2 weeks later (Jenny has started as photographer and doing a wonderful job.)

Catalina, Jenny, Carlos, and the guys were hanging out in the lobby of their hotel in New York, talking. Chris said to Catalina, "Can I ask you a question?" Catalina smirked, "Even if I say no, Chrissy Wissy, you'll ask anyway. So go ahead." Chris asked, "How come you never pull you're hair up?" Catalina sat in stunned silence, looking uncomfortably at Carlos and Jenny. She said and swept her hair back so the guys could see the back of her neck, "That's why." The back of her neck was covered with scars. JC looked shocked, "When did that happen, Caramel?" Catalina said sadly, "When I was 14." She took a shaky breath and started to explain.

"My stepfather was a drunken jerk. He tried to sell me off as a prostitute when my mom was away on business, which was a lot. I'd never ever do what he told me to. So he got very angry. He'd break bottles and cut me up with them. This right here is from the last time I ever let him do that. That's how I got the scars on my arm too. I'm really ashamed that I let it go that far. I never wanted anyone to ask what the scars were from, so I never let them see them." She was crying. Justin put his arms around her in a comforting hug that everyone assumed was just a gesture of friendship. About 10 minutes later, Catalina lifted her head from Justin's now tear soaked shoulder. She looked around, embarrassed. She stood, "Sorry. I guess I've waiting to cry for a long time." Everyone nodded in understanding. Carlos draped an arm around her shoulders, "C'mon, Sis. I'll take you up stairs." She said, "G'night everyone."

3 hours later, Catalina went up to the roof of the hotel and sat by the edge. She wrapped her arms around her knees as she stared out at Central Park. She heard a sound behind her and turned around. She wasn't alone. She squinted into the darkness as the figure came closer. When she finally made out his face, she smiled uneasily. "Justin, sit down." He sat next to her and Catalina said, "Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder. I'm sorry I got your shirt wet though." He grinned, "Anytime. I have two shoulders if you ever need one, and I have plenty of shirts. You should cry more often, you know. You don't have to be so brave all the time." Catalina smiled and stood, "Yes, I do. Thank you, for everything. You're a wonderful friend." She walked away and muttered sadly, "That's all you'll ever be."


1 month later (The tension between Justin and Catalina has grown and the 2 are very uncomfortable around each other.)

Jenny sat down next to Catalina, who was sipping coffee in the kitchenette of their Annapolis, Maryland, hotel room. Catalina shuddered, "I hate coffee." "Then don't drink it." Jenny said while pouring herself a cup. She liked coffee.

Catalina sighed and rubbed her bloodshot eyes, "I need the caffeine though. I haven't been sleeping well."

Jenny accused, "Because of Justin." Catalina was saved from responding when someone tapped on the door. Grateful for the interruption, Catalina picked up her keyboards, intending to practice as soon as possible and slid out the door and hugged the person that had knocked, not even realizing whom it was. "God bless you!"

Two strong arms wrapped around her waist and Justin whispered in her ear, "Never a problem, Catalina."

She looked up happily into Justin's blue eyes. Then, realizing she was in Justin's arms, she jerked away. "Is there, um, something you needed?"

Justin almost said, "Yeah, you." But that wasn't the right way to approach this. "I just need to talk to you. Is there somewhere we can go?"

Catalina said hesitantly, "Yeah, there's a park a block away from here. Come on." Lugging her keyboards, she led the way.

Catalina sat by the pond, watching ducks glide gently across the water. She was very tense. "Well, what is it you want, Justin?"

Justin took a deep breath and blurted out, "You scare me."

It was an especially odd statement and it confused Catalina, "What? I scare you?"

Justin sighed. He'd started; he had to finish it, "Yes. Thinking about you the way I do scares me. Wanting to be with you all the time scares me, but most importantly, thinking that you don't feel the same way scares me."

Instead of responding, Catalina set up her keyboards, glad she had brought them.

'There's something I need to tell you.
There's something you need to know.
I don't know how I should say this
So baby I'll blurt it on out
I'm very, very confused
But there is one thing that I know

I love you
I knew the moment we met
I love you
As much as it scares me it's true
I love you
Baby I know that it's true

That's all I know
But baby, trust me it's enough
I've fallen for you
And I'm going to fall again and again
You're what I've been waiting for my whole life
And I'll wait forever if I must.

I love you
I knew the moment we met
I love you
As much as it scares me it's true
I love you
Baby I know that it's true

It may not seem that I know a lot
Darling I know enough.
I know that you are perfect for me
And I know deep down you agree.
Baby, it's wonderful!
Can't you see?
That all I need is you here with me!
If I could have that, life would be complete

I love you
I knew the moment we met
I love you
As much as it scares me it's true
I love you
Baby I know that it's true'

The song ended abruptly. She looked up with tears in her eyes. Justin was looking at her tenderly. Justin swept her up in his arms, "That was beautiful, just like you."

Catalina smiled, though she was feeling weak, "I love you. Don't tell Jenny though. She'll kill me. She's been warning me against you forever." Catalina laughed quietly…and fainted.

Justin was gazing at her intently as she opened her eyes. She sat up next to Justin and rested her head on his shoulder, "Sorry if I scared you. I haven't been sleeping lately." Justin stroked her hair gently, "It's ok, as long as you're alright. That's what's important." "I'm fine, J. And I have a feeling I'll be sleeping much better from now on."

Justin and Catalina walked back into the hotel holding hands. Catalina was still very weak. Justin led her to her hotel room and forced her to go to bed. Tiredly, she lay down in her bed and looked up at him, "Will you stay here, Justin? Just till I fall asleep." "Of course I will, Cat." She whispered, "Don't call me Cat. I like it when you call me Catalina." Justin took her hand, "Then I'll never call you anything else." She smiled, "You're amazing." He kissed her hand once and said, "So are you. What do you call that song you wrote?" She smiled and looked up at him with love in her eyes, "Catalina's Confession." She released his hand and fell asleep. Justin kissed her head lovingly. Looking back at her as he left, he sighed. God help him, he was in love.


Meanwhile, JC was talking to Lance when he suddenly said, "I think I'm gonna ask Catalina out." Lance's head shot up, "What? You like her?" JC nodded, "I was in love with her in high school." Lance's thoughts whirled to Justin, and his obvious attraction to Catalina. This was going to cause problems. "I don't think you should, JC. It isn't professional." JC shrugged, "I think I'm going to anyway. In fact, I'll do it now." He stood up and left the hotel room. Lance muttered, "This is bad. This is very, very bad."

JC knocked on the door of Catalina's hotel room. When Justin answered the door, JC was surprised. "Justin, what are you doing here?" Justin stepped aside and let him in. He said, "Quiet. Catalina's asleep. She fainted before because she hasn't been sleeping well." Concern clouded JC's eyes, "Oh my God. Is she ok?" Justin nodded, "All she needs is a little sleep." Deciding not to tell JC what had transpired at the park, he said, "I was about to leave. We should leave her be. We have rehearsal anyway. C'mon, we'll see her when we get back." JC nodded, "I suppose what I have to tell her can wait."

After rehearsal, JC went back into Catalina's room and watched her sleep. She was so pretty; it made him wish he'd told her how he felt about her years ago. But he'd make up for it by telling her now.

Catalina stirred and awakened. She sat up and saw a figure sitting in a chair, lost in thought. She smiled and groggily asked, "Justin?"

JC felt his heart break, "No, Caramel. Why would you think it was Justin?" He prayed that there was a reasonable explanation. Catalina was frightened. She couldn't possibly tell him. Thinking quickly she said, "He was the one who made me go to bed. I just figured he hadn't left." JC nodded and smiled; he believed her. "Well, you've been sleeping for awhile. At least 7 hours." Catalina exclaimed, "7 hours! Oh my God! I missed the rehearsal!" JC grinned, "Don't worry about it. Carlos handled everything." Catalina smiled and lay back, "I'm sorry I missed it but I really needed the sleep." JC asked, "Why haven't you been sleeping?" Catalina sighed and said honestly, "Guy trouble. Serious guy trouble." JC felt a lump in his throat, could it be? He opened his mouth to speak when Chris burst in happily, "Catalina!" Catalina smiled at his endless energy, "What's up, Chrissy Wissy?" He said, "I'm going to ignore that! You have to come downstairs now!" She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, "Why? What's wrong?" " Nothing! But you have to see what's going on in the lobby!" Catalina said, "This better be good. Come on, JC."

It was good. Catalina stood in silence with JC, Lance, Chris, and Justin. She was shocked. Jenny, sensible, boy shy Jenny was sitting in Joey's lap and they were kissing. As surprised as Catalina was, she was happy for Jenny. She looked at Justin, who was standing next to her. He smiled at her and put an arm around her waist. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they watched Joey and Jenny.

JC saw Catalina and Justin, standing close together and could tell that they had some sort of affection for each other. He got mad. He got mad at himself for waiting so long, but he was the maddest at Justin for stealing Catalina away. Clenching his fists, he walked over to the two. Catalina quickly stepped away from Justin and said, "JC, don't." But for once, JC didn't listen to her. He brought back his fist and punched Justin in the nose. Justin yelped in pain and asked, "What was that for, jerk?" JC said, "That's for taking Catalina! You knew I was in love with her! You knew!"

Justin exclaimed, "I knew no such thing!"

JC didn't respond, but he punched Justin again. He jumped on top of him and started pounding away. The other guys stood shocked and Jenny cowered in fear. But Catalina, ever the brave one, pulled JC up by his shirt collar. When he was standing straight, Catalina punched him in the nose! "Don't you dare pick a fight over me, Joshua Scott Chasez! I never, ever felt that way about you, and I never can! I love Justin, damn it!" She stopped speaking then and went to help Justin up. "Are you alright, baby?" He nodded, but winced in pain. His face was really bloody and his nose looked broken. Catalina said, "Someone get a car, we're taking him to the hospital." She looked down at JC, writhing in pain on the floor, bright red blood spurting from his nose. Angrily she said, "And someone take care of JC." She looked at JC disdainfully, "Pray this doesn't make it to the press." JC looked up at her sadly, and started crying. Catalina hid her sympathy for the moment; she'd forgive him later. Right now, she had to deal with Justin. "C'mon, Justin. Let's go to the hospital." Justin nodded and limped outside.

At the hospital, Dr. Wells came up to Catalina, "Ms. Martinez?" She stood and nodded. "Well, nothing's broken and he doesn't need any surgery. He had a minor fracture in his nose but we were able to fix it. You did very well stopping the bleeding. No serious cuts were found. He can leave as soon as you fill out some forms." Catalina nodded, "Thanks, Doc." Dr. Wells nodded and smiled, "He's very lucky to have a girlfriend like you." Catalina blushed, "I'm not his girlfriend." Dr. Wells looked shocked, "Oh, I'm sorry. He kept telling his friend how much he loved you and I assumed…" Catalina nodded and smiled wanly, "It's a confusing situation. Where are the forms?" "The nurse in with Mr. Timberlake has them. You can go in." She walked in and saw Chris playing with the stethoscope and Justin sitting on the exam table, a small white bandage on his nose. She took the forms from the nurse and the nurse smiled and left. Catalina joked, "I guess I just keep getting you hurt, huh?" Justin just frowned. Catalina said, "Worried about what's gonna happen with JC?" Justin nodded. Catalina sighed, "Yeah, me too. But I have a plan." Chris said laughingly, "Uh-oh! We're in trouble." Catalina shot daggers at him with her eyes. "Watch yourself, Dreads." Chris looked down, "Sorry."

Catalina sighed, "C'mon, let's get back to the hotel."

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