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"Wind Beneath My Wings"

I need to light a candle for my father, John Dorries. I had a candle lit in his honor after my mother, Teresa, died in June because he had cared for her at home for nearly 12 years during her Alzheimer's. Now, my father is in the hospital in critical condition suffering from a massive stroke; he is in a coma.

Please light a candle for John Dorries, Our Wonderful Father, please pray for his recovery from a stroke. He cared for and was dedicated to his wife of 66 years especially during the last almost 12 years of her life (she died 6/12/99) during her battle with Alzheimer's. He needs many prayers, maybe even a miracle. Angels of God, assemble around his bed and protect him from all dangers, and we ask that he will be healed in the name of Jesus. Amen

Ann Dorries Prosek