As Catalina unpacked her final suitcase, she gazed at the package from Justin. She put it on the dresser in her room, the room that had been hers before she moved out. Nothing had changed. There was sheet music scattered every where, a stack of CDs a mile high, and a bunch of trophies from music competitions. What she loved most though, was her dresser. On it was like a scrapbook of her life. There were a few framed photos of her and JC. In one, JC was holding Catalina in his arms. Catalina remembered that picture.


It was Catalina's 16th birthday party. Her and about 10 of her friends were partying on the roof. Catalina called, "Hey, JC! Come here!" JC walked over to her and said, "What's up, Caramel?" Catalina grinned, "Come on, I want to get a picture of me and you." JC grinned evilly, "You want a good photo op? Here's one." He lifted Catalina up and brought her to the edge of the roof. She wrapped her arms around his neck in fear and shrieked, "Joshua Scott Chasez! If you drop me, I swear to God, I'll kick your butt!" JC laughed, "You'll be dead if I drop you Caramel." He spun towards Carlos, who was holding the camera, "Take the picture Carlos." Carlos snapped the shot. Laughing, JC put Catalina down.


Smiling at the picture, she placed one of her and all the guys next to it. Next to that she put the only picture of her and Justin. She remembered perfectly where that one had been taken too.


It was exactly one week after Catalina had started as producer. She was sitting at her keyboards, improving a melody to a song, when Chris and Justin had bounced in, very high on caffeine. She smiled at them, "What's up guys?" Justin and Chris said nothing. They started jumping up and down on the couch. Catalina screamed, "Gentlemen! You are not 4 years old!" They bounced into sitting position and mumbled, "Sorry." Catalina sat next to them, "So how much candy did you eat?" Justin yawned, "Not enough." Catalina nodded and rested her head on Justin's shoulder, "Yep, I'm tired too." Chris bounced up. "I'm not tired!" He stopped and looked at them, "You two are cute together!" Catalina immediately brought her head up, "Bite me, Chris." Chris stuck his tongue out and said, "I'm gonna take a picture of you two." He pulled a camera out of the pocket of his baggy jeans. Catalina laughed, "You always keep a camera in your pocket?" Chris nodded, "Of course. Don't you?" Catalina laughed. Justin put an arm around Catalina's shoulders and Chris snapped the picture. Catalina jumped off the couch and stood next to Chris. She whispered to him, "I want a copy of that picture." Chris nodded, "I totally figured you would."


Catalina sat at her keyboards and started to play and sing softly.

'I lie awake
I drive myself crazy
I drive myself crazy
Thinking of you.
Made a mistake
When I let you go baby.
I drive myself crazy.
Wanting you the way that I do.'

Then, and only then, did she lay her head down and cry.

Juanita Martinez, Catalina's mother, walked in. Juanita sat next to her daughter and hugged her. Catalina sobbed on her mother's shoulder. Juanita comforted her daughter in Spanish. Catalina choked out, "Mama, I love him. I shouldn't have left." Juanita whispered, "Hush, baby. It was the right thing to do." She whispered to her daughter, "If it was meant to be, Catalina Rosette, it shall be."

Catalina sniffed and looked up, "You're right, Mama. If I'm meant to be with Justin, I will be with Justin." Juanita kissed her head, "Yes, my love. Don't worry sweetie. Everything will work out for you."


It was about 2 weeks after Catalina had gone home. Hesitantly, Catalina dialed Jenny's cell phone at 11 in the morning. It was 10 in the morning in Chicago, where her and the guys were. Someone picked up Jenny's phone, but it was not Jenny. Joey said lazily, "Jenny's phone. Joey speaking." Catalina said, "Joey, do I want to know why you're answering Jenny's phone at 10 in the morning?" Joey laughed, "Hey, Cat! Jenny is amazing. We talked all night. Just talked!" Catalina grinned, "I can't picture you and Jenny doing nothing but talking all night." Joey laughed, "Ooh, you got an evil mind girl." "Thanks. Where's Jenny?" Joey said, "She's in a meeting with Carlos and the crew." Catalina nodded, "Cool. So how are you, Superman?" "Alive and kicking, boss." Catalina said sadly, "I ain't the boss no more." Joey muttered, "You should be." Catalina's eyes widened, "Yes, I know. So are the rest of the guys around? I'd like to say hi." "Yeah, they're all next door. Hang on. I'll go over there now." A few seconds later Joey said, "Alright, I'm here." Catalina heard him shout, "Hey guys, Catalina's on the phone! Who wants to say hi?"

Chris snatched the phone, "Give me that! Hi, Catalina!" Catalina smiled, "Ah, my dear Chrissy Wissy! How are ya, boy?" "I'm great. I'm beating Lance at Monopoly." He announced proudly. Catalina laughed loudly, "Good for you. How's Johanna?" She could actually hear Chris blushing, "She's good." "Great, when's the wedding?" "Catalina! We aren't that far yet." Catalina said sarcastically, "Yeah, sure. Put someone else on, Chris. You bore me." Chris just laughed, "OK, girl. Here's Lance."

"Hi Doe Eyes." Lance said. Catalina grinned, "Hi, Tiger Eyes." It was a longstanding joke between them, referring to the color of their eyes. "So, what's up, boy? You keeping the peace over there?" "You know it." "Good. JC and Justin killing each other?" "No, it's pretty much back to normal. We all miss you though." "That's sweet, Lance. I miss you too. Put JC on, ok?" Lance said, "Sure."

He passed the phone to JC. "Hi Caramel." "Hey, JC. How's life?" "Boring with out you." Catalina grinned, "You always were a smooth one. Are you behaving yourself?" "Yes I am, if I do say so myself." "I'm glad." "I'm sorry I was such a jerk." Catalina shook her head; "You've always been a jerk, JC. But you're my best friend, and the two cancel each other out." "You're way to understanding." "Yes, I am. How's the tour going?" "Good. No canceled performances." "Wonderful. I'm glad you two aren't fighting." "Yeah, so am I. I wish you didn't leave." "You know very well that if I had stayed, you and Justin would be tearing each other's faces off." "Yeah, I know. Here's Justin." JC reluctantly handed Justin the phone.

"Catalina." Catalina felt tears stinging her eyes, "Hi, Justin. I miss you." Justin sighed, "Not as much as I miss you." "Anyway, I'm glad everything is back to normal." "Yeah, me too. But, damn it, Catalina, I want to be with you." Catalina let a tear run down her face. "Ditto, J. But it's impossible. We both know it." "But it isn't fair!" Justin screamed, aware all the guys were staring at him. "Justin, life isn't fair. But if it was meant to be, it will be." "You're right. So did you open my present?" "No, I just wanted to look at it for awhile." "Open it." "Alright. I'll open it as soon as I hang up." Justin smiled, "Good." "Well, we shouldn't run up Jenny's phone bill anymore." Justin nodded, "Right." He said to the guys, "Say good bye to Catalina, y'all." The guys all called out, "Bye, Boss!" Catalina smiled and whispered, "Bye." She hung up the phone.

Catalina brought the wrapped package into the kitchen so her mother could watch her open it. She carefully unwrapped it so she could save the paper. She lifted the lid of the box and took out the card. She read aloud,

"'My Dearest Catalina,

I know that your past frightens you. But you have to remember the happy times not the sad ones. I hope that this helps you do that.

I love you,

P.S. Don't be afraid to put your hair up.'"

Smiling, she put the card aside. She lifted the thin layer of tissue paper and gasped. She pulled out the Circle of Jade, which hung on a silver chain, forming a necklace. She looked at her mom with tears in her eyes, "Mama, he remembered." Her mother took it from her. "It's like the one I gave you; the one that your stepfather Joshua stole." "I know. My God, he must have bought this over a month ago, when we were Georgia." Tears spilled over her cheeks; "He loves me, Mama. He really loves me as much as I love him." Fastening the clasp around her neck, she stood. "I've got a letter to write. I have to do it fast so I can get it to him in Chicago overnight, before they leave."


JC walked in and tossed a letter at Justin, "Special delivery, Justin." "Thanks, JC." He tore the letter open. JC read the letter over his shoulder.

'Dearest Justin,

Thank you for the present. It's absolutely wonderful. There's absolutely nothing I wanted more. Except for you. But that's something I can't have. For now, anyway. One day, right? When you came in the hotel in Atlanta that day at 8 AM, you were coming in from buying the Circle of Jade, weren't you? You're absolutely the best. I don't think I've ever loved you more, and I don't think I ever will. It's odd, isn't it? I know that I love you and that you love me, but I also know it can never be. Is life supposed to be this hard, Justin? I really wish it wasn't. When I think of you, that day in your kitchen comes to mind. That was when I knew. I knew that I loved you as soon as I drowned in those sparkling blue eyes. Did you feel the same way? I think you did. Whenever I need you, all I'll have to do is look at the Circle of Jade and remember your eyes, so full of love. I hope you do the same. Thank you again, my dearest. Gracias, mi amor. (Thank you, my love.)

Love Always,
Catalina Rosette Martinez'

Justin smiled. JC said, "You two love each other, don't you?" Justin quickly folded the letter and put it in his pocket. "It doesn't matter." "Yes it does." JC insisted. "If you two love each other, you should definitely be together. I shouldn't be the reason you aren't." Justin was shocked, "You mean that, JC?" "Yes I do. You should go see her." Justin said, "We're back in Orlando in 3 weeks; I can see her then." JC looked at him, "You really think this can wait, Justin?" Justin shrugged, "I'll tell you what I do think. I think I'm going to Orlando." JC smiled, "Good idea. I'll help you pack."

The next day, Catalina was playing with her keyboards when the doorbell rang. She figured her mother would get it, so she started to play 'I Drive Myself Crazy.'

"'Lying in your arms.
So close together
Didn't know just what I had
Now I toss and turn
Cuz I'm without you.
How I'm missing you so bad.
Where was my head?
Where was my heart?
Now I cry
Alone in the dark.'"

She started to sing the chorus but she wasn't singing alone. Justin sat next to her.

"' I lie awake.
I drive myself crazy
I drive myself crazy
Thinking of you.
I drive myself crazy
Wanting you the way that I do.'"

She hugged Justin, "Oh my God. What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you, obviously." He smiled; Catalina had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, the scars showing. "I'm glad you did. I missed you. Jeez, I've only been gone like 2 weeks." "It seems like an eternity. I have something to ask you." "Anything, Justin." Just took a breath and kneeled in front of her. "I know that we haven't known each other very long. I know that we've never been on a date or even really kissed. But I also know that I love you. And I know that you love me too. That's why I want to know if you'll marry me." He pulled out a ring with three emeralds in it. "I'm not talking about doing it this month, this year, or even next year. But I want to marry you someday, after like you know, the 'N SYNC thing isn't as big as it is now. And maybe while we're engaged, we can even go on a date." Catalina smiled, but was near tears. "Justin, I want to say yes, honestly, but JC-." She was cut off by the phone. She picked it up, "Hello?" JC said simply, "Say you'll marry him, Catalina. You know you want to do it. Don't let me stop you." He hung up. She looked at Justin, who was looking boyish and hopeful. "Yes, Justin. I'll marry you, eventually." Justin slipped the ring on her finger. He spun her around, "That's great!" He kissed her passionately; their first real kiss. When it ended, Catalina said, "Wow." Justin rubbed his thumb over her lips. "Yeah, wow."

Catalina said, "Oh, my God. I'm engaged!" She did one of her back flips and said, "Come on, I have to tell my mom!" She took his hand and dragged him out of the room.


JC, Lance, Chris, and Joey were sitting around the hotel room in Detroit. Justin was due back from Orlando that very day. Chris threw 10 dollars on the table, "10 says he doesn't come back." Lance tossed in 10, "10 says he does; but it's with the news that Catalina won't marry him because of her conscience." JC placed a 10 on the table, "I say that he comes back with the news Catalina will marry him." Joey dug in his pocket and pulled out 2 five-dollar bills, "I say that he comes back, and she comes back with him." That was it. All bets were made. Now there was only one thing left to do. They had to wait.

2 hours later, Justin came in. Chris said, "Well, I lost." Everyone ignored him. Joey asked, "So, how'd it go?" Justin grinned and tugged Catalina into the room. "What do you think?" Joey jumped up, "I think that I'm 30 dollars richer!" He stuffed the money in his pocket. All the guys took turns hugging and congratulating them. When it was JC's turn, he said, "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble." Catalina hugged him; "You've always caused me more trouble than you're worth, JC. But you're forgiven. Like always." He smiled at her. "You're the best, and you and Justin are really perfect together." Catalina grinned, "That means a lot to me, JC. Thank you." JC smiled weakly; this was harder than he thought. He watched Catalina and Justin together and grinned at them. He had done the right thing. He sat down next to Lance on the couch and said to him, "The group stayed together, Catalina gets the guy she loves, and I get to keep my best friend. It's a happy ending." Lance smiled, "I know. What are the odds of that, huh?" JC looked at his 2 best friends, "Obviously pretty good."

The End

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