok?

Hilary: I’ll be ok. It’s a little shock for me though. I thought she might last longer. Um… there is gonna be a funeral for her in two days. So, I’ll be seeing you guys in about five days. I just need to get things sorted out.(starting to cry again) I miss her so much.

JC: I know you do. For the short while I knew her she was a wonderful and exciting woman. Can I ask you something?

Hilary (started to stop crying): What?

JC: Would you mind if we came to the funeral? (JC was by himself so the others didn’t know yet)

Hilary: Would you?

JC: Anything for you.

Hilary: You are God’s perfect angel. Can you do something for me when we get off the phone?

JC: Anything.

Hilary: Call your mom. Talk to her. You know what, there is no pain like losing your mother. You are part of her. You came out of her. Yeah, she was in a bit of pain getting you out, but you grow older with them and the bond is like no other. So, can you do that for me?

JC: Absolutely. I’ll talk to you later. Bye

Hilary: Ok. Bye(clicked off)

JC(shouted for everyone): HEY! CAN EVERYONE COME IN HERE PLEASE?(he was in the lounge. Everyone wanted to know what was wrong.) Last night…..Hilary’s mom past away.

Kristin: Oh my God.(she put her hand to her mouth)

Steph: Is Hilary ok?

JC: She is doing her best. Everyone her knows how strong she really is. Her mom’s funeral is in two days. So, I told her we all would be there.

Justin: Absolutely.

JC: I just thought I’d let you all know what was going on. I gotta make a phone call real quick, so you all can discuss what’s gonna happen.

Justin: So, when do you all want to leave for Gainesville?

Joey: I think now would be best.

~ Two Days Later ~

They arrived and stayed with Hilary the whole time. Hilary was pleased that her mother had a funeral that would make her truly Rest In Peace. It was beautiful. Through the whole funeral, though, she wouldn’t let go of her brother and little sister’s hand. Sarah was now her responsibility. She wouldn’t let her go to her dad. Even though it was his daughter, Sarah and Justin were the only link to her mother anymore. She would hold tight as long as she could. Towards the end of the ceremony Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance, and JC sang, “God Must Have Spent (A Little More Time On You)” Their voices (to Hilary) sang to the Heavens. She just hoped that her mother knew that she was with the sweetest of men God ever created. Hilary felt truly blessed to be with them. Three days later she would start her journey again with seven of her closest friends. But something was still missing.

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