Right at this point Hilary was being a sore loser. They were walking back to the bus arguing. Not to mention the fact that when they had started to play, Justin put both Joey and Lance on her team, and took Chris and JC.

Hilary(refuses to talk to Justin): I’m not talking to you!

Justin(twirls the basketball): Why not?

Hilary: Cause you cheated!

Justin(stops twirling the basketball): How did I cheat?

Hilary(turning to look at him): Ok. 1) You give me two of the worst b-ball players in your group and 2) You give me ball hogs. Meaning if I was the best player on my team I didn’t even get the ball. I could’ve been sitting on the sidelines, in a lawn chair, with a non-alcoholic margarita in one hand and a walk-man in the other and the game would have been the same. Now I’m gonna go on the bus and be a sore loser.

Justin(trying to mess with Hilary’ s head): What are you trying to say?

Hilary(turns to the bus and talks to herself): I can’t believe I agreed to spend two weeks with them. (goes on the bus)

Justin(laughs at how easy it is to set Hilary off. Calls to the others): Come on guys, it’s time to get to the venue!

~ After the concert ~

Hilary(sits in the T.V. room): Ok, I’m tired just from watching you guys. (impersonating a reporter with a microphone) How do you do it?

Joey: Well, Sally….

Hilary(interrupting): And there you have it. Straight from the horses mouth. I’m Sally West with 11 o` clock news. Good night folks.

All of them laughed at her humor. Their next destination was Atlanta, Georgia. And they wouldn’t be getting in till late.

Justin(getting up): Well, I’m beat. I’ll be in my bunk.(starting to leave)

Hilary(mumbles so it would be barely audible to Justin): Cheater.(acts like she didn’t say anything) Good night. (smiles innocently)

In the bus hallway Justin was about to get in his bunk when he noticed Kristin sitting at the table.

Justin(sitting across from Kristin): Sup?

Kristin(looking up from her magazine): Huh? Oh, hey. I’m just reading this magazine.(looks back at her magazine) I know a way you can really get to know Hilary.

Justin: How?

Kristin(looks Justin straight in the eye): Call Andrea.

Justin: Who’s Andrea?

Kristin: That is, of course, Hilary’ s best friend. Anything you need to know about Hilary you can find out from Andrea. They are so close. Makes me almost jealous.

Justin(getting up): Thanks. That’ll probably help a lot.

Kristin: You can thank me by telling me why Hilary is so interesting to you.

Justin(shakes his head): That m’lady is something I can not tell you. It’s important, too risky right now to tell you. Good night.

~ In the lounge area ~

Hilary(turning to JC): Ok, you’re his friend, am I correct?

JC: Yes.

Hilary: So, you would know everything about him, right?

JC: Just about. Why?

Hilary(frustrated): Why did he want me on the tour!?

JC: Good question? I have no idea.

Hilary: Ugh! I have to find out soon or I’m gonna go crazy.

Chris(adding his two and only two sense): Been there, done that.

Hilary: This is probably where I’ll believe you.

Chris(mockingly): HaHa.

Hilary(in little giggles): Alright, alright, truce?(sticks out her hand)

Chris(sticks his almost to hers): Truce.

Hilary(jerking her hand back before the shake): PHSYC!

Chris: I’m gonna have to watch you.

Hilary just sits back and laughs to herself.

* * * * *