Hilary(all sitting in the living room): K’ guys what’s the game plan?

JC : Well, we run back to Orlando, drop some stuff off with Lou, and start on the road to Jacksonville.

Hilary(getting up): Cool beans.(starting to leave the room)

Justin: Where you going?

Hilary: Well, since you guys are going to Orlando, then to Jacksonville, I figure you have to come back this way to get to Jacksonville, and that I could go and say “bye” to my friends at school. My school is next to the highway so you could pick me up from there.

Joey(amazed): WOW.

Hilary: What?

Joey: You planned that all out in a matter of seconds.

Hilary: Yeah so?

Chris: What Joey means is; he’s afraid that you’re smarter than him.

Hilary(thinking for a second): He’s just now realizing that?

Lance(jumping in): OK. What grudge do you have on us?

Hilary: I don’t have a grudge. I just think that since you guys pop out of nowhere and say I’m going on tour with you, that I’m allowed to at least be a little bitter. Besides, one thing you have to know about me is I’m like almost always sarcastic. And if you don’t mind, I have to take Sarah to her bus stop and catch my own bus.(grabbing her backpack) COME ON SARAH!

Sarah(yelling back): OK! I’M COMING!

Hilary(talking quickly): Later guys. By the way, call Kristin and tell her what’s goin on. And I go to Buchholz High School. Bye. (leaves)

Lance(staring at the door): Uh?

Justin: What are you “Uhing” about?

JC(giggling): He got told off by a girl in High school.

Lance: I didn’t even get a chance to reply.

Chris: Trust me. She’d catch you’re throw and use it against you. I have a feeling she always gets the last word.

Justin(smiling)(thinking in his head): That’s my girl.

~ Later that day at Buchholz ~

*At our school if you don’t dress-out for PE you have to stand in a circle at the bottom field. I know it’s stupid. *

Hilary(getting in her circle, looking up): Oh man. They’re here.

Danielle: Who’s here?

Hilary(covering her mistake): Uh no one.

Danielle(looking up): OHMYGOD! It’s *N Sync!

Hilary(panicking): No it’s not.

Danielle: Yes it is. Look.

Hilary(under her breath): Shoot.

All the guys(shouting): HILARY!

Hilary: WHAT?!

Justin: Come on it’s time to go.

Danielle: You know them?

Hilary(ticked off): Yeah. (cries)WHY!? They weren’t supposed to be here yet.

Danielle: Are you kidding me? You’re going with them? And you’re not excited? Are you crazy?

Hilary(sarcastically): Oh It’s an absolute dream come true! Bye.(leaving) I’M COMING!

Justin: THANK YOU!

~ Later on the road to Jacksonville ~

Kristin(singing & dancing): This- is- so- cool.

Hilary(sitting in the lounge area): So, how did your dad take it?

Kristin: He yelled for a few minutes then I came back in the room with my stuff and told him bye.

Hilary(picks up the newspaper and starts reading it): That seems normal. At least for him.

Kristin: So, what about Steph? Is she coming at all?

Hilary: I’ll see if she can come later on.

Kristin: Ok. Well I’m gonna go talk to the other guys. Later.

Hilary: Later.

* * * * *

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