I sat in the back seat of a Jeep with my younger sister, Paige. She was a year younger then me and we were extremely close. "So girls, it's been a long time since you've seen Justin, huh?", Lynn Harless, Justin's mother, asked us. "Yeah", we both mumbled, looking out the window. "He's really looking forward to seeing you again, Kathy", she said, pulling into her driveway. "Great", I said sarcastically, taking off my seatbelt. 'We shouldn't even be here', I thought to myself. But here's why I am:


*Flashback-last week*

Paige and I were at a party at my boyfriend, Jason's house. It was about 4 A.M. and the last of the partiers had just left. Paige was cleaning up food from the floor and putting plastic cups in the garbage. I was cuddled up with Jason on his living room couch, falling asleep, when the phone rang. He answered it, talking in a whisper so as not to wake me up. After talking to the person on the other end for a few minutes, he finally hung up the phone and kissed my forehead lightly to wake me up. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him. I could tell he was holding back tears. "What's wrong?", I asked, brushing his cheek gently with my hand. Paige walked into the room and sat by us, worried. She could tell something was wrong by the awkward silence. He looked at the both of us and a tear ran down his cheek. "That was the police station. Your parents were in a car accident earlier. They were killed on impact. I'm so sorry", he said, breaking down and embracing the both of us in a hug.

The next day our godmother, Lynn, showed up on our doorstep to tell us that we would have to move from our huge Long Island mansion to Orlando, Florida to live with her, her husband Paul, her son Justin and his four friends/bandmates, Lance, Chris, J. C. and Joey. This news came like a stab in the heart to me. This meant I would have to leave Jason, who I loved more then anything. This also meant I would have to move in with my ex-boyfriend. Justin and I went out for a year when we were 12, then my family left Orlando and moved to Long Island. Somehow it seemed like this bad scene was once again happening.


I got out of the car and slowly walked into the house with Paige and Lynn. I had tears streaming down my face but Paige refused to let herself breakdown. She always was the strong one. As soon as we stepped in the house we were immediately greeted by five gorgeous guys. They introduced themselves to us and we did the same. They were all very hot, but there was one who I just fell head-over-heals for. He introduced himself as Lance. He didn't seem like the other four. He was different from all the others. He wasn't as loud and hyper as them, but he was more of a perfect gentlemen and kind of shy. Paige blew off all of them and went up to the room that the both of us would be sharing. She never liked meeting new people. The six of us sat down in the living room and began talking about things. My parents deaths never came into the conversation, I guess they didn't want to upset me so they didn't bring it up. Justin and I reminisced about the old days when we were together. "I feel sorry for you...", Chris started. "Why?", I asked, leaning my head on Justin's shoulder as he put his arm around me. "Well, because you are doomed to be Mrs. Justin Randall Timberlake", he ended, laughing. I laughed a little. "Why do you say that?", I questioned. "Well, let's see...you've known eachother since the day you were born. You were best friends until you were 12, then you went out for a year. Then you were separated and lost touch with eachother and then fate brought the two of you back together. You guys are like meant to be together!", he explained. Justin and I both laughed. I noticed he was smiling. So was I, but that was because I couldn't help but notice Lance's beautiful green eyes. I starred at him for a few minutes before I was interupted by Justin announcing that he was going to bed. "Me too", Chris, J.C. and Joey mumbled, standing up and giving me hugs. Justin and I kissed quick on the lips, then he went up to bed, smiling. Lance sat by me. We agreed to getting to know eachother a little better. He moved closer to me. I smiled and we began talking. As our conversation was nearing an end, he confessed, "Kathy, I can't lie to you, I really, really like you". "Really Lance?", I smiled. He nodded, taking my hands in his. Smiling, I said, "I really like you too, Lance". He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I kissed back. I felt so safe in his arms. I had never felt this way with anyone else, not even Jason. We made out for a little while, maybe half an hour. Then we looked at the clock. "Wow", Lance said with a grin on his face. "It's already 3:30". "I know", I smiled, closing my eyes while he kissed my neck softly. He stopped after a few minutes and wrapped me in his arms. I began to fall asleep, so he picked me up like a baby and carried me up to my bedroom. He laid me down on my bed and pulled the covers over me. He kissed my forehead then left the room and turned off the light on his way out.

I woke up the next morning and probably woke up the whole neighborhood as well with my scream. I looked at the person standing over me more closely. "Oh, it's just you Paige. What's up?", I said, sitting up. "Nothing, Lance was looking for you earlier. I think he has a thing for you". I just grinned. "Kathy, what aren't you telling me?", Paige questioned, sitting next to me. I told her all about the night before. She gasped, "What about Jason?!". "What about him?", I said, non-chalantly, standing up and getting dressed in mavi flares and a baby blue baseball tee juicy. "I can't believe you!", Paige said, standing up. "We've been gone for one day and you're already ready to forget about Jason! That boy is sitting at home sad and depressed because the girl he loves just moved halfway across the country and the first night you're here you've already made out with another guy!", she exclaimed, sounding kind of upset about the whole thing. "Why are you so mad about this Paige? This has nothing to do with you!", I said, sitting on the edge of my bed. She sighed and sat on hers. "I guess...I guess it's just that everything is changing so quickly and well...you and Jason are the only thing that haven't and I guess I just want it to stay like that". I sighed, "This whole long distance relationship thing isn't going to work". "I know, I know...but I think there's someone else you should be telling that", she said, handing me the cordless phone. I nodded and dialed Jason's number as I watched her walk out of the room.

After I broke it off with him, I walked downstairs to see all the guys and Paige sitting in the living room. I smiled as soon as I saw Lance and sat by him. He kissed me gently then whispered, "'Morning sleeping beauty". I smiled, "Good morning". Justin glared at Lance. I just ignored him and looked up at Lance. "Wanna do something today cutie?", he asked me as I leaned my head on his shoulder and he leaned his on top of mine. Justin got up and walked into the kitchen, looking kind of pissed off. "Sure", I answered, trying not to notice Justin. "Okay, good", he smiled as he took my hand and announced to everyone that we were leaving. Then we both walked out to his silver 4-Runner and he opened the door for me. I smiled, "Thank you". I got into the car and he closed the door. He walked around to the other side and got in and began driving. "So, where are we going?", I asked, anxiously wondering where we were heading. "You'll see...", he smirked, "Just relax and we'll be there in a few". "Whatever", I laughed as I leaned back. He turned on the radio only to hear 'Bye-Bye-Bye' being played. He laughed, "I can never seem to get away from work!". I laughed and leaned my head on the window. "I love this song!". "Well that's good to know", he said as the song ended and 'I Wanna Love You Forever' came on. I began to sing along to it and Lance was very quiet until the song was over. Then he glanced at me quickly. "Have you ever thought about becoming a singer?", he asked. "Who me? Nah...don't you actually have to have talent to do that?", I laughed, turning down the volume as a Backstreet Boy song came on the radio. "Yeah, but you do! You're like the best I've ever heard!", he said excitedly. "Yeah, right, whatever", I answered him as the car came to a stop. I looked around. "oOoOo the beach", I smiled, "How romantic!", I said as we got out of the car and he took my hand. He led me to a little blanket he ha st out on the sand that had 2 candles on it and a meal for two. We smiled at eachother as we sat down and began to eat. After we had finished our dinner he laid me down on the blanket and began kissing me all over. As the sun was setting in back of us we began making out as we had last night, only this time more passionately. After maybe an hour, we decided to head home to continue this and maybe start something else. So we pakced up his 4-Runner and headed for home. When we pulled up in the driveway, Lance got out and opened the door for me. Then he took my hand and led me upstairs to his bedroom. We began repeating what we had just done on the beach. Then I felt his warms hands taking off my shirt. That was a night I'd never forget.

"Lance what the hell is your problem?!", Justin shouted, bursting through the bedroom door the next morning. I yawned and opened my eyes. "Justin, what's all the screaming about?!", I asked, sitting up. "Oh, puh-lease! You know what I'm screaming about!". Lance sighed and sat up. "Justin, shut the hell up and leave me and my girlfriend alone!". I smiled as soon as I heard Lance call me his girlfriend for the first time. "GIRLFRIEND?!", Justin exclaimed turning redder by the minute. "Yes, GIRLFRIEND!", Lance shouted back at him. Justin looked at me for clarification and I nodded. I could see he was holding back tears. He looked back at Lance with a look like he had been betrayed on his face. "How could you?", he kind of shouted, his voice cracking as a tear rand down his cheek. It had been five years since I had seen Justin cry. He was a very strong person and he never cried unless he was really hurting. The only time I had seen him cry was when we had to say good-bye. Lance sighed, "Do what to you Justin? Fall in love with her? Just because you still haven't gotten over her after five years doesn't mean that I have to stay away from her!". Justin sighed, he knew Lance was right but he didn't want to admit. Justin always had a hard time admitting that he was wrong. Lance said with a little sigh, "I'll let the two of you talk". With that he kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room. Justin sighed and sat down next to me on the bed. My head was down. At the moment I didn't really feel like looking at him but I kind of had to when he gently lifted me head up so we were looking at eachother eye to eye. "I'm sorry", I whispered. He shook his head a little and held my hands, "But...but we're doomed to be together! You're supposed to be Mrs. Justin Randall Timberlake, remember? Chris even said so!". I sighed, "Justin I fell out of love with you five years ago and it's time for you to do the same...". I stood up and left the room without saying anything else.


*3 Years Later*

I sat in mine and Lance's bedroom and looked around. I was thinking about all the great times we had together in that room. The first time we slept together, and the many others after that. All those fights, and all those make ups. This was where he had purposed. This was where we had started and this was where we would end. I looked down at the letter I had written to him, that explained why I had to leave. I finished the last sentence, then placed it on the bedside table. I slowly slipped our engagement ring off my finger and placed it next to the note. I wiped my final tears from my face, picked up my bags and walked out of the house, and his life, forever.

Lance came home from a long day of recording and walked up to our room, expecting to find me there. Instead he found a note that would dramatically change his life. He slowly sat down on the bed and picked up the ring. He began to cry quietly, now suspecting what was happening. He picked up the note and began to read it:

Dear Lance,
These past three years have been like a fairy tale. You've made me feel like Cinderella. And as much as I would love to be Mrs. Bass, I can't. I can't forget about my life before you. I never had it easy. I was torn away from my life when I was 13 and forced to start over again. And then just five years later I was forced to do the same once again. I had thought my life was over. I just wanted to die right then. And then there was you....
Love Always,

As the last tears trickled down his cheek, 'I Wanna Love You Forever' came on the radio. Let's Get 'N Fanfiction