When Catalina got home, Jenny was lying on the couch, a damp cloth over her face. Catalina said brightly, "Hey, Chica! What up?" Jenny lifted the cloth and peered at Catalina. "You sure are happy. Did JC die?" Catalina laughed at that. "No, silly! I made a friend. Do you know how long it's been since I've done that? 4 years!" Jenny smiled, "Well, who is he?" Catalina grinned, "Justin Timberlake. You know JC's friend? He's playing basketball with me and the guys tomorrow." Jenny squeezed her aching eyes shut. "You're hanging out with that cutie? My god I wonder what it's like to be you." Catalina laughed. "Don't they all?" She practically skipped into her room.

The next day, Justin stood scanning the names by the intercom buzzers at Catalina's apartment building. He read off, "Martinez/Adams." He pushed the buzzer. Jenny answered, "Yeah, what do you want?" Justin cleared his throat. "It's Justin, is Catalina there?" Jenny's sigh was audible over the intercom. "Come on up. It's apartment 5E." He was buzzed in and he went up to their apartment. He knocked on the door. Catalina opened it and said, "Hey, come on in." She swung the door open and he walked in, gazing at their apartment. She smiled, "I just have to find my sunglasses." She walked into the other room and he sat on her couch. Catalina called, "So, do you have a car? Or do you want to take mine?" Justin said, "There's only one car down there and I don't think it's yours." Catalina came out, holding her glasses. She asked, "Is it an amazingly awesome shiny black Chevy hotrod convertible? Skull and crossbones on the hood and 'The Death Trap' painted on the side in red paint?" Justin nodded excitedly, "Yeah! It's a 1959. Man, that's a classic. My neighbor used to have on just like it when I lived in Tennessee except it was-." Catalina cut him off, "Pale blue with a lowered rear end?" Justin nodded in amazement. "How did you know?" Catalina exclaimed, "It's the same car. It was my uncle's car then, now it's mine!" Justin said, "NO WAY! That's impossible. Your uncle is Roberto? Of course, I remember now. You spent a few summers down there with him. You and a 16 year old boy named Carlos." Catalina smiled, "Yep that was me and my brother. And you were the adorable boy with the curly hair that never talked to anyone. No wonder I didn't recognize you though." She touched his hair, "It looks better this way, though. Platinum, they'd call it now I suppose, huh? God, what are the odds of that? How many of you people do I know?" Justin smiled, "I remember you so well. You were the pretty tomboy I had a crush on. Then you stopped coming." Catalina nodded. "Enough reminiscing. Let's go play ball."

They walked out, laughing and discussing the old Tennessee neighborhood. Jenny walked out of her bedroom, shaking her head in disapproval. "God help you, Catalina. You'll need it."


At the courts, Catalina called, "Yo, D., P., K., B! We're here!" 5 guys walked over. They exchanged greetings with Catalina. She said, "Y'all, this is J." Justin and Catalina's friends said their hellos and B said, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Justin just shrugged. D, who had recognized Justin, changed the subject. "OK, J and K, you're with C. P and B, y'all are with me. Let's play some basketball."

They played for an hour or so, Catalina's team winning. Catalina tossed the ball carelessly into the net. She threw up her hands in a victory sign. "Yes, I rule! I'm the best! Go me!" She started dancing around. She did a back flip perfectly. She stopped and smiled. D, B, K, and P were rolling their eyes at her. Justin was staring in amazement. B said, "God, C. Can't we get through 1 game without you doing that?" Catalina smiled, "Nope." She did another flip. She looked at her watch and frowned, "Sorry, guys. I gotta go. Coming J?" Justin nodded.

In the car, Justin said, "That was fun. Your friends are cool." Catalina nodded as she swerved around a corner. "Yep, they're the best. You're pretty good at basketball. You wanna come again next week?" Justin's heart seemed to close up and he had trouble breathing. He said, "No, I'm not gonna be here next week. We're going on tour." Catalina frowned and her heart bled; though she didn't know why. "OK. Well, when you come back then." Justin nodded. Changing the subject, he said, "I think you should talk to JC." She slammed on the brakes. Justin slammed his head on the dashboard as the car jolted to a stop. He released a cry of pain and said, "Well, if you feel that strongly about it, never mind." Catalina cursed and said, "I'm sorry. Where do you live, I'll take you home? I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry, Justin." Justin said, "It's OK." He told her his address and she drove him there, not knowing JC lived there to. She parked the car in front of the house and helped him inside. "Come on, I'll help you stop the bleeding."

5 minutes later, Justin was sitting on the counter in the kitchen and Catalina was wiping blood of his forehead. "I really am sorry, Justin. You surprised me though." He just shrugged, "I understand. Remind me never to talk about JC when you're driving though." Catalina laughed. She dabbed some iodine on a cotton ball and warned, "This will sting a little." She touched the cotton ball to his forehead and he yelped in pain and jerked away. Catalina put a hand on his shoulder. "Justin, it's OK. It will only hurt for a second." She attempted to bring the cotton ball to his forehead again but he cringed away.

She said, "OK, new approach. Look at me Justin. Look into my eyes." He asked confused. "What?" She whispered, "Trust me. Look into my eyes." He stared into her pretty brownish hazel eyes and felt himself falling. Her eyes were trained on his clear blue ones as she dabbed the cotton ball on his head. She put the cotton ball down but they were still gazing into each other's eyes. They unknowingly moved their heads closer together and their mouths were inches away from a kiss when the pleasant fog that had enveloped Catalina's brain lifted. She snapped her head back, as did he. She picked up the first aid cream and squeezed some onto a bandage before placing it over the gash on his forehead. "There you go." There was an uncomfortable silence. Catalina said, "It shouldn't leave a scar." Justin nodded and asked, "Were we about to kiss there, Catalina?" Catalina nodded, "Yeah. Does that scare you as much as it scares me?" Justin nodded. "You're so much older than me. It doesn't seem right." Catalina whispered, "I'm only 3 years older than you. Besides," She leaned forward and ran a finger over his lips, "Who's to say what's right and what's wrong?" As their lips hesitantly neared each other, a door slammed and JC called, "Anyone here?" Justin and Catalina pulled away again. JC walked in the kitchen and said with hope and surprise, "Caramel. What are you doing here?" Catalina answered, "I was bandaging Justin's head but I'm glad you're here. We need to talk."


Justin said, "Yeah, I'll leave y'all alone." He walked out of the kitchen. Catalina busied herself by putting away the first aid cream. "I decided throwing away what friendship we had would be stupid." JC said happily. "That's wonderful, I-." Catalina cut him off, "But, you did hurt me, I can't forget that. But, as much as it disgusts me, I missed having you as a friend. So, I wanted to give you a chance to explain. Go ahead. Explain now." JC said, "Well, it was because I was afraid how you'd react when I told you what I had to say. I knew the first time I wrote to you, I was going to have to say it. So I didn't write." Catalina smiled, "Whatever you had to tell me, JC, I would've understood. So what was it you wanted to say?" He blushed. "It doesn't matter anymore because it isn't true anymore." He lied. Catalina pleaded, "If it was important enough that you refused to talk to me, I think I should know. I promise I won't overreact. When have I ever?" JC said, "Fine. I was in love with you. How would you have reacted to that?" Catalina took in a shaky breath. "I would have calmly told you that to me you were just a friend and though I understood and was flattered by your feelings, our relationship was always and always would be purely platonic." JC smiled, "Same old Catalina Rosette Martinez. Bitterly honest and truthful." He said it without spite. Catalina's mouth widened into a grin. "Same old Joshua Scott Chasez, annoying and judgmental." They hugged each other and Catalina commanded, "I don't want you drifting away from me again, you hear?" "I won't, Caramel. That's a promise."

Chris danced into the kitchen and exclaimed, "JC, the video is on MTV again!" JC groaned and said, "I don't want to see it." Catalina smiled, "I do. Lead the way, Dreadlocks Boy." He stuck out his tongue at her and led her to the living room.

Joey and Lance were sitting in chairs and Catalina sat next to Justin on the couch. She stared intently at the screen, "Wow, I can't believe my song is actually famous." Joey asked, "Your song? What do you mean?" Catalina shrugged, "I helped JC write it in high school." She laughed, "Look at JC! He looks half asleep!" Justin looked at JC in the doorway and said, "Told ya, man." JC shrugged. "Yeah, whatever." The video ended and Catalina stood up. "Well, it's been charming, gentlemen. I'll see you around." She walked out to her car, only to find an adorable little boy curled up in the front seat. She smiled and shook him awake. The little boy opened his sleepy eyes and jumped, bumping his head on the steering wheel. He started to cry instantly. Catalina opened the door and picked him up. She sat on the curb and sat him in her lap. "Shh, sweetie pie. Don't cry, it's OK." He looked at her, "Who is you?" She laughed at his improper grammar. "I'm Catalina. Who is you?" He pointed to himself, "I is Jonathon Harless. My head hurt." He rubbed at it and started crying again. Catalina said, "Well, let's see." She examined his head and said, "It's just a bump, sweetie." She kissed his head. "Do you live here, darling." Jonathon nodded, "Yah, I do." "Then come on. Let's go fix your head up." Jonathon giggled and wrapped his thin arms around her neck. She lifted him up. He said, "You're pretty. My brother would like you." Catalina laughed, "Who's your brother?" Jonathon said proudly, "Justin." Catalina's heart skipped a beat as she opened the door to the house and walked inside, still holding Jonathon. She didn't see the guys so she went to the kitchen. She heard Justin's voice, "God, Joey. She is so pretty. I think-." Catalina chose this moment to walk in. "Look what I found in my car." Justin shot up, "Jon, are you all right?" Jonathon shook his head, "My head hurt." Catalina sat him on the counter and said, "Stay there, little man. I'll get you some ice." Justin asked concernedly, "What happened, Jon?" Jon smiled and said, "I hit my head on wheel." Justin asked, "Wheel?" Catalina wrapped the ice in a paper towel and explained, "My steering wheel. You're little brother was sleeping in my car." Jonathon said, "Yep, her seat was snuggly." Catalina put the ice on Jonathon's bump. "Glad you enjoyed it sweetie. Does your head still hurt?" Jonathon nodded and pouted. Catalina kissed his nose. "It won't hurt for long, honey. Don't worry." Catalina dug in her purse and found a cherry lollipop. She handed it to Jonathon. "Suck on that, Jon." Jonathon eagerly tore the wrapper off and asked, "What your name?" "My name? It's Catalina. But you can call me Cat." Jonathon asked innocently, "Cat? Like a kitty cat?" Catalina laughed, "Yes, exactly like a kitty cat." Justin sat staring at Catalina, taking care of his little brother. He thought, 'She's a born mother. She'll be wonderful with our kids.' He mentally slapped himself. What was he saying, 'our kids?' He denied what his heart was telling him with logic. "She's just a tomboy." He insisted to himself. "Just a tomboy who happens to be a friend of mine. I don't like her that way." He sighed inwardly, "Keep saying it, Justin. Maybe you'll even start believing it."

Joey gazed at his friend, who was staring at the girl taking care of his brother. He shook his head and thought, "Oh, Justin. I hope you know what you're doing."

Catalina looked up and said, "Well, I'm gonna go before I hurt someone else with my car." She kissed Jonathon's nose. "Bye-bye, Jon." He smiled, "Bye, Kitty Cat!" Catalina laughed. "Bye Joey, bye Justin. I'll see you." She walked out of the house again and this time she left without anything to hold her back. She said, "Nope, that isn't true. Justin's going try and pull me back many, many times. God help me, I won't let him. I can't let him."

What are the Odds?