Jenny was worried about Catalina. Catalina hadn't said two words since she came back. She sat on the couch typing on her laptop. Tentatively, Jenny crept up behind her friend and read over her shoulder.

'I thought that I was doing all right
Had nothing to gain,
I had nothing to lose.
But now you're here in my life,
Pulling me to you again and again.

I'm waiting and praying
That this will all work out
'Cause I say I don't want you
But baby you know it's a lie
When I look in your eyes
You know that I'm falling
'Cause I can tell that you're falling for me

Are you afraid of me?
'Cause I'm scared of you.
I'm scared that one day,
I'm gonna wake up
And find that I'm dreaming.
If you're a dream,
I never want to wake up.

I'm waiting and praying
That this will all work out
'Cause I say I don't want you
But baby you know it's a lie
When I look in your eyes
You know that I'm falling
'Cause I can tell that you're falling for me

Do you see it?
Do you see what's happening here?
I see it baby.
You might not know it,
But it's love.
You may not want it,
But it's love
And baby I'm not taking it back.
So get used to it, darling.
'Cause I'm gonna be here forever

I'm waiting and praying
That this will all work out
'Cause I say I don't want you
But baby you know it's a lie
When I look in your eyes
You know that I'm falling
'Cause I can tell that you're falling for me'

Jenny said timidly, "It is very pretty, Catalina." Catalina's head shot up and she blushed, "I don't think it is but I had to express what I was feeling." Jenny asked, "And what are you feeling?" Catalina sighed, "Besides confusion? Love, I suppose. I think I'm in love." Jenny said, "No, you are NOT in love! It's impossible." Catalina said, "You don't have to like it, Jen-Jen, but it's true." Jenny shook her head, NO! He's 18 years old, he'll never be around, and he has millions of girls at his feet. It can't work." Catalina said, "I know. I'm not acting on it. I'm not going to tell him. But I do think I love him. I spent like 2 hours with him but I think I love him." Jenny sighed, "You're confused. Sort it out and you'll see that you're better off forgetting about him. He's wrong for you. Trust me." Catalina nodded and whispered, "I do trust you, Jenny." Then, just when Catalina was convinced that she'd never have to deal with Justin again, the doorbell rang, shattering any chance she might have had of accomplishing this. It wasn't Justin, though. It was her brother.


Catalina opened the door. She had barely smiled when Carlos, her 24 year-old brother, picked her up and spun her around. Catalina laughed and squealed, "Carlos Tomas Martinez, you put me down this instant!" He put her back on the feet and said, "Catalina Rosette, you are going to be so happy when I tell you this!" Catalina laughed and said, "Tell me, Carlos!" Carlos said, "We got a job with a professional group!" Carlos was trying to make a name for himself and his sister in the music business as producers but no one wanted to hire them because the were so young. Catalina jumped up and screamed, "OH MY GOD!" She took her brother's hands and they started jumping up and down together. Catalina said, "Do you know what this means?" Carlos nodded, "We are now co-producers of 'N SYNC!" Catalina stopped and asked, "'N SYNC?" Carlos nodded, "Isn't it wonderful?" Catalina sat down and started shaking her head, "I-I can't go, Carlos." Carlos's jaw dropped, "What? You have to go? We're a team. Give me one good reason why you can't go." Catalina sighed, "Sit down, Carlos. This is gonna take a while. It all started when I was sophomore in high school-." She paused and started again, "No, actually it started in Tennessee when I was 13…."

Carlos patted Catalina's hands when she finished. "I understand, Sis. Really, I do. But this is our dream." Remembering her dream had another part, he mentioned, "You might even be able to show them some of your songs." Catalina smiled, "Alright. I'll do it. But I can't tell Justin and I have to spend as little time with him as I can." Carlos nodded, "Don't worry, Sis. I'll protect you." She smiled, "Thanks, bro." Carlos smiled, "Go pack, "We leave on tour in 3 days." "We have to go on tour with them? That's part of the job?" Carlos nodded and smiled sympathetically. "Yeah, you see, we kind of supervise, I guess you'd say. Picking music, making schedules and stuff and you, well, I told them you could help wardrobe since that's kind of your thing." "You told them I'd do that. Jeez, are they that desperate? I know color combos, there's a difference between that, and being able to pick outfits out. But then, no one will care what they're wearing, will they?" She smiled, "We're co-producers, Carlos but we might as well have resorted back to being gofers again. They aren't going to take us seriously." Carlos pleaded with his eyes, "Catalina, we're producers. If they didn't think we could do this, they wouldn't have hired us. We supervise but we'll do what we need to." Catalina nodded. She stood up. "I have to do some stuff. I have to pack and I have to quit my job." Carlos laughed, "Good, you're talents are totally wasted as a salesclerk anyway." Catalina smiled. Carlos stood, "I'll come get you at 7 in 3 days. We'll be gone for 3 months. It's cross country so warm and cool clothes, ok?" "Yeah, bro. Wow, this is all happening so fast." Carlos patted her head; "It's amazing, I know. 3 days, Catalina." Catalina nodded. Carlos left and Catalina collapsed on the couch. She called, "Jenny, you can come out! You didn't have to hide while Carlos was here!" Jenny peeked out and insisted, "I wasn't hiding. I was eavesdropping. That's a wonderful opportunity for you." "Can you handle the apartment by yourself?" Jenny nodded, "Yeah, but I'll miss you." "I'm coming back. I'll send money for rent each month." Jenny nodded, "And the Justin situation?" Catalina shrugged, "I'll handle it. Come on, you can help me pack."


3 days later, after a teary good-bye with Jenny, Catalina was sitting Indian-style on the tour bus couch, typing an e-mail to her cousins. She heard laughter approaching and looked up as the 5 men who had just entered the room were stunned to silence. She smiled and pulled off her reading glasses, "Hello, gentlemen ... and JC." JC asked, "What are you doing here, Caramel?" Catalina stretched her long legs. "I work here. Say hello to your new co-producer." Her smile was a mile wide as she savored the look of shock on their faces and the faint gleam of happiness that seemed to be there as well. Joey asked, "What do you mean co-producer?" She smiled again, "Me and my associate have been trying to get a producing job forever. Your management was foolish enough to hire us." Joey laughed, JC smiled, Lance said, "Welcome to the team." Justin smiled nervously and Chris started dancing around, "Our producer is a hottie, our producer is a hottie! La La La La La!" Catalina started laughing uncontrollably and said to no one in particular, "And this guy is older than I am." JC laughed and sat next to her, reading the e-mail. He read aloud, "Dear Pedro, Anna, Selena, Isabel, Antonio, Rico, Miguel, Roberto, Jr., and Maria " He laughed, "Your aunt and uncle have been busy." They laughed. Catalina slipped her reading glasses back on and continued to type. She shrugged, "They have a lot of free time." Everyone laughed. She sent her mail and looked up. They were gazing at her oddly. "Y'all are acting really weird. Is there something wrong?" Chris smiled, "Just tired, it is only 8 in the morning. Our two Sleeping Beauties here don't even think about waking until 10." He put an arm around Justin and JC. Catalina smiled and closed her laptop, "You never were a morning person, as I recall." She turned to the others. "His mom sent me to wake him up once. Little baby gave me a fat lip." JC blushed as everyone laughed, "I apologized a million times." Catalina wiped tears of laughter from her eyes, "And I've almost forgiven you too." Laughter came again. Joey asked hopefully, "Is your friend Jenny coming by?" Catalina narrowed her eyes. Then she smiled, "No, I said my good bye to her already. I'd be careful around her, you flirt with her you might regret it." A ghost of a smile on his lips, Joey said, "Some things are worth the risk." Catalina smiled and looked at Justin, "You're awfully quiet. You still asleep or something?" Justin looked at her, so that was the way they were going to play it. He just nodded and mumbled, "I want my Applejacks." Everyone laughed again.

Catalina sat next to Justin, who was munching on Applejacks. "So…" Justin mumbled sadly, "Yeah, so…" "About the other day…" Justin's head shot up, "It didn't matter. Just a crazy thing. I mean, we both know it can't work so let's forget it." Catalina nodded and asked, "Just friends and business associates?" Justin nodded and grinned. "So, did JC really give you a fat lip?" Catalina laughed and said, "Yep. I'll tell you about it. It all started at about 9 O' Clock in August…" 5 minutes later, 4 guys walked in and saw Justin and Catalina laughing. Justin asked incredulously, "He really kissed your feet?" Catalina nodded and, laughingly, cradled her head in her hands. She looked up and smiled, "Ah, if it isn't my slave for life!" JC blushed, "Must you regale us with that story?" Catalina nodded, "Well, I'm sure you've told them about the things you've done. Like the time when we were driving down Main Street and you opened the window and mooned those Catholic School kids and their teacher, that nun with the leather face, remember?" She started laughing hysterically, the guys joining in with her. JC looked scared and shook his head. Catalina giggled, "Oops, I guess you didn't tell them about that, huh?" Lance asked, "He really did that?" Catalina snickered, "Yep, Mr. Surrogate Father did a lot of stuff I bet he never mentioned." 4 guys stared at JC, who was blushing bright red. Catalina looked at JC evilly, "We have plenty of time, I'll tell you about all of it." She wiggled her eyebrows, "This, JC, is your punishment." He frowned and stuck his tongue out at her. Catalina rolled her eyes and said to the guys, "One time…."


2 days later, they were in Georgia. Catalina leaned over the hotel room balcony and sighed. A voice whispered, "A penny for your thoughts." Catalina turned and smiled. "Worth that much, are they?" Justin grinned, "Inflation. What can I say? It's killing me." He handed her a penny. "Talk." Catalina took the penny, "I'm just feeling a little weird. I've never done this before. Sure I trained for it in college but this is different." Justin said, "Well, I admit you seem to be a little unprofessional but it's ok. Live and learn, right?" Catalina nodded. "It's scary. I gave up my life for this, in a way. I gave up my old job, my home but I gained 5 friends and I'm getting paid to travel the country." She smiled. Justin said, "Hey, it's ok. This may not be normal living, but it's cool." Catalina shrugged, "I never really wanted to this, actually. Producing is Carlos's dream." She sat and put her head in her hands. Justin sat next to her. "And your dream? What do you want to do?" She looked up. "I'm a lyricist, I guess. I write the music to my songs also. That's all I ever wanted to do." Justin asked, "Will you play me something?" Catalina started to protest but then shrugged, "Sure. Let me get my keyboard."

Catalina sighed and started playing a slow tune.

'I know I have to leave now
I know I have to go.
But you know what?
I promise I'm coming back for you.
It may be a while
Before I meet you again.

See you in the future
And then we'll remember the past
We'll remember the good times,
We'll remember the bad
We'll cry, we'll laugh
And it'll all be all right

Now, don't you shed no tears
Don't be sad, I'll be back
We'll find each other again
And everything will work out.

See you in the future
And then we'll remember the past
We'll remember the good times,
We'll remember the bad
We'll cry, we'll laugh
And it'll all be all right

You're my best friend
My only friend
And that is never gonna change
I promise you…
The future will bring us together again
I swear, Oh I swear.
I swear.
I swear…

Catalina looked up and smiled at the look of amazed admiration on Justin's handsome face. "You sing very prettily." Catalina said, "Thanks. I wrote that song when I moved. I felt so terrible about leaving behind JC and everything." Justin nodded, "What do you call it?" A new voice said, "It's called 'See you'. Right, Catalina?" Catalina turned around. "Yeah, JC. You listened to the tape I sent you?" JC nodded, "Every night. You still sing great." The 3 remaining guys wandered in and nodded. Catalina grinned, "I didn't know I had such a large audience." Chris shrugged, "We eavesdrop a lot. We're pretty good at it too, as you'll find out." Catalina laughed. "Well, I'm pretty good at it to. Who, may I ask, is Johanna?" Chris blushed deeply and mumbled, "My, um, my, my-." Catalina nodded, "That's what I thought. Next time, Dreads, don't put speakerphone on. Or should I call you, 'My Sweet Crazy Chrissy-Wissy." She erupted into giggles as the guys stared at Chris. Chris glared at her, "Oh, you are so dead, girl." He advanced toward her but Catalina shot up and dashed around him and out into the hall. She hopped into the elevator and as the doors closed, waved to Chris. Chris saw she was heading to the lobby and rushed down the stairs. Justin, who had come into the hall with Joey, said, "10 bucks he comes back red faced, out of breath and without Catalina." Joey thought for a moment and shook Justin's hand, "You're on man."
