At the hotel, Catalina paced angrily in front of the guys, Carlos, and Jenny. "Alright, I know we have a serious situation here. But you know what? It's late, and I don't sleep well as it is. So you know something? We're all going to sleep right now and we'll discuss this tomorrow with clear heads. Justin, you and Lance will switch rooms so JC doesn't try to kill you any time tonight. Everyone got it?" Everyone said in unison, "Got it." "Alright then, go to sleep." She turned on her heel and marched out of the room.

The next morning, Catalina awoke to shouting. She stormed out of the room into the hall. She observed JC and Justin shrieking over nothing; bringing up old and supposedly forgotten arguments. She looked at her watch and realizing the time, she screamed, "SHUT UP!" They stopped and looked over at her. She motioned to her room. "In there. Now!" She followed them in and slammed the door. She ran back and forth, motioning with her hands and yelling in her native tongue of Spanish.

After 5 minutes of Catalina's raving, Jenny came out of her room in the hotel suite, yawning. She said loudly, "Catalina, if you're gonna yell at them and wake everyone up, at least do it in English sweetie." She proceeded to make a pot of coffee.

Catalina took a breath and said, "I want you two to stop fighting. There is a rehearsal in 3 hours. How are you going to sing together if you're fighting? Now, do you understand or do I have to scream in Spanish again?"

JC bitterly, "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going on the same stage as this rat." Justin glared at him; "Same goes for me."

Catalina gave him the evil eye, "That's all well and good for you two. But I have 3 reasons why you have to. You want to hear them?"

JC and Justin shrugged. Catalina said, "Lance, Joey and Chris. Remember them?"

JC and Justin frowned; they had forgotten.

Catalina glared at them. She picked up her cell phone. She called the management of the music hall. Keeping her eyes on the two, she said, "Mr. Stauff? Catalina Martinez here. I'm afraid we have to cancel the guys' rehearsal today." She listened, "No, everything will be fine. The show will definitely go on. Good bye."

"You have a show in two days, and you two are fighting like 10 year olds. I won't have it! Do you understand? I will not see you two childish fools ruin this for everyone. No matter how much you both mean to me, got it? Now, I know exactly how to handle this situation. As soon as I discuss this plan with Carlos, I'll let you two know. Now, if I catch you bickering one more time, you'll see just how angry you've made me. Got it?"

They nodded. Catalina said, "Good. Now out! Both of you!" The 2 left, heads hanging low.

Catalina sighed and collapsed into the nearest chair, "Those two are going to kill me." Jenny asked, "So what's your plan?" Catalina said, "I'll tell you all soon. By 8 O' Clock tonight you'll all know what those two have brought me to."

Chapter 18

Catalina was sitting quietly at the table when the guys and Jenny filed into the hotel suite. She said simply, "Sit." Everyone sat; either on the couch, in a chair or on the floor. "OK, we all know that there is a serious problem here." She looked around at everyone and bit her lip. "I really don't want to do this. But we all know that I am the cause of this problem." Everyone started to protest the statement but Catalina held up a hand. "I'm the cause. You all know it. That's why I had to come to this decision, as heartbreaking as it is. I want you all to know that I love you all and you're like family to me, except Justin because that would be kind of weird." Everyone laughed nervously, except JC, who scowled. "Anyway, I feel terrible because I'm tearing y'all apart. Don't disagree, you know it's true. That's why, effective as of right now, I'm no longer co-producer of 'N SYNC. I quit this morning. My plane leaves tomorrow afternoon." Everyone started screaming different things at once but it was mostly the same. "What? You can't! It won't be the same." And stuff like that. Suddenly, JC whistled shrilly and everyone became silent. He said, "It's her decision." He looked at her, "As much as it pains me to say this, Caramel, if you think it's best, it just may be. You've always been right before." Catalina looked at Justin, "What do you think about this?" Justin shrugged, "I think…that I'm going to miss you." She looked at everyone else, "And you guys?" Joey grinned, "You'll keep in touch won't you?" Catalina nodded. Lance said, "I support your decision totally and I hope it works out." She smiled, "You're very helpful, Lance. Gracias." She looked at Chris, "And you, Chrissy Wissy?" Chris had a sad grin on his face "As long as I get to bug you next time I see you." Catalina smiled, "What could stop you?" She stood, "I'm going to pack. I'll see you all tomorrow."

As Catalina laid the pictures of her and the guys on the top of all her clothes, she sighed. She really didn't want to leave. But she had to. The group's success was so much more important than her love for Justin. She was just closing her suitcase when someone knocked on the door. Catalina sat on the bed and said, "Come in, Justin."

Justin walked in tentatively, "Hi, Catalina." He sat next to her. There was an uncomfortable silence. "So, are you all packed?" Catalina nodded. "Where will you stay? Jenny gave up the apartment already." Catalina said, "I called my mom. She's still in Orlando. She said I could stay with her for as long as I wanted." Justin nodded, "And what about us, Catalina?" Catalina covered his hand with hers, "As long as there's an 'N SYNC, there will never be an us. Do you understand?" Justin nodded, "I wish there was another way, though." "Oh. So do I, but it isn't possible." Justin smiled a small smile; "I have something for you." He handed her a square package wrapped in silver paper. "I bought it for you, for your birthday. Promise me you won't open it until you get home." "I promise." She went to put it in her suitcase but he tugged her arm so she as sitting on the bed again. "I love you, Catalina. I really do." Catalina's eyes filled with tears. "It would be so much easier if you didn't. I love you too, though. But let's promise each other. Let's promise that we won't be all upset and depressed over this. Deal." Justin stood, "Deal. I'll see you tomorrow. We're taking you to the airport, you know." Catalina watched him leave and said, "I didn't expect anything less."

Chapter 19

Sitting in the airport terminal the next day, Catalina fought back tears. The guys were all standing in front of her, grinning like Cheshire Cats. At last, Lance said, "We know you've got a birthday coming up. Since we aren't gonna be with you, we're giving you your presents now. We got you two." He nodded to Joey, who produced a small velvet box. Catalina smiled at them and took the box. She said quietly, "Y'all didn't have to." Chris sat next to her, "But we wanted to." Smiling again, Catalina lifted the lid. It was a large, solid gold heart on a thick gold chain. Joey said, "We were going to get you something smaller, but we needed it big for the inscription. Read it." Catalina flipped it over, and with tears in her eyes, read aloud, "To Catalina- You're like our sister. We love you. Your brothers-Chris, Joey and Lance." She smiled. "Thank you guys. I love you all too." JC said to her, "I know I didn't help buy the necklace, but your next present was my idea." Justin continued, "We all know that you're Spanish, and that you obviously love the language. So…"

They started singing. (Please note: I translated this myself and it might not be entirely accurate. But basically, it translates to the chorus of God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You.) " 'Vuestro amor es semejante un rio Pacifico y profoundo Vuestro esencia es semejante un secreto El yo nunca puede torre Cuando yo mirada dentro vuestro ojos Yo conocer el suyo verdad Dios mosta haber gaster Un poco mas tiempo sobre vos'"

Catalina started crying. Joey asked, "Did we do that badly?"

Catalina vigorously shook her head, "No, it was beautiful, and I don't think I'd ever heard 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You' in Spanish before. Thank you it was amazing."

A scratchy voice came over the intercom. "This is the final boarding call for Flight 327- Annapolis to Orlando. Repeat, this is the final boarding call."

Catalina stood and hugged them all. She said to them, "Tell Jenny and Carlos I said goodbye. I'll miss all of you." She kissed JC's cheek, "You may be an idiot, but you're still my best friend." JC smiled. She looked at Justin and gave him a watery smile. "I'll open your present as soon as I get home." Making sure JC wasn't looking, she mouthed, "I love you." She stood back and wiped tears from her eyes, "Keep in touch, y'all." Picking up her carry-on luggage, she walked away. And she didn't look back.

After they saw Catalina off, Joey and Justin were playing one on one in the same park where he had confessed he had feelings for Catalina. Joey shot and missed. Justin grinned, "Man you suck." He thought for a minute, "And you know you suck too. You never want to play and you certainly never offer to play. What's the deal, Superman?"

Joey sat down on the edge of the court and took a drink of Gatorade. Wiping off his mouth, he looked at Justin and said, "You shouldn't have let her go."

Justin sat next to him and took a swig from his bottled water. "I know. But she wanted to leave. She didn't want to mess up me and JC's friendship, or the group. I'll get her one day though. I have to get her. Joey, I love her." Joey said, "Yeah, I know."

What Are The Odds
Let's Get 'N Fanfiction