After the movie Hilary drifted to the others side of the mall. She wanted to be away from the group. She took her cell phone out.

Hilary: Hello? Justin? Hey. I meant to ask earlier but I just don’t want them to know. How’s mom?

Justin: She’s fine. Why wouldn’t you want them to hear you?

Hilary: Justin, things are just too complicated when other people know about mom. I just don’t want them to pity me. That is always what happens when people find out. They freak and pity me like a lost child. You know I really didn’t want to leave you guys, but this was a chance for me to ya know travel a little, and that is an opportunity I didn’t want to pass up.

Justin: Hey, if I were you I would do the same thing.

Hilary: Ya know that doesn’t speak very highly of me. Well, I gotta go. Tell everyone I said “Hi” see ya dude.(clicks off)

What Hilary didn’t know was that Chris and Justin were right behind her and heard everything. Before she noticed them they walked off, not to let her know they heard.

Chris: What does she mean, “ I don’t want them to pity me” pity her how?

Justin: I dunno? I’ll ask Kristin.(walked until they found her) Kris can I talk to ya for a sec.?

Kristin: Sure.(they walked a little and sat down) What’s up?

Justin: What’s wrong with Hilary’s mom?

Kristin(worried and curious): How do you know about her mom?

Justin: Can we stop with the twenty questions? Me And Chris overheard her talking to her brother about her mom. She said something like, “I don’t want them to pity me” What is she talking about?

Kristin: Does she know you heard her?

Justin: No. Why?

She didn’t answer.

Justin: WHY!?

Kristin: Fine. Don’t tell her I told you though. She’s worried about her mom. Her mom has lung cancer. Because her mom isn’t doing well, she thinks that people will treat her different, pity her.

Justin: Whoa. I’m sorry.

Kristin: So is she. I’ve tried to tell her it’s not her fault, but she won’t believe me.

Justin: Why would it be her fault?

Kristin: She thinks she could have done something. Ya know. Maybe try and to at least get her to quit or something. But now she takes responsibility for it.

Justin: That’s just wrong. She shouldn’t take responsibility for that. It isn’t her fault.

Kristin: Well, I don’t know what to say. She wouldn’t believe me.

Justin: Well, thanks for at least telling me. It helps answer a lot of questions I’ve had.

Kristin: No problem.

Justin didn’t want to admit it, but he was starting to pity her. Pity what she has had to go through. Pity that she took responsibility for something she couldn’t have helped. It just wasn’t right. He didn’t know what to do.

~ Couple of Days Later ~

Hilary was pacing back and forth on the bus. She was alone in the lounge until Kristin came in.

Kristin: What’s wrong with you girl? You gotta pee?

Hilary: No, Justin called. My mom is getting worse. Her voice is getting all raspy and stuff. Should I go home?

Kristin: Of course not. She is with Justin, she’ll be fine. What am I saying? Don’t worry. She’ll be fine.

Hilary: Well, what should I do?

Kristin: Stop pacing! You are making me nauseas.

~ Meanwhile with Justin and JC ~

Justin(worried): What should I do man? Her mom has lung cancer. I can’t tell her now. She’ll go bozerco and flip out. Help me dude.

JC: Don’t worry. She doesn’t know. So, keep your cool. I’ll talk to her ok?

Justin: Thanks a lot man. It’s a big help.

JC: No sweat.

JC went to the lounge area and found Hilary talking to Kristin.

JC: Can I talk to Hilary for a minute?

Kristin: Sure. Go ahead.

JC: Alone?

Kristin: Oh, ok. My bad. I’ll talk to you later Hilary. (she left and shut the door)

Hilary(acting normal): What’s up?

JC(sitting next to her): You know “What’s up?”

Hilary: What are you talking about?

JC: I know about your mom. And I want to let you know it’s ok. I and nobody else pity’s you.

Hilary: How do you know?

JC: Justin overheard you talking to you brother on the phone in the mall. And no one else knows. If you want to tell the rest of the group that’s up to you. I just want you to know you can talk to us if you need us. Things happen and they are not all your fault. And we know about your mom by unavailable sources *cough* Kristin.

Hilary had felt so bad not telling the guys, but that was something she decided on. But when JC said that things happen, she couldn’t hold it back. She cried. Something she’s wanted to do for a while, but thought she had to be strong for everyone else.

JC(holding her while she cried): Sssshhhh. It’s ok. Let it out.

Hilary(trying to talk but her bottom lip trembled): I’m sorry. I just thought that I could have done something to prevent it. I didn’t tell you all because I thought that I had to be strong. Hold myself up. But I can’t. I don’t know what to do now.

JC: Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. All you have to do is pray that things will turn out ok. That’s all you can do.

Hilary(still crying a little): Thank you. I’m glad you came and talked to me.(she hugged JC)

JC: No problem. Maybe now you know you can be more up front with us. We’ll always be there. And if you want to thank someone. Thank Justin. He was the one that wanted me to talk to you.

Hilary: I will. Thank you again.

* * * * *

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