Justin(in Hilary’ s room about to wake her up at 7’ A.M. not a good move): Rise and shine twinkle-toes.

Hilary(starting to wake up): Who the hell let you in my room?

Justin(putting a hand to his chest): You’re not happy to see me? Your mom.

Hilary(puts her palm on her forehead): Oh no. please no?

Justin(walking to her bed and sitting down): Ya know personally, I didn’t know how it was gonna rain, but-

Hilary(sounding disappointed): Not the cow?

Chris(walking in her room): Not the cow, what?

Hilary: My mother’s weird country sayings.

Chris: What are they?

Hilary and Justin(in unison impersonating her mother): It’s gonna rain like a cow pissin’ on a flat rock.

Chris(laughing): You’ve got to be kidding me.

Hilary(sitting up in her bed): I kid you not. Don’t believe me? Go talk to her.

Chris(thinking): She seems like a sane lady.

Hilary(staring at Chris): Who’s known her longer?

Chris: This would be the time I shut up, right?

Hilary: Pretty much.

Justin(interrupting): Anywayz, we have to get going soon. Are ya gonna get up or do we have to carry you to the bus?

Hilary: Can someone give me time to get up? Not to mention iiiittt’s (looks at clock) 7 A.M.! Are you just plain BONKERS? It’s 7 A.M.!

Justin(puzzled): Your point being?

Hilary(getting out of bed): Get out.

Justin: What?

Hilary(shoeing them): Shoe! Outta my room so I can get dressed.

Chris(looking at her night clothes): Nice P.J.’s

Hilary: OUT! (yelling from her room) You’re the one to talk with that hair.

Chris(insulted): HEY!

~ Downstairs ~

Hilary’s Mom(putting food on the guys plates):Now boys eat up.

Lance(stuffing his face with French toast): Thank you Ms. Woodall. This is so good.

Hilary’s Mom: Please, call me Deanna.

Joey: Lance, you’d practically give your right kidney for some French toast. Not saying your food isn’t good Deanna.

Deanna: I know what you’re sayin’. My Justin is the same way.

All: Your Justin?

Deanna: I have a son named Justin. If you stick around till about noon you might get a glimpse of him. Not his best side, but him.

JC: Wish we could, but we gotta leave at 8`. I’m sure we’ll meet him at another time though.

Deanna: I still can’t believe you’re taking my little girl, but I shouldn’t have been pressured by you with those puppy-dog eyes. Have you met Sarah yet?

All: Who?

Deanna: My other daughter. SARAH!

Sarah(coming in): Yes mommy?

Deanna: Come meet our guests.


All: Hi.

Sarah(pulling Chris’ dreads): I like your hair.

Chris: Yeah, so do I. Mind if I keep it?

Sarah: Keep what?

Chris(prying her grip): My hair. You’re pulling it out.

Sarah: Sorry. Has any one seen Chrono?

Justin: Who’s Chrono?

Sarah: Um? I gotta go.(rushes out of the room.)

Justin(raising an eyebrow): What was that about?

Hilary(coming downstairs fully dressed): What was what about?

Justin: Who’s Chrono?

Hilary: Oh. You’ve already met Sarah.

Chris: Yeah and she likes my hair. Unlike someone else.

Hilary: So happy for you.

Sarah(screaming from another room): WHERE’S CAITLIN?

Joey: Who?

Hilary: Her baby.

Joey: Oh.

Hilary: Sarah is my half sister. We don’t know why she’s like that, but she don’t get it from my mom.

Justin: So, are ya packed?

Hilary (staring at Lance stuff his face): Can’t I get some French toast before Lance eats it all?

Lance: Well, your mom is a great cook. If you can cook like that we aren’t gonna let you leave the tour.

Hilary: HA! I’ll just have to bring Kristin along.

Joey(looking interested): Who’s Kristin?

Hilary(eyeing Joey): She’s my friend. Why you so interested?

Joey(excited): Is she cute?

All the guys(in unison): JOEY!

Joey: What?

Hilary: Why don’t you see for yourself?(gets up and walks to the phone) Hi. Is Kristin there? Ok. (Talks quickly)KRISTIN! You gotta get over here. My brother is running around the house naked with make-up worse than “MeMe” from The Drew Carey Show. (laughs and hangs up the phone).

Joey: What’d ya say that for?

Hilary: You’ll see.

~ 2 minutes later ~

Kristin(running in with a Polaroid in hand): Where is he?!

Hilary: Um.(thinks) He ran to Steph’s but he put clothes on. Sorry you missed the show, but here’s your prize for showing up.(pointing to *N Sync)

Kristin: Is that really them?!

Hilary: No, it’s a bunch of drag queens. Yes, it’s them.

Joey: I guess she is.

All the guys(in unison): JOEY!

Joey: What?

* * * * *